792 research outputs found

    [V.] The soil solution and the mineral constituents of the soil

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    Solutions were made by extracting the soils from certain of the Rothamsted plots on which wheat and barley had been grown for 60 years and upwards. Wheat and barley were grown in these solutions, which were renewed fortnightly. The comparative growth in the solutions was closely parallel to the growth of the crop on the plots in the field and corresponded to the composition of the solutions. The composition of the solutions as regards phosphoric acid and potash corresponded to the past manurial treatment of the soils and to the amount of phosphoric acid and potash they now show on analysis. Growth in the soil solutions agreed with the growth in artificial culture solutions containing equivalent amounts of phosphoric acid and potash. Growth in the soil solutions from imperfectly manured plots was brought up to the level of that in the solutions from completely manured plots on making up their deficiencies in phosphoric acid and potash by the addition of suitable salts. The phosphoric acid and potash content of the soil solutions was of the same order as the phosphoric acid and potash content of the natural drainage water from the same plots.Wheat grew as well as barley in the solutions of the wheat soils, and vice versΓ’. In a similar set of solutions from the same soils the growth of buckwheat, white lupins and sunflowers corresponded with that of wheat and barley. Boiling effected no alteration in the nutritive value of the soil solutions.In nutritive solutions of various degrees of dilution the growth of plants varied directly, but not proportionally, with the concentration of the solution, though the total plant food present in the solution was in excess of the requirements of the plant. When the nutrient solution was diffused as a film over sand or soil particles, as in nature, there was no retardation of growth due to the slowness of the diffusion of the nutrients to the points in the liquid film which had been exhausted by contact with the roots. Growth in such nutrient solutions forming a film over sand particles was much superior to the growth in a water culture of equal concentration, but the growth in the water culture was similarly increased if a continuous current of air was kept passing through it


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    This report describes the methodology for determining where environmental control technology is required for the nuclear fuel cycle. The methodology addresses routine emission of chemical and radioactive effluents, and applies to mining, milling, conversion, enrichment, fuel fabrication, reactors (LWR and BWR) and fuel reprocessing. Chemical and radioactive effluents are evaluated independently. Radioactive effluents are evaluated on the basis of maximum exposed individual dose and population dose calculations for a 1-year emission period and a 50-year commitment. Sources of radionuclides for each facility are then listed according to their relative contribution to the total calculated dose. Effluent, ambient and toxicology standards are used to evaluate the effect of chemical effluents. First, each chemical and source configuration is determined. Sources are tagged if they exceed existirrg standards. The combined effect of all chemicals is assessed for each facility. If the additive effects are unacceptable, then additional control technology is recommended. Finally, sources and their chemicals at each facility are ranked according to their relative contribution to the ambient pollution level. This ranking identifies those sources most in need of environmental control

    Salt and Water Retention Is Associated with Microinflammation and Endothelial Injury in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) inevitably leads to salt and water retention and disturbances in the macro-and microcirculation. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesize that salt and water dysregulation in advanced CKD may be linked to inflammation and microvascular injury pathways. METHODS: We studied 23 CKD stage 5 patients and 11 healthy controls (HC). Tissue sodium concentration was assessed using 23Sodium magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Hydration status was evaluated using bioimpedance spectroscopy. A panel of inflammatory and endothelial biomarkers was also measured. RESULTS: CKD patients had fluid overload (FO) when compared to HC (overhydration index: CKDΒ = 0.5 Β± 1.9 L vs. HC = -0.5 Β± 1.0 L; p = 0.03). MR-derived tissue sodium concentrations were predominantly higher in the subcutaneous (SC) compartment (median [interquartile range] CKD = 22.4 mmol/L [19.4-31.3] vs. HC = 18.4 mmol/L [16.6-21.3]; p = 0.03), but not the muscle (CKD = 24.9 Β± 5.5 mmol/L vs. HC = 22.8 Β± 2.5 mmol/L; p = 0.26). Tissue sodium in both compartments correlated to FO (muscle: r = 0.63, p < 0.01; SC: rs = 0.63, p < 0.01). CKD subjects had elevated levels of vascular cell adhesion molecule (p < 0.05), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (p < 0.01), and interleukin (IL)-6 (p = 0.01) and lower levels of vascular endothelial growth factor-C (p = 0.04). FO in CKD was linked to higher IL-8 (r = 0.51, p < 0.05) and inversely associated to E-selectin (r = -0.52, p = 0.01). Higher SC sodium was linked to higher intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM; rs = 0.54, p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: Salt and water accumulation in CKD appears to be linked with inflammation and endothelial activation pathways. Specifically IL-8, E-Selectin (in FO), and ICAM (in salt accumulation) may be implicated in the pathophysiology of FO and merit further investigation

    Fatal progression of experimental visceral leishmaniasis is associated with intestinal parasitism and secondary infection by commensal bacteria, and is delayed by antibiotic prophylaxis.

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    Leishmania donovani causes visceral leishmaniasis (VL), which is typically fatal without treatment. There is substantial variation between individuals in rates of disease progression, response to treatment and incidence of post-treatment sequelae, specifically post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL). Nevertheless, the majority of infected people are asymptomatic carriers. Hamsters and mice are commonly used as models of fatal and non-fatal VL, respectively. Host and parasite genetics are likely to be important factors, but in general the reasons for heterogeneous disease presentation in humans and animal models are poorly understood. Host microbiota has become established as a factor in cutaneous forms of leishmaniasis but this has not been studied in VL. We induced intestinal dysbiosis in mice and hamsters by long-term treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics in their drinking water. There were no significant differences in disease presentation in dysbiotic mice. In contrast, dysbiotic hamsters infected with L. donovani had delayed onset and progression of weight loss. Half of control hamsters had a rapid progression phenotype compared with none of the ABX-treated animals and the nine-month survival rate was significantly improved compared to untreated controls (40% vs. 10%). Antibiotic-treated hamsters also had significantly less severe hepatosplenomegaly, which was accompanied by a distinct cytokine gene expression profile. The protective effect was not explained by differences in parasite loads or haematological profiles. We further found evidence that the gut-liver axis is a key aspect of fatal VL progression in hamsters, including intestinal parasitism, bacterial translocation to the liver, malakoplakia and iron sequestration, none of which occurred in non-progressing murine VL. Diverse bacterial genera were cultured from VL affected livers, of which Rodentibacter was specifically absent from ABX-treated hamsters, indicating this pathobiont may play a role in promoting disease progression. The results provide experimental support for antibiotic prophylaxis against secondary bacterial infections as an adjunct therapy in human VL patients

    Exposure to HIV-1 Directly Impairs Mucosal Epithelial Barrier Integrity Allowing Microbial Translocation

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    While several clinical studies have shown that HIV-1 infection is associated with increased permeability of the intestinal tract, there is very little understanding of the mechanisms underlying HIV-induced impairment of mucosal barriers. Here we demonstrate that exposure to HIV-1 can directly breach the integrity of mucosal epithelial barrier, allowing translocation of virus and bacteria. Purified primary epithelial cells (EC) isolated from female genital tract and T84 intestinal cell line were grown to form polarized, confluent monolayers and exposed to HIV-1. HIV-1 X4 and R5 tropic laboratory strains and clinical isolates were seen to reduce transepithelial resistance (TER), a measure of monolayer integrity, by 30–60% following exposure for 24 hours, without affecting viability of cells. The decrease in TER correlated with disruption of tight junction proteins (claudin 1, 2, 4, occludin and ZO-1) and increased permeability. Treatment of ECs with HIV envelope protein gp120, but not HIV tat, also resulted in impairment of barrier function. Neutralization of gp120 significantly abrogated the effect of HIV. No changes to the barrier function were observed when ECs were exposed to Env defective mutant of HIV. Significant upregulation of inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-Ξ±, were seen in both intestinal and genital epithelial cells following exposure to HIV-1. Neutralization of TNF-Ξ± reversed the reduction in TERs. The disruption in barrier functions was associated with viral and bacterial translocation across the epithelial monolayers. Collectively, our data shows that mucosal epithelial cells respond directly to envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 by upregulating inflammatory cytokines that lead to impairment of barrier functions. The increased permeability could be responsible for small but significant crossing of mucosal epithelium by virus and bacteria present in the lumen of mucosa. This mechanism could be particularly relevant to mucosal transmission of HIV-1 as well as immune activation seen in HIV-1 infected individuals

    Damaged Intestinal Epithelial Integrity Linked to Microbial Translocation in Pathogenic Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Infections

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    The chronic phase of HIV infection is marked by pathological activation of the immune system, the extent of which better predicts disease progression than either plasma viral load or CD4+ T cell count. Recently, translocation of microbial products from the gastrointestinal tract has been proposed as an underlying cause of this immune activation, based on indirect evidence including the detection of microbial products and specific immune responses in the plasma of chronically HIV-infected humans or SIV-infected Asian macaques. We analyzed tissues from SIV-infected rhesus macaques (RMs) to provide direct in situ evidence for translocation of microbial constituents from the lumen of the intestine into the lamina propria and to draining and peripheral lymph nodes and liver, accompanied by local immune responses in affected tissues. In chronically SIV-infected RMs this translocation is associated with breakdown of the integrity of the epithelial barrier of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and apparent inability of lamina propria macrophages to effectively phagocytose translocated microbial constituents. By contrast, in the chronic phase of SIV infection in sooty mangabeys, we found no evidence of epithelial barrier breakdown, no increased microbial translocation and no pathological immune activation. Because immune activation is characteristic of the chronic phase of progressive HIV/SIV infections, these findings suggest that increased microbial translocation from the GI tract, in excess of capacity to clear the translocated microbial constituents, helps drive pathological immune activation. Novel therapeutic approaches to inhibit microbial translocation and/or attenuate chronic immune activation in HIV-infected individuals may complement treatments aimed at direct suppression of viral replication

    Accelerated in vivo proliferation of memory phenotype CD4+ T-cells in human HIV-1 infection irrespective of viral chemokine co-receptor tropism.

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    CD4(+) T-cell loss is the hallmark of HIV-1 infection. CD4 counts fall more rapidly in advanced disease when CCR5-tropic viral strains tend to be replaced by X4-tropic viruses. We hypothesized: (i) that the early dominance of CCR5-tropic viruses results from faster turnover rates of CCR5(+) cells, and (ii) that X4-tropic strains exert greater pathogenicity by preferentially increasing turnover rates within the CXCR4(+) compartment. To test these hypotheses we measured in vivo turnover rates of CD4(+) T-cell subpopulations sorted by chemokine receptor expression, using in vivo deuterium-glucose labeling. Deuterium enrichment was modeled to derive in vivo proliferation (p) and disappearance (d*) rates which were related to viral tropism data. 13 healthy controls and 13 treatment-naive HIV-1-infected subjects (CD4 143-569 cells/ul) participated. CCR5-expression defined a CD4(+) subpopulation of predominantly CD45R0(+) memory cells with accelerated in vivo proliferation (p = 2.50 vs 1.60%/d, CCR5(+) vs CCR5(-); healthy controls; P<0.01). Conversely, CXCR4 expression defined CD4(+) T-cells (predominantly CD45RA(+) naive cells) with low turnover rates. The dominant effect of HIV infection was accelerated turnover of CCR5(+)CD45R0(+)CD4(+) memory T-cells (p = 5.16 vs 2.50%/d, HIV vs controls; P<0.05), naΓ―ve cells being relatively unaffected. Similar patterns were observed whether the dominant circulating HIV-1 strain was R5-tropic (n = 9) or X4-tropic (n = 4). Although numbers were small, X4-tropic viruses did not appear to specifically drive turnover of CXCR4-expressing cells (p = 0.54 vs 0.72 vs 0.44%/d in control, R5-tropic, and X4-tropic groups respectively). Our data are most consistent with models in which CD4(+) T-cell loss is primarily driven by non-specific immune activation

    Human Herpesvirus Replication and Abnormal CD8+ T Cell Activation and Low CD4+ T Cell Counts in Antiretroviral-Suppressed HIV-Infected Patients

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    Most HIV-infected patients receiving virologically suppressive antiretroviral therapy continue to have abnormal, generalized T cell activation. We explored whether the degree of ongoing cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) replication was associated with higher virus-specific T cell activation and the failure to achieve normal absolute CD4+ T cell counts in the face of long-term suppressive antiretroviral therapy.Longitudinally collected PBMC and saliva specimens obtained from HIV-infected patients on effective antiretroviral therapy for at least one year (plasma HIV RNA <75 copies/mL) were examined using a multiplex CMV, EBV and KSHV DNA PCR assay. Eleven cases were chosen who had CD8+ T cell CD38+HLA-DR+ expression >10% and plateau absolute CD4+ T cell counts <500 cells/microL. Five controls from the same study had CD8+ T cell CD38 expression <10% and plateau absolute CD4+ T cell counts >500 cells/microL.Among all subjects combined, 18% of PMBC samples were positive for CMV DNA, and 27%, 73% and 24% of saliva samples were positive for CMV, EBV and KSHV DNA, respectively. No significant differences or trends were observed between cases and controls in proportions of all CMV, EBV or KSHV DNA positive specimens, proportions of subjects in each group that intermittently or continuously shed CMV, EBV or KSHV DNA in saliva, or the median number of genome copies of CMV, EBV and KSHV DNA in saliva. Overall, number of genome copies in saliva were lower for KSHV than for CMV and lower for CMV than for EBV. Although replication of CMV, EBV and KSHV persists in many antiretroviral-suppressed, HIV-infected patients, we observed no evidence in this pilot case-control study that the magnitude of such human herpesvirus replication is associated with abnormally increased CD8+ T cell activation and sub-normal plateau absolute CD4+ T cell counts following virologically suppressive antiretroviral therapy
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