475 research outputs found

    A route identification algorithm for assisted living applications fusing WLAN, GPS and image matching data

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    This paper addresses the automatic identification of often traversedroutes for assisted living applications using WLAN technology in addition to other modalities. This problem is complicated by a number of factors, including the changing and noisy nature of the WLAN channel, the need to track users seamlessly in both indoor and outdoor environments, the need for robustness to slight deviations in the precise path taken, and speed, along a route. In this work commonly traversed routes are identified by clustering based on sensed data, two of which take the form of wireless signals: GPS and WLAN. The latter is particularly important as it can be used both indoors and outdoors. In addition an efficient image matching algorithm is implemented to process data from images automatically taken along the route. In this work a finite number of routes were identified within the DCU campus. Each route was traversed many times over a period of 6 weeks and data sequences collected automatically on each occasion. Each such traversal of a route is referred to as a trip in what follows. Section (2) outlines the use of Multidimensional Time Warping in order to automatically cluster trips corresponding to specific routes based on wireless and image data sensed on each trip. Section (3) outlines the manner in which data was sensed and presents clustering results for each modality individually as well as results based on a fusion of the data

    The synthesis characterization and application of novel N-ferrocenoyl peptide derivatives

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    In recent years there has been an increasing focus on the design and synthesis of electrochemical biosensors as they can lead to the analytical determination of biological and organic analytes. As amino acid and peptides play such a diverse role within biological systems incorporation of a redox active, chromophoric group into these compounds is of particular interest. This coupling is usually carried out as the last step in the preparation of such bioorganometallic compounds as the ferrocene moiety can prove sensitive to the conditions employed during peptide synthesis

    Indoor localisation based on fusing WLAN and image data

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    In this paper we address the automatic identification of indoor locations using a combination of WLAN and image sensing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of combining the strengths of these two complementary modalities for very chal- lenging data. We describe a fusion approach that allows localising to a specific office within a building to a high degree of precision or to a location within that office with reasonable precision. As it can be orientated towards the needs and capabilities of a user based on context the method becomes useful for ambient assisted living applications

    User tracking using a wearable camera

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    Abstract—This paper addresses automatic indoor user tracking based on fusion of WLAN and image sensing. Our motivation is the increasing prevalence of wearable cameras, some of which can also capture WLAN data. We propose a novel tracking method that can be employed when using image-based, WLAN-based and fusion-based approach only. The effectiveness of combining the strengths of these two complementary modalities is demonstrated for a very challenging data

    Using SenseCam images in a multimodal fusion framework for route detection and localisation

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    Problem of structuring location data is solved by proposing a framework for classifying the data into often-traversed routes. It does not rely on any one source of location information, but can fuse data from multimodal localisation sources: SenseCam images, GPS data and WLAN signal strengths

    Dual-sensor fusion for indoor user localisation

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    In this paper we address the automatic identification of in- door locations using a combination of WLAN and image sensing. Our motivation is the increasing prevalence of wear- able cameras, some of which can also capture WLAN data. We propose to use image-based and WLAN-based localisa- tion individually and then fuse the results to obtain better performance overall. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our fusion algorithm for localisation to within a 8.9m2 room on very challenging data both for WLAN and image-based algorithms. We envisage the potential usefulness of our ap- proach in a range of ambient assisted living applications

    A hybrid method for indoor user localisation

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    In this work we describe an approach to indoor user localisation by combining image-based and RF-based methods and compare this new approach to prior work. This paper details a new algorithm for indoor user localisation, demonstrating more effective user localisation than prior approaches and therefore presents the next step in combining two different technologies for localisation in indoor type environments

    The Future of Clinical Trials of Myopia Control

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    In the field of myopia control, effective optical or pharmaceutical therapies are now available to patients in many markets. This creates challenges for the conduct of placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trials, including ethics, recruitment, retention, selective loss of faster progressors and non-protocol treatments: 1. Ethics: It is valid to question whether withholding treatment in control subjects is ethical. 2. Recruitment: Availability of treatments is making recruitment into clinical trials more difficult. 3. Retention: If masking is not possible, parents may immediately withdraw their child if randomised to no treatment. 4. Selective loss: Withdrawal of fast progressors in the control group leading to a control group biased towards low progression. 5. Non-protocol treatment: Parents may access other myopia treatments in addition to those within the trial. We propose that future trials may adopt one of the following designs: A Non-inferiority trials using an approved drug or device as the control. The choice will depend on whether a regulatory agency has approved the drug or device. B Short conventional efficacy trials where data are subsequently entered into a model created from previous clinical trials, which allows robust prediction of long-term treatment efficacy from the initial efficacy. C Virtual control group trials based on data relating to axial elongation, myopia progression or both, accounting for subject\u27s age and race. D Short-term control data from a cohort, for example, 1 year or less, and applying an appropriate, proportional annual reduction in axial elongation to that population and extrapolating to subsequent years. E Time-to- treatment- failure trials using survival analysis; once a treated or control subject progresses or elongates by a given amount, they exit the study and can be offered treatment. In summary, the future development of new treatments in myopia control will be hampered if significant changes are not made to the design of clinical trials in this area

    Multimodal identification of journeys

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    Due to the ubiquity of localisation technology, users now have the ability to keep a record of their own location, as a kind of ‘location diary’. Such a large collection of data can become unmanageable without some way to structure that data to make it useful and searchable. We address this problem of structuring location data by proposing a framework for classifying the data into often-traversed routes. In this work, commonly traversed routes are identified with clusters based on sensed data. Our framework does not rely on any one source of location information, but can fuse data from multimodal localisation sources. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm by examining the combination of GPS, wireless signal strength readings and image-matching on very challenging data in a variety of environmental conditions. By fusing these three modalities we obtained better performance than any individual or combination of two modalities. As it can be orientated towards the needs and capabilities of the user based on context, this method becomes useful for some ambient assisted living applications