7 research outputs found

    Ensino de Programação para Estudantes de Tecnologia por meio de um Laboratório Remoto de Robótica Educacional / Teaching Programming to Technology Students through a Remote Educational Robotics Laboratory

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    Este artigo apresenta um Laboratório Remoto de Robótica Educacional voltado ao ensino de Linguagem de Programação, onde usamos tecnologias de baixo custo mercadológico, como Raspberry PI e Arduino. Embora existam na literatura vários laboratórios remotos para ensino de ciências exatas, o apresentado neste artigo fornece uma maneira diferenciada de resolver problemas por meio da lógica. Utilizamos o servidor Blockino que possibilita programar a placa Arduino por meio de códigos em blocos encaixáveis, proporcionando ao usuário maior facilidade na resolução de problemas e desafios. Tivemos práticas educativas com o laboratório remoto em uma turma de Linguagem de Programação, em que a mesma foi submetida a um questionário de aceitação da tecnologia, a fim de analisar a utilidade percebida e a facilidade de uso durante a manipulação do sistema. Os resultados positivos obtidos comprovaram a aceitação da proposta. 83,3% dos entrevistados consideraram os experimentos remotos úteis para o aprendizado da disciplina e que recomendariam os experimentos remotos a um iniciante na modalidade e 79,2% gostariam de ter mais aulas com esta tecnologia educacional

    Proposta de Interface para Um Sistema Inteligente para Gerenciamento de Energia Fotovoltaica no Contexto Brasileiro

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    Considering the imbalance between economic development andthe environment, there is a concern with the preservation of theplanet’s natural resources and the use of renewable and sustainableenergies. In this context, new systems have emerged to assist in themanagement of photovoltaic energy. This paper presents a proposalfor an intelligent interface for a Web system to monitor, report andconsult on the production of energy and health of photovoltaic panels.To raise the requirements and propose the system’s graphicalinterface, the following techniques were used: (a) benchmarking, inwhich the functionalities of the largest competitors in the marketwere compared; and (b) document analysis, where comments oncompeting systems on their social networks were analyzed. Theprototype presented allows to observe the production of energy indifferent periods, besides allowing to check the health of a panel,as well as its individual performance

    Identificação das Funcionalidades de um Assistente de Comunicação aos Surdos Aplicando Técnicas de Elicitação de Requisitos

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    Deaf people have difficulty communicating due to the lack of masteryof Libras (Brazilian sign language for deaf citizens). New systemshave emerged to support the communication of people withhearing disabilities with regard to: simultaneous translation, teachingof Libras and presentation of animations. However, these systemsdo not have ready-made phrases or support for emergencysituations. Considering this scenario, this article presents the proposalof the Communication Assistant to the Deaf (AComS), whichaims to support the communication of people with hearing loss,complementing the features already presented by existing systemssuch as VLibras, HandTalk and MIDOAA. After the application ofrequirements gathering techniques such as document analysis andbenchmarking, a high-fidelity prototype of the system was proposed,which presents the various features of AComS in its mobileversion

    Definindo um Sistema de Monitoramento em Tempo real para o Transporte Público da Cidade de Manaus

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    The management of public transportation suffers from the difficultyof predicting population growth and consequently meet its demandsin terms of quality and safety. With regard to safety, several computersystems have emerged to help prevent and treat transportproblems, such as detour of routes and speeding. However, in thecontext of the Manaus city, these systems cannot: (a) detect specificobjects (firearms, knives, among others) to identify assaults; and (b)identify overcrowding in means of transportation. The inclusion ofthese functionalities with the above mentioned ones may allow accessto more information to subsidize decision making and improvethe quality of security offered by the public transportation service.This article presents a proposal for an intelligent system to monitorthe safety of a bus related to the above mentioned points. In orderto raise the requirements and propose the graphical interface of thesystem, the techniques of benchmarking and focus group were used.The prototype presented allows simulating how the informationwould be presented to those responsible for monitoring the bus,in addition to generating reports for monitoring the history of themeans of transport and to support decision making regarding thesafety of passengers and servers

    Protótipo de Alta Fidelidade de Assistente Virtual para Instituições de Ensino no Estado do Amazonas

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    In educational institutions, the use of virtual assistants has beenencouraged due to the possibility of disseminating relevant information,assisting in communication between actors and providingsupport in organizing academic activities. Despite the existence ofseveral virtual assistants, these systems do not present real-timeinformation or data at a personalized level of detail. In addition,the systems that provide this information are not free of charge,making it difficult for institutions with low resources to adopt them.Considering the importance of assisting students and teachers duringacademic activities through the provision of information, thiswork presents a proposal for a virtual assistant application forFederal Institute of Amazonas Campus Manaus Distrito Industrial(IFAM/CMDI). Brainstorming and benchmarking techniques wereapplied to survey the functionalities to be presented by the systemand a high-fidelity prototype of the system was developed. As aresult, it was possible to present the various dialogues that theassistant will provide and the types of information that will bepresented to the various actors within the educational institution

    Viabilizando a Melhoria do Atendimento Médico Emergencial a Partir da Proposta de Um Aplicativo de Solicitação de Atendimento Médico Remoto

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    Medical care provided by mobile units can take a long time to reachthe requested location, either due to difficulty in accessing the location,speed of traffic or even the lack of available ambulances. Inorder for more people to be treated faster and effectively, whetherits an emergency or not, this paper presents a proposal of a systemthat requests remote assistance and sends the needed materials. Topropose requirements and build the system’s graphical interface,benchmarking and focus group techniques were used. The proposedhigh-fidelity prototype indicates how the system will allowremote care to be requested through a communication interfacewith Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU) and the Fire Department,which will request the sending of a drone with a first aid kit. Inaddition, the system will allow you to specify the service to beperformed and will assist in its execution remotel