159 research outputs found

    Using Statistico-Relational Model for Activity Recognition in Smart Home

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    International audienceThis paper presents the use of a model which mixes logical knowledge and statistical inference to recognize Activities of Daily Living (ADL) from sensors in a smart home. This model called Markov Logic Network (MLN) has different implementations and we propose to compare three of them, from the widely used Alchemy 1 to the new generic framework DeepDive 2. Finally, we discuss the interest these software products can have for real time activity recognition

    Preliminary Study of Adaptive Decision-Making System for Vocal Command in Smart Home

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    International audienceIn smart homes, prediction and decision are often defined a priori and require tuning from the user, which can be tedious, and complex. However, these smart homes have the ability to analyze the user behavior and to modify their decisions automatically. We present a preliminary study that tests a decision system from voice command and the user's context, which is modified by reinforcement learning. The system ran on a realistic corpus, which shows the interest of such an adaptation

    Étude préliminaire d'une méthode de prise de décision adaptative pour la commande vocale dans un habitat intelligent

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    International audienceIn smart homes, prediction and decision are often defined a priori and require tuning from the user, which can be tedious, and complex. However, these smart home can demonstrate the ability to analyse the user behavior and so as to modify its decisions automatically. We present a preliminary study that tests a decision system from voice command and context which is modified by reinforcement learning. The system was run on a realistic corpus which shows the interest of such an adaptation.Dans les habitats intelligents, les prédictions et décisions qui sont souvent faites a priori nécessitent de la part de l'utilisateur une configuration qui peut être complexe et fastidieuse. Ces habitats ont pourtant des capacités de perception requises pour analyser le comportement de l'utilisateur et modifier ses décisions automatiquement. Nous présentons une étude préliminaire qui teste un système de décision à partir d'une commande vocale et de son contexte modifié par renforcement. Le système expérimenté sur un corpus réaliste montre le potentiel d'une telle adaptation

    Blended Learning: Student and Faculty Perspectives in the Five Colleges

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    In the Five College Consortium, the perennial question when introducing digital objects into the classroom is: how does one improve the student’s experience without jeopardizing the core of current practice and success? In an effort to answer this question, the Five Colleges Blended Learning and Digital Humanities program (5collBLDH) surveyed faculty across our consortium as well as students at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst who have experienced classes with blended technologies. Our paper will describe these surveys, our methods, and the data generated as well as suggesting some interpretations about student and faculty perspectives on Blended Learning

    Distribuição espacial da pressão na lateral de um pivô central com base em um modelo digital de elevação (MDE)

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    The spatial distribution of pressure head values along a 432,6m long center pivot lateral line was determined using measured values, taken at the inlet and end sections of the lateral line, and combined with topographic elevation data from a SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) image. Data furnished by SRTM describes topographic elevation values along the wheel tracks of each one of the eight towers used for the sustentation of the center pivot lateral line. For validation purposes of the process used for the determination of the pressure head distribution along the lateral line length, on 18 angular positions equally spaced along a complete turn of the lateral line, values of pressure head were also measured on 6 distinct points of the lateral line. Differences, on a 5% signiï¬cance level for the student t means test, were observed when measured values were compared to pressure head values estimated based on SRTM's altitude data. After the creation of thematic maps, there was a coincidence in the positioning of the regions of occurrence of the highest of pressure head, also, the lower pressure head values. The study demonstrates that the use of elevation data from SRTM images is acceptable only for the elaboration of thematic maps destined to delimit within the irrigated area the occurrence of regions where different pressure head values prevailed.A distribuição espacial da carga de pressão ao longo dos 432,6m de comprimento de uma linha lateral de um pivô central foi determinada a partir de valores medidos, na entrada e na extremidade da linha lateral, e combinados com dados de altitude proveniente de uma imagem SRTM do rastro das oito torres de sustentação da linha lateral. Para fins de validação da estimativa da distribuição espacial da carga de pressão na linha lateral móvel, em 18 diferentes posições angulares, foram medidos valores de carga de pressão em seis pontos distintos do seu comprimento. Diferenças significativas, ao nível de 5% do teste de médias “t de student”, foram observadas quando valores de carga de pressão estimados com dados de altitude do SRTM foram comparados com os valores medidos em campo. Após a confecção de mapas temáticos verificou-se coincidência no posicionamento das regiões de ocorrência dos valores mais elevados, como também dos menores valores de carga de pressão. O estudo demonstrou que o uso de dados de elevação a partir de imagens SRTM é aceitável apenas para a elaboração de mapas temáticos destinados a delimitar dentro da área irrigada a ocorrência de regiões onde prevaleceram valores de pressão distintos