390 research outputs found

    Ordinal Probit Functional Regression Models with Application to Computer-Use Behavior in Rhesus Monkeys

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    Research in functional regression has made great strides in expanding to non-Gaussian functional outcomes, however the exploration of ordinal functional outcomes remains limited. Motivated by a study of computer-use behavior in rhesus macaques (\emph{Macaca mulatta}), we introduce the Ordinal Probit Functional Regression Model or OPFRM to perform ordinal function-on-scalar regression. The OPFRM is flexibly formulated to allow for the choice of different basis functions including penalized B-splines, wavelets, and O'Sullivan splines. We demonstrate the operating characteristics of the model in simulation using a variety of underlying covariance patterns showing the model performs reasonably well in estimation under multiple basis functions. We also present and compare two approaches for conducting posterior inference showing that joint credible intervals tend to out perform point-wise credible. Finally, in application, we determine demographic factors associated with the monkeys' computer use over the course of a year and provide a brief analysis of the findings

    Semiparametric Latent Variable Regression Models for Spatio-temporal Modeling of Mobile Source Particles in the Greater Boston Area

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    Traffic particle concentrations show considerable spatial variability within a metropolitan area. We consider latent variable semiparametric regression models for modeling the spatial and temporal variability of black carbon and elemental carbon concentrations in the greater Boston area. Measurements of these pollutants, which are markers of traffic particles, were obtained from several individual exposure studies conducted at specific household locations as well as 15 ambient monitoring sites in the city. The models allow for both flexible, nonlinear effects of covariates and for unexplained spatial and temporal variability in exposure. In addition, the different individual exposure studies recorded different surrogates of traffic particles, with some recording only outdoor concentrations of black or elemental carbon, some recording indoor concentrations of black carbon, and others recording both indoor and outdoor concentrations of black carbon. A joint model for outdoor and indoor exposure that specifies a spatially varying latent variable provides greater spatial coverage in the area of interest. We propose a penalised spline formation of the model that relates to generalised kringing of the latent traffic pollution variable and leads to a natural Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm for model fitting. We propose methods that allow us to control the degress of freedom of the smoother in a Bayesian framework. Finally, we present results from an analysis that applies the model to data from summer and winter separatel
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