1,457 research outputs found

    Diversity, urban space and the right to the provincial city

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    Using three vignettes of the same physical space this article contributes to understanding of how the right to the city is contested in provincial England in the early twenty-first century. Oral history and ethnographic material gathered in Peterborough between 2010 and 2012 are drawn on to shed new light on the politics of diversity and urban space. This highlights the multiple place attachments and trans-spatial practices of all residents, including the white ethnic majority, as well as contrasting forms of active intervention in space with their different temporalities and affective intensities. The article carries its own diversity politics, seeking to reduce the harm done by racism through challenging the normalisation of the idea of a local, indigenous population, left out by multiculturalism. It simultaneously raises critical questions about capitalist regeneration strategies in terms of their impact both on class inequality and on the environment

    The whereabouts of power: politics, government and space

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    In a world where it has become almost commonplace to talk about power as centralised or distributed, concentrated or diffuse, deterritorialized or dispersed even, it is all too easy to miss the diverse geographies of power that put us in place. The binary talk that forces us to choose between a centred or a decentred view of power, or to shuffle between them in an effort to blur clearly demarcated scales, leaves little room to move beyond defined distances and settled proximities in relation to the exercise of power. In this paper, a more spatially-curious dialogue of power is opened up which foregrounds associational as well as instrumental forms of power which can make a difference to how we act politically

    Beyond critique: the value of co-production in realising just cities?

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    This paper contributes to the burgeoning literature on the role of academic–practice relationships in contributing to sustainable urban development. We argue that co-production offers a potential pathway for academics to work with policy-makers in moving towards the realisation of more just cities. The paper starts from the position that there is an essential need for, but limit to, critique alone in contributing to the possibility of urban change. Moving towards a shared critique as a basis for future action is an important precondition for realising more just cities, adding weight to the voices arguing for alternative urban visions. These arguments are advanced through a study conducted by academic researchers and policy-makers in the Greater Manchester Low Carbon Hub. The paper outlines a process for working with existing urban institutions within institutional constraints to develop affirmative actions with the aim of longer term transformations. A key contribution is then the identification of eight markers for assessing progress towards the realisation of more just cities

    Megaprojects as an instrument of urban planning and development: example of Belgrade Waterfront

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    The research analyzed the theoretical and methodological background of urban megaprojects (UMPs) as instrument of urban planning and development, with specific reference to the Belgrade Waterfront Project (BWP). In analysis we combined a contextually appropriate ap-proach, some elements of the phronetic planning approach and the benchmarking analysis of megaproject planning and development. BWP induced a change of the institutional framework (introduction of specific legal and policy instruments), as a key source of future changes in the metropolitan tissue. Preliminary impact assessment of the BWP indicates: slow development & economic effects, low transparency, social inequalities, marginal social mobilization and weak networks between the key actors, public funds overuse, impact on law-making, displacement impacts, high public financial risk, deep urban transformations, environmental impacts, medium-technological modernization, etc. This research highlights the differences in the political, institutional, social and economic environment that shape the BWP. It provides recommendations for future research and application, improvement of planning approach and continuing in-depth analysis for managing the undesirable consequences of the UMPs, including the determination of the interplay between different pools of power.Slična verzija rada bila je prezentovana na konferenciji UNESCO (2016) pod istim naslovom Megaprojects as an Instrument of Urban Planning and Development: Example of Belgrade Waterfront Project, in UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development: From Innovation to Social Impact, UNESCO Chair Conference on Technologies for Development: From Innovation to Social Impact, 2-4 May 2016, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - EPFL, Cooperation & Development Center - CODEV, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp.104, http://cooperation.epfl.ch/files/content/sites/cooperation/files/Tech4Dev%202016/Tech4Dev2016_Brochure_14Apr_WebVersion.pdfEditors: Silvia Hostettler, Samira Najih Besson, Jean-Claude Bola

    Development of Macro Level Indicators of Restructuring and Workers' Health

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    Hauptgegenstand dieses Projektes war es, eine internationale Datenbank (insb. für Europa) von Faktoren herzustellen, die für die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von wirtschaftlicher Umstrukturierung und Personalabbau relevant sind. Daten von der WHO, EUROSTAT, OECD, FAO, ILO, Weltbank und der UNO wurden so zusammengeführt, dass sie die Analyse ökonomischer Faktoren, die Umstrukturierungen hervorbringen und die Gesundheit der Bevölkerungen industrialisierter Länder beeinflussen, ermöglichen. Es wurde darauf geachtet, die wichtigsten Hypothesen zu einer möglichen Relation von ökonomischer Umstrukturierung und Gesundheit in Betracht zu ziehen. Globalisierung und Umstrukturierung Brenner bestimmt die zentralen externen Faktoren, die großen Einfluss auf den Umstrukturierungsprozess haben: Globalisierung (durch internationalen Handel), technischer Wandel (als Hauptursache für Produktivitätsanstieg), politische Entscheidungen (bzgl. internationaler Konkurrenzfähigkeit, High-Tech-Investitionen, Investitionen in Bildung und Wissenschaft, Einwanderungspolitik) und Unternehmensführung (u.a. Trends in akademischen Management-Theorien bezüglich Kostenkontrolle, Profitmaximierung, sozialer Verantwortung und Investitionsentscheidungen in Kapitalgüter vs. Humankapital). Mögliche Quellen einer Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung der Bevölkerung sind Deindustrialisierung, Personalabbau, Outsourcing, Offshoring und Standortwechsel. Geschwindigkeit des Wandels Globalisierung und die damit verbundenen Umstrukturierungen üben einen extremen Anpassungsdruck auf die betroffenen Beschäftigten, Familien und Gemeinwesen aus. Aber die Geschichte hat gezeigt, dass eine ausbleibende oder besonders langsame Umstrukturierung zu langsamen Wachstum, Inflation und instabilen Währungskursen führt. Schnelle Umstrukturierung ist in modernen, industrialisierten, vernetzten und technologisch innovativen Gesellschaften ein Teil des Lebens. Die Hypothese muss überprüft werden, dass der negative Einfluss von Umstrukturierung auf die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten proportional zur Länge des wirtschaftlichen Abschwungs verläuft. Personalabbau ist ein weiterer Aspekt des heutigen Arbeitsmarktes, der negative Auswirkungen wie höhere Arbeitsbelastung, unsicherere Arbeitsbedingungen, Gesundheitsgefahren und die Gefahr der Arbeitslosigkeit für die Weiterbeschäftigten haben kann. Andreeva et al. untersuchen diesen Hauptaspekt des Personalabbaus. Regionale Dimensionen Edenharter führt Scatterplots als ein Werkzeug zur Überwachung regionaler Entwicklung ein. Lineare Regression erzeugt die Scatterplots, die die Beziehung zwischen Lebenserwartung und zwei ökonomischen Indikatoren, Arbeitslosigkeitsrate und Einkommen, in jeder der Regionen in der Fallstudie in Deutschland anzeigen. Sozioökonomische Gesundheitsungleichheiten in der Rezession Die Untersuchung von Theodossiou geht der Frage nach, durch welche Einflusswege Rezession und ökonomische Erholung sozioökonomische Ungleichheiten und Arbeitslosigkeit verstärken, welche sich wiederum auf die physische und psychische Gesundheit auswirken. In der empirischen Literatur wird Arbeitslosigkeit als eine zentrale sozioökonomische Determinante von Gesundheit identifiziert, insbesondere bei Männern. Allerdings beeinflusst Arbeitslosigkeit nicht nur die Arbeitslosen, sondern auch ihre Partner und Kinder. Ein wichtiger politischer Rückschluss der Untersuchung ist der Langzeit- und sogar generationsübergreifende Effekt von Armut und Arbeitslosigkeit. Entsprechende Entbehrungen in der Kindheit haben langwierige Folgen für die Gesundheit der Betroffenen, die sich erst später im Erwerbsalter zeigen. Wirtschaftspolitik und gesundheitliche Ungleichheit Drakopoulos berichtet, dass infolge der Stagflation der 70er Jahre, als die Regierungen konservativer wurden, der Schwerpunkt ihrer Wirtschaftspolitik sich auf Kosten der Bekämpfung von Arbeitslosigkeit hin zur Bekämpfung der Inflation verschob. Ein positiver Einfluss wird folgenden Maßnahmen zugeschrieben: Reduzierung der Arbeitslosigkeit, höheren Ausgaben, niedrigeren Steuern und Zinsraten sowie Subventionen an Firmen, die ihre Beschäftigungsraten erhöhen. Bildungsausgaben die die Arbeitskräfte für die Bedürfnisse neuer Industrien und Bereiche mit Arbeitskräftemangel qualifizieren erhöhen das Humankapital und die Produktivität. Politische Maßnahmen zur Abschwächung der Umstrukturierungsfolgen Triomphe stellt fest, dass Umstrukturierung für Manager, Gewerkschafter und Beschäftigte eine breite Palette von Änderungen bedeutet, die mindestens einen Unternehmensbereich oder ein gesamtes Unternehmen in Form von Schließung, Personalabbau, Outsourcing, Offshoring, Leiharbeit, Zusammenlegung, Versetzungen oder anderen komplexen Reorganisationen betreffen. Doch für die betroffenen Regionen und Arbeitsämter bedeutet es vor allem Personalabbau und Fabrikschließungen.The main purpose of this project has been to construct an international database, especially for Europe, involving factors that relate to economic restructuring and job downsizing that have implications for health. Relevant data from the WHO, EUROSTAT, OECD, FAO, ILO, World Bank, and United Nations have been merged in a manner that will permit analysis of economic factors bearing on restructuring as they influence the health of industrialized country populations. In order to be certain that the relevant factors were included in the database, the investigators wanted to be confident that the major hypotheses regarding the potential relation between economic restructuring and health were taken into account. Thus, the more specific aims of the project were to identify the literatures and hypotheses that bear on these issues. These literatures are reviewed below. Globalisation and Restructuring: Indicators Brenner identifies the principal external factors that are thought to have a major influence on the restructuring process. These include globalization (via international trade), technological change (i.e. the principal source of productivity growth), government policies (involving international competitiveness, high technology investments, investments in science and education, immigration policies) and management style (including the trends in academic managerial theories as to cost control, profit maximization, social responsibility, investment in capital goods versus human capital etc). Potential sources of harm to the health of the population include: deindustrialization, downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring and delocalization. Rate of Change We know that globalization, and associated restructuring, places extreme pressure on adaptation of affected workers, families and communities. But, history has shown that lack of restructuring or restructuring at very slow speed leads to slow growth, inflation and exchange rate instability. Rapid restructuring is a fact of life for modern, industrialised, highly interconnected, technologically innovative societies. A hypothesis that needs testing is the belief that negative impacts of restructuring on workers‘ health are proportional to the length of the economic downturn. Downsizing is another aspect of today‘s labour market which can introduce negative changes for those who remain employed, such as heavier workload, unsafe working conditions, physical hazards, and job insecurity. Andreeva and colleagues review these main effects of downsizing. Regional Dimension Edenharter introduces scatter-plots as a tool to monitor regional development over time. Linear regression generated the scatter-plots indicating the relationship between life expectancy and two economic indicators, unemployment rate and income, in each of the regions in the case study of Germany. Socioeconomic Inequalities of Health in Recessions The review by Theodossiou suggests mechanisms, or pathways, for how recession and economic upheaval foster socioeconomic inequalities and unemployment, which, in turn, impact on physical and mental health. The review of the empirical literature identifies unemployment as a key socioeconomic determinant of health, particularly for men. However, unemployment does not only affect unemployed individuals but also their spouses and children. A main policy implication of this review of evidence is the long term and even intergenerational effect of poverty and unemployment. Childhood deprivation due to poverty and unemployment of their parents have long lasting detrimental effects on the health of individuals that are visible at later ages of working life. Economic Policy and Health Inequalities Drakopoulos recounts that, following the stagflation of the 1970’s, as governments became more conservative, the emphasis of their economic policies shifted towards eliminating inflation at the expense of unemployment. What particular economic policies have a beneficial impact on health? These include policies targeted to reducing unemployment, including increased government spending, lowered taxation and low interest rates as well as employment subsidies to firms in order to maintain/increase employment levels. Education and training funds directed toward capacity building of the workforce to fill new industries and address critical shortages improves human capital and also increases productivity. Policies Mitigating Consequences of Restructuring Triomphe indicates that for managers, trade unions and employees, restructuring refers to a wide panel of changes, affecting at least a whole organizational sector or an entire company in the forms of closure, downsizing, job losses, outsourcing, off-shoring, sub-contracting, merging, delocalization, internal job mobility or other complex internal reorganizations. But, it means mostly downsizing, closing factories and dismissals for employment services and territories

    The Political Economy of Non-Traditional Security: Explaining the Governance of Avian Influenza in Indonesia

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    Given the common association of non-traditional security (NTS) problems with globalisation, surprisingly little attention has been paid to how the political economy context of given NTS issues shape how they are securitised and managed in practice. We argue that security and its governance are always highly contested because different modes of security governance invariably privilege particular interests and normative agendas in state and society, which relate directly to the political economy. Drawing on critical political geography, we argue that, because NTS issues are perceived as at least potentially transnational, their securitisation often involves strategic attempts by actors and coalitions to ‘rescale’ their governance beyond the national political and institutional arenas, into new, expert-dominated modes of governance. Such efforts are often resisted by other coalitions, for which this rescaling is deleterious. As evidenced by a case study of avian influenza in Indonesia, particular governance outcomes depend upon the nature of the coalitions assembled for and against rescaling in specific situations, while these coalitions’ make-up and relative strength is shaped by the political economy of the industries that rescaling would affect, viewed against the broader backdrop of state-society relations