19 research outputs found

    A model of destination competitiveness/sustainability: Brazilian perspectives

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    This paper reviews the understanding I have gained from several years of research, and from several more years of ongoing discussions with industry leaders regarding the nature of competitiveness among tourism destinations. This understanding has been captured, in summary form, in the model of Destination Competitiveness/Sustainability (Ritchie and Crouch, 2003). This model contains seven (7) components which we have found to play a major role, from a policy perspective, in determining the competitiveness/sustainability of a tourism destination. In addition to the valuable understanding which these seven components provide from a policy perspective, the specific elements of each the major components provide a more useful/practical guidance to those who are responsible for the ongoing management of a DMO (Destination Management Organization). With this overview in mind, this paper will provide a detailed review and explanation of the model that I have developed with colleague, Dr. Geoffrey I. Crouch of Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Based on previous presentations throughout the world, it has proven very helpful to both academics and practitioners who seek to understand the complex nature of tourism destination competitiveness/sustainability

    Tourism Principles Practices Philosophies

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    xix. 624 hal.;23 c

    Determinants of Tourism Success for DMOs and Destinations: An Empirical Examination of Stakeholders’ Perspectives

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    What is tourism success? Specifically, what does tourism success mean for a destination as opposed to a destination management organization (DMO)? The main objectives of this study were to examine the concept of tourism success as it relates to both destinations and to DMOs, and to determine if a relationship or distinction exists between the two. Eighty-four (84) knowledgeable tourism managers and stakeholders from twenty-five (25) Canadian destinations were interviewed. Responses were used to identify variables and build a model that supports the existence of a relationship between the success of tourism destinations and DMOs with respect to community relations, marketing, and economic indicators. Unique to DMO success were supplier relations, effective management, strategic planning, organizational focus and drive, proper funding, and quality personnel. Unique to destination success were location and accessibility, attractive product and service offerings, quality visitor experiences, and community support. To conclude, achieving success in tourism is challenging and ill understood. We hope that this study will prove to be a small step towards enhancing our understanding of the variables associated with both DMO and destination success.Ye

    Tourism Sciences or Tourism Studies?Implications for the Design and Content of Tourism Programming

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    We regard this invitation to prepare a paper on the topic “Tourism Sciences or Tourism Studies” as both a privilege and a challenge. It is a privilege, in that it provides an opportunity to present a personal perspective on a topic that has been discussed and debated for some time, yet it is a challenge also, because there has been only a modest resolution of the issues involved. Tourism science is designed to provide a theoretical understanding of tourism. Tourism studies (as the applied study of tourism) are designed to enhance our ability to effectively manage the destination and, in doing so, enhance the well-being of the residents of a tourism destination. It is hoped that the overview of the material we used to make the distinction between tourism science and tourism studies has been helpful. While we would have liked to provide much greater detail in order to make certain of our arguments more effective, we have faced fairly severe space limitations. We can only hope that we have still been able to convey the essence of our message

    La creación y promoción de experiencias en un destino turístico. Un análisis de la investigación y necesidades de actuación

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    El artículo realiza una profunda revisión teórica de un término de creciente interés: la experiencia. Se aborda la comprensión de las dimensiones de la experiencia turística, cómo analizarlas, y cómo desarrollar y comunicar una experiencia turística, presentado especial atención a la marca y los eventos como paradigma promocional de la misma. Como aportaciones principales, este trabajo analiza e identifica la situación de la investigación sobre experiencias turísticas, y finaliza con una propuesta: matriz de diseño de la experiencia, para la implementación práctica de experiencias en un destino.This paper goes through a comprehensive literature review in order to properly deal with such an important topic as «the experience». This work examines the experience dimensions, how to analyze them, and how to develop and promote a tourist experience, paying attention to the brand and events as a paradigmatic promotional tool. The main contribution of this paper focus in identifying state of the art about tourist experiences research, and it shows an operative framework to put into practice the tourist experience in a destination