146 research outputs found

    Probing bath-induced entanglement in a qubit pair by measuring photon correlations

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    Self-assembled quantum dots are ideal structures in which to test theories of open quantum systems: Confined exciton states can be coherently manipulated and their decoherence properties are dominated by interactions with acoustic phonons. We here describe the interaction of a pair of un-coupled, driven, quantum dot excitons with a common phonon environment, and find that this coupling effectively generates two kinds of interaction between the two quantum dots: An elastic coupling mediated by virtual phonons and an inelastic coupling mediated by real phonons. We show that both of these interactions produce steady state entanglement between the two quantum dot excitons. We also show that photon correlations in the emission of the quantum dots can provide a signature of the common environment. Experiments to demonstrate our predictions are feasible with the state-of-the-art technology and would provide valuable insight into quantum dot carrier-phonon dynamics

    Creating nuclear spin entanglement using an optical degree of freedom

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    Funding: Marie Curie Early Stage Training network QIPEST (Grant No. MESTCT-2005-020505), the EPSRC through QIP IRC (Grant Nos. GR/S82176/01 and GR/S15808/01), the National Research Foundation and Ministry of Education, Singapore, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Linacre College, Oxford, and the Royal Society.Molecular nanostructures are promising building blocks for future quantum technologies, provided methods of harnessing their multiple degrees of freedom can be identified and implemented. Due to low decoherence rates, nuclear spins are considered ideal candidates for storing quantum information, while optical excitations can give rise to fast and controllable interactions for information processing. A recent paper [M. Schaffry et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 200501 (2010)] proposed a method for entangling two nuclear spins through their mutual coupling to a transient optically excited electron spin. Building on the same idea, we present here an extended and much more detailed theoretical framework, showing that this method is in fact applicable to a much wider class of molecular structures than previously discussed in the original proposal.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Investigating the generality of time-local master equations

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    Time-local master equations are more generally applicable than is often recognised, but at first sight it would seem that they can only safely be used in time intervals where the time evolution is invertible. Using the Jaynes-Cummings model, we here construct an explicit example where two different Hamiltonians, corresponding to two different non-invertible and non-Markovian time evolutions, will lead to arbitrarily similar time-local master equations. This illustrates how the time-local master equation on its own in this case does not uniquely determine the time evolution. The example is nevertheless artificial in the sense that a rapid change in (at least) one of the Hamiltonians is needed. The change must also occur at a very specific instance in time. If a Hamiltonian is known not to have such very specific behaviour, but is "physically well-behaved", then one may conjecture that a time-local master equation also determines the time evolution when it is not invertible.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Generating distributed entanglement from electron currents

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    This work is partially supported by a Royal Society University Research FellowshipSeveral recent experiments have demonstrated the viability of a passive device that can generate spin-entangled currents in two separate leads. However, manipulation and measurement of individual flying qubits in a solid state system has yet to be achieved. This is particularly difficult when a macroscopic number of these indistinguishable qubits are present. In order to access such an entangled current resource, we therefore show how to use it to generate distributed, static entanglement. The spatial separation between the entangled static pair can be much higher than that achieved by only exploiting the tunnelling effects between quantum dots. Our device is completely passive, and requires only weak Coulomb interactions between static and flying spins. We show that the entanglement generated is robust to decoherence for large enough currents.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Quantum dynamics in a tiered non-Markovian environment

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    We introduce a new analytical method for studying the open quantum systems problem of a discrete system weakly coupled to an environment of harmonic oscillators. Our approach is based on a phase space representation of the density matrix for a system coupled to a two-tiered environment. The dynamics of the system and its immediate environment are resolved in a non-Markovian way, and the environmental modes of the inner environment can themselves be damped by a wider `universe'. Applying our approach to the canonical cases of the Rabi and spin-boson models we obtain new analytical expressions for an effective thermalisation temperature and corrections to the environmental response functions as direct consequences of considering such a tiered environment. A comparison with exact numerical simulations confirms that our approximate expressions are remarkably accurate, while their analytic nature offers the prospect of deeper understanding of the physics which they describe. A unique advantage of our method is that it permits the simultaneous inclusion of a continuous bath as well as discrete environmental modes, leading to wide and versatile applicability.Comment: Video abstract available at http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/17/2/023063. 15 pages, 6 figure

    High fidelity all-optical control of quantum dot spins: detailed study of the adiabatic approach

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    Confined electron spins are preferred candidates for embodying quantum information in the solid state. A popular idea is the use of optical excitation to achieve the ``best of both worlds'', i.e. marrying the long spin decoherence times with rapid gating. Here we study an all-optical adiabatic approach to generating single qubit phase gates. We find that such a gate can be extremely robust against the combined effect of all principal sources of decoherence, with an achievable fidelity of 0.999 even at finite temperature. Crucially this performance can be obtained with only a small time cost: the adiabatic gate duration is within about an order of magnitude of a simple dynamic implementation. An experimental verification of these predictions is immediately feasible with only modest resources

    Practicality of spin chain 'wiring' in diamond quantum technologies

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    Coupled spin chains are promising candidates for 'wiring up' qubits in solid-state quantum computing (QC). In particular, two nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond can be connected by a chain of implanted nitrogen impurities; when driven by a suitable global fields the chain can potentially enable quantum state transfer at room temperature. However, our detailed analysis of error effects suggests that foreseeable systems may fall far short of the fidelities required for QC. Fortunately the chain can function in the more modest role as a mediator of noisy entanglement, enabling QC provided that we use subsequent purification. For instance, a chain of 5 spins with inter-spin distances of 10 nm has finite entangling power as long as the T2 time of the spins exceeds 0.55 ms. Moreover we show that re-purposing the chain this way can remove the restriction to nearest-neighbor interactions, so eliminating the need for complicated dynamical decoupling sequences.Comment: 5 pages (plus 5-page supplement