2 research outputs found

    Approach to Assessing the Preparedness of Hospitals to Power Outages

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    Within the secondary impacts of electricity blackouts, it is necessary to pay attention to facilities providing medical care for the population, namely the hospitals. Hospitals represent a key position in the provision of health care also in times of crisis. These facilities must provide constant care; it is therefore essential that the preparedness of such facilities is kept at a high level. The basic aim of this article is to analyse the preparedness of hospitals to power outages (power failures, blackouts) within a pilot study. On that basis, a SWOT analysis is used to determine strengths and weaknesses of the system of preparedness of hospitals to power outages and solutions for better security of hospitals are defined. The sample investigated consists of four hospitals founded by the Regional Authority (hospitals Nos. 1-4) and one hospital founded by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (hospital No. 5). The results of the study shows that most weaknesses of the preparedness of hospitals are represented by inadequately addressed reserves of fuel for the main backup power supply, poor knowledge of employees who are insufficiently retrained, and old backup power supplies (even 35 years in some cases)

    The progress of terrorism with the specialization in conventional terrorism

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    What does terrorism mean? It is a kind of organised violence against the people who do not fight among these victims are usualy women, small children, old people. I mean the people that are not able to protect themselves. The main aim for terrorists is to became ``famous``. Roots of terrorism we can find already in the past. The main reason for comiting terrorism are etnic, religious, political and ekonomical problemes in the society. We used to call as ideological terrorism. Terrorism has changed after the Cold War ended in 1990. The ideological one became less common but we can find it for example in Cuba, KLDR, than the terms as religious and national terrorism apeared. We can find it all around the world, especially Irak, Afganistan and namy others. After the tragical events in the USA terrorism became an international problem. We can see that the terroristic attacks became more often since the year 2001. Whit developing new waepons terrorism is every day more dangerous Terrorism is an international problem and we have to cooperate against it. Many states and organizations as OSN or NATO create antiterrorist formation. The Czech republic also takes part in this fight agains violence and cruelty. There are two big antiterrorist formation in the Czech republic. Police formation URNA and army formation SOG. There are for example GSG-9 in Germany, Alfa in Russian, Delta in USA or SAS in Great Britain in the world. Its main assigments are prevention and suppression of terrorists activites. There are many kinds of terrorism in the world. The main are International terrorism, Criminal terrorism, Conventional terrorism, Superterrorism, Elektronic terrorism or Nuclear one