330 research outputs found

    Le corps dans l'exil. Entre discrimination, exclusion et (ré)affirmation identitaires

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    Le corps dans l’exil : entre discrimination, exclusion et (ré)affirmation identitaires  Parmi les centaines de milliers d’Allemands et d’Autrichiens qui furent contraints à l’exil sous le régime national-socialiste, cinq à dix mille d’entre eux trouvèrent refuge en Bolivie, alors pays le plus pauvre d’Amérique du Sud.   Dans notre contribution, nous nous proposons d’analyser les liens entre corps et frontières comme marqueurs des processus identitaires subis ou vécus par ces exilés. Dans un premier temps les juifs, qui représentent la majorité du groupe qui fait l’objet de notre étude, durent affronter les représentations racistes de leur corporéité qui accompagnèrent leur exclusion de l’espace national auquel ils pensaient appartenir, puis de celle des frontières du Reich, engendrant des crises identitaires majeures. Par la suite, l’arrivée dans les frontières de Bolivie confronta les exilés, dans leur propre corps, à l’altérité, notamment par l’inadaptation physique aux conditions géographiques de la Bolivie (altitude et zones tropicales humides), ce qui ancra davantage le sentiment de rupture identitaire. Dans un troisième temps, les exilés de Bolivie mirent en place des stratégies identitaires pour contourner la crise et (ré)intégrer les frontières d’un espace symbolique redéfini sur place, dont certaines furent développées autour du corps : de manière discriminante d’abord, par les discours sur les Amérindiens de Bolivie, puis par réassignation identitaire autour de la culture du sport et du corps sain portée par les associations juives de l’exil, notamment celles qui répondaient aux mouvements sionistes

    Stratégies identitaires face à la catastrophe national-socialiste chez les exilés germanophones en Bolivie

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    Dans cet article, nous nous proposons d’étudier les conséquences identitaires de la catastrophe national-socialiste à l’exemple des exilés germanophones en Bolivie. Environ 10.000 Allemands et Autrichiens, juifs et opposant politiques, ont trouvé refuge dans ce pays après avoir été contraints de quitter l’Europe. Ces départs précipités ont engendré un véritable effondrement identitaire : les exilés ont en effet dû laisser derrière eux tous leurs repères identificatoires. L’arrivée dans un environnement très différent de celui qu’ils connaissaient a aggravé cette crise qui a touché les individus dans la permanence de leur être. Mais une fois la sidération identitaire passée, c’est collectivement que les émigrés vont développer des stratégies identitaires diverses pour tenter de se redéfinir : repli communautaire pour les juifs, démarcation politique pour certains émigrés allemands, (re)création d’un sentiment d’appartenance culturel pour les Autrichiens

    L’antisémitisme dans l’exil germanophone en Bolivie (1938-1945)

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    Entre 1938 et 1945, environ 10 000 exilés germanophones qui quittèrent le Reich en raison de leur orientation politique ou de leur judéité, affirmée ou assignée, trouvèrent refuge en Bolivie. Cette vague d’immigration engendra des tensions entre arrivants et population locale qui menèrent à des manifestations parfois violentes d’antisémitisme. Nous en analyserons, à travers l’étude des correspondances des exilés et des journaux publiés en Bolivie les causes et les formes prises par ces tensions, ainsi que leur impact sur les processus de construction identitaire des exilés, marqués par l’indifférence, voire le rejet

    Rencontres et confrontations dans l’espace de l’exil germanophone en Bolivie (1938- 1945)

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    Between 1938 and 1945, 10.000 Germans were forced to leave the Reich due to their political or religious affiliation (wether the latter was proclaimed or assigned) and settled in Bolivia. They were involved in a specific mode of migration, a forced one, that took them in a country where they had no points of reference to identify themselves with. They were unable to prepare or even anticipate the first contacts with the Bolivian population. Our aim in this paper is to outline how the exile itself made these contacts between migrants and local population difficult even before they occured. Moreover, we’ll explore the limited contacts between the exiled Germans and the Bolivian elite, even if they were marginal compared to phenomena of indifference and rejection. Chances of integration and hybridation were limited in Bolivia unlike what happened in other countries such as Canada or Argentina. The exile and these difficulties facilitated the formation of an ‘exile society’ made of contacts and conflicts that will be explained too

    Identités en exil. L’exemple des exilés de langue allemande en Bolivie (1933-1945)

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    Nearly half a million of German and Austrian nationals,fleeing persecution at the hand of the national‑socialist regime, were forced into exile in Europe and overseas. A few thousands of them found refuge in Bolivia, then the poorest country in South America. In our study, this dissertaition will analyse the identity crisis caused by the rupture of exile as well as the identity strategies those who were affected developed to overcome this crisis. We chose to focus on the specific difficulties of the Germann speaking exile who in Bolivia had to face a sociocultural environment widely different from what they had known in Europe and in which they couldn’t find any references to relate to. Since fast acculturation was nearly impossible, the exiles had to recreate transnational in-between spaces that would enable them to activate defensive mechanisms to (re)build their identities. Our study aims to analyse the nature of these spaces as well as the different - or even divergent - processes of identity reconstruction the German–speaking exiles established in Bolivia. Our work relies on the sociology of identity in a migratory context with a specific focus on collective sociocultural and political spaces and on the redefining of identities for people who were the victims of a discriminating label

    Optimization issues in phenotyping plateforms

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    International audienceThe combined effects of climate change and population growth have made agriculture appear as one of the most important challenge of the century. In order to be able to produce food for everyone in the coming decades, there is an urgent need to build more knowledge about plants, and how to grow them in a sustainable way, i.e., how to produce enough biomass without resorting to pollutant chemicals inputs. Hence, plant biologists need to understand what makes plants resistant to diseases, parasites, insects and hydric stress, among other environment effects. The functional plant body, called the phenotype, is the result of the combination of the plan genotype with the environment: two plants with the same DNA will not have the same development under different environment conditions. As the so-called \textit{plant performance} is the result of phenotype, a lot of effort has recently been devoted to study plants phenotype. More specifically, biologists run large scale experiments on hundreds or thousands of plants, for example to determine how resistant is a particular plant to a wide range of environment conditions. To this end, the plants are settled in pots, and these pots are moved by a conveyor belt from a cultivation chamber to different quantitative automated measurement stations, where RGB cameras, spectrography and other techniques are employed to monitor plants growth on a regular basis. The European project EPPN2020 aims at gathering a large number of such facilities to share experience and accelerate the research progresses in plant biology. It currently involves 31 plant phenotyping platforms and 21 partners across Europe from 12 countries (including the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra), under the coordination of INRA, with a budget of \euro 10 million for four years. It can be observed that the phenotyping platforms available in EPPN2020 and everywhere else in the world have a very similar structure

    Biological roles of crop NADP-malic enzymes and molecular mechanisms involved in abiotic stress

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    The abiotic stress tolerance of plants is very important for plant growth, development, survival and functional performance. NADP-ME is one of the most important enzymes in plants. Studying the role that NADP-malic enzyme plays in many metabolisms may help researchers improve the plant abiotic tolerance. The studies on NADP-ME in plants focus on its activity under different stresses. The regulation of NADP-ME gene expression in transgenic plants and the mechanism about abiotic stress resistance are less. In this paper, we reviewed the characteristics of the activity and genes expression of NADP-ME under drought, salt and temperature stresses. We also focused on the role of NADP-ME when it resists these varying stresses and the mechanism on how it performs.Key words: Plant NADP-malic enzyme, abiotic stress, gene expression, molecular mechanism

    Differences in pigment circadian rhythmicity in green- and red-leafed tree species in the sun and shade

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    Light flux and quality are crucial factor for setting endogenous plant circadian rhythms. Evaluating the daily rhythmicity of leaf chlorophyll content is an effective method to monitor the plant physiological endogenous clock in response to environmental signals such as light availability/quality. Here, we used a leaf-clip sensor to monitor diurnal rhythms in the content of chlorophyll and flavonoids such as flavonols and anthocyanins in three green- (Ailanthus altissima, Tilia platyphyllos and Platanus x acerifolia) and two red-leafed (Acer platanoides cv. Crimson King and Prunus cerasifera var. pissardii) tree species, adapted to sun (L) or shade (S). Significant differences in chlorophyll content (Chl) and its variations during the day were observed among treatments in all the analyzed species. S-plants had more Chl than L-plants irrespective of leaf color, and Chl variations were more distinct during the day than in L-plants. In particular, contents were lowest in the morning (9:00) and in the middle of the day (at 12:00 and 15:00), and the highest at dusk (21:00). The less evident trends in Chl variation in L-plants were attributed to a decrease in Chl content in high light, which likely masked any increases in the shaded counterparts during the afternoon. Daily flavonol levels did not vary no notably during the day. In sun-exposed red leaves, anthocyanins partially screened mesophyll cells from incident light, and its levels were similar to the Chl dynamics in the shaded counterparts. This study provides new bases for further work on endogenous rhythms of plant pigments and improves our understanding of plant physiology in the context of day/night rhythmicity

    Normalized difference vegetation index sensor-based nitrogen management in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Nutrient uptake, use efficiency, and partial nutrient balance

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    The present experiment was conducted to assess the impact of fixed and variable doses (using a normalized difference vegetation index-sensor) of nitrogen (N) on wheat yields, nutrient uptake, nitrogen use efficiency, and soil nitrogen balance through the optimization of nitrogen dose. There were 10 treatments based on fixed and variable doses with different splits, and each treatment was replicated three times under a randomized complete block design. The treatments comprised fixed doses of 120 and 150 kg N ha–1 with different splits; variable doses based on sensor readings after application of 60, 90, and 120 kg N ha–1; 225 kg N ha–1 as a nitrogen-rich control; and no application of nitrogen as the absolute control. It was revealed that the application of a basal dose of 60 kg N ha–1 and another 60 kg N ha–1 at the crown root initiation stage followed by a sensor-guided N application significantly improved wheat grain yields and grain nitrogen uptake. However, straw nitrogen uptake was highest in N-rich plots where 225 kg N ha–1was applied. It was found that any curtailment in these doses at basal and crown root initiation stages followed by nitrogen application using a normalized difference vegetation index sensor later could not bring about higher crop yields. On average, wheat crops responded to 152–155 kg N ha–1 in both years of the study. Partial factor productivity along with agronomic and economic nitrogen use efficiency showed a declining trend with an increased rate of N application. Apparent N recovery values were comparable between normalized difference vegetation index sensor-based N application treatments and treatments receiving lesser N doses. Soil N status decreased in all the treatments except the nitrogen-rich strip, where there was a marginal increase in soil N status after the wheat crop harvest in the rotation. Partial nitrogen balance was negative for all the treatments except the control. From these 2-year field trials, it can be concluded that applying a normalized difference vegetation index sensor could be an essential tool for the rational management of fertilizer nitrogen in wheat grown in eastern sub-Himalayan plains
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