1,421 research outputs found

    Essentially yours: the protection of human genetic information in Australia

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    ALRC Report 96 (tabled May 2003)  was the product of a two-year inquiry by the ALRC and the Australian Health Ethics Committee (AHEC) of the NHMRC, involving extensive research and widespread public consultation.The inquiry was the most comprehensive ever undertaken into these issues in Australia or overseas. The report covers an extensive range of activities in which genetic information plays—or soon will play—an important role. The two-volume, 1200 page report makes 144 recommendations about how Australia should deal with the ethical, legal and social implications of the New Genetics. This Report reflects the law as at 14 March 2003

    The Bryophytes of Fox Ridge State Park, Coles County, Illinois

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    A survey of Fox Ridge State Park in Coles County, Illinois revealed a total of 72 bryophyte species. Of these 68 were mosses and 4 were liverworts. Habitat and frequency for each species were recorded. Voucher specimens for each species have been placed in the Stover Herbarium at Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois. As a result of this survey Astomum muhlenbergionum (Sw.) Grout. is a new addition to the list of Illinois bryophytes. In addition ten species are new reports for Coles County, Illinois. These are the mosses Amblystegium fluviatle (Hedw.) BSG, Brachythecium digastrum C. M. & Kindb. ex. Macoun & Kindb., Entodon brevisetus (Hook & Wils. ex. Wils.) Kindb., Fissidens bushii (Card. & Ther.) Card. & Ther., Haplohymenium triste (Ces. ex. DeNot) Kindb., Plagiothecium cavifolium (Brid.) Iwat., Pylaisella selwynii (Kindb.) Crum, Steere & Anderson, Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitt.) Fl., Thuidium abietinum (Hedw.) BSG and the liverwort Lophocolea minor Nees

    Scalable Interactive Volume Rendering Using Off-the-shelf Components

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    This paper describes an application of a second generation implementation of the Sepia architecture (Sepia-2) to interactive volu-metric visualization of large rectilinear scalar fields. By employingpipelined associative blending operators in a sort-last configuration a demonstration system with 8 rendering computers sustains 24 to 28 frames per second while interactively rendering large data volumes (1024x256x256 voxels, and 512x512x512 voxels). We believe interactive performance at these frame rates and data sizes is unprecedented. We also believe these results can be extended to other types of structured and unstructured grids and a variety of GL rendering techniques including surface rendering and shadow map-ping. We show how to extend our single-stage crossbar demonstration system to multi-stage networks in order to support much larger data sizes and higher image resolutions. This requires solving a dynamic mapping problem for a class of blending operators that includes Porter-Duff compositing operators

    A preliminary examination of the deployment of lean and reverse logistics within the pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) UK

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    Drug treatment is the most common form of healthcare intervention and represents the highest non-staff revenue cost in the UK National Health Service (NHS).The annual drugs bill in the UK equates to just about 10% of NHS expenditure (McKee, 2012). Demand for NHS healthcare is effectively infinite (Lodge and Bamford, 2008); there are constant efforts to increase capacity and operational budgets are constrained. One area where hospital pharmacies are looking for cost saving and better services is through improving their Supply Chain Management (SCM) (AT Kearney, 2009). However, they have not only to manage the forward components of the logistics process to minimise waste and maximise patient wellbeing, but to manage the reverse components as well (Jamali et al., 2010). Success in this area can be realised through the application of a Lean Philosophy which focuses on eliminating waste by defining value (Brandao, 2009)

    Cross-sectional study of the provision of interventional oncology services in the UK

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    Objective: To map out the current provision of interventional oncology (IO) services in the UK. Design: Cross-sectional multicentre study. Setting: All National Health Service (NHS) trusts in England and Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland health boards. Participants: Interventional radiology (IR) departments in all NHS trusts/health boards in the UK. Results: A total of 179 NHS trusts/health boards were contacted. We received a 100% response rate. Only 19 (11%) institutions had an IO lead. 144 trusts (80%) provided IO services or had a formal pathway of referral in place for patients to a recipient trust. 21 trusts (12%) had plans to provide an IO service or formal referral pathway in the next 12 months only. 14 trusts (8%) did not have a pathway of referral and no plans to implement one. 70 trusts (39%) offered supportive and disease-modifying procedures. One trust had a formal referral pathway for supportive procedures. 73 trusts (41%) provided only supportive procedures (diagnostic or therapeutic). Of these, 43 (59%) had a referral pathway for disease-modifying IO procedures, either from a regional cancer network or through IR networks and 30 trusts (41%) did not have a referral pathway for disease-modifying procedures. Conclusion: The provision of IO services in the UK is promising; however, collaborative networks are necessary to ensure disease-modifying IO procedures are made accessible to all patients and to facilitate larger registry data for research with commissioning of new services

    Design, synthesis and antibacterial activity of minor groove binders: the role of non-cationic tail groups

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    he design and synthesis of a new class of minor groove binder (MGBs) in which, the cationic tail group has been replaced by a neutral, polar variant including cyanoguanidine, nitroalkene, and trifluoroacetamide groups. Antibacterial activity (against Gram positive bacteria) was found for both the nitroalkene and trifluoroacetamide groups. For the case of the nitroalkene tail group, strong binding of a minor groove binder containing this tail group was demonstrated by both DNA footprinting and melting temperature measurements, showing a correlation between DNA binding and antibacterial activity. The compounds have also been evaluated for binding to the hERG ion channel to determine whether non-cationic but polar substituents might have an advantage compared with conventional cationic tail groups in avoiding hERG binding. In this series of compounds, it was found that whilst non-cationic compounds generally had lower affinity to the hERG ion channel, all of the compounds studied bound weakly to the hERG ion channel, probably associated with the hydrophobic head groups

    The Carina Nebula and Gum 31 molecular complex: II. The distribution of the atomic gas revealed in unprecedented detail

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    We report high spatial resolution observations of the HI 21cm line in the Carina Nebula and the Gum 31 region obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The observations covered \sim 12 deg2^2 centred on l=287.5deg,b=1degl= 287.5\deg,b = -1\deg, achieving an angular resolution of \sim 35 arcseconds. The HI map revealed complex filamentary structures across a wide range of velocities. Several "bubbles" are clearly identified in the Carina Nebula Complex, produced by the impact of the massive star clusters located in this region. An HI absorption profile obtained towards the strong extragalactic radio source PMN J1032--5917 showed the distribution of the cold component of the atomic gas along the Galactic disk, with the Sagittarius-Carina and Perseus spiral arms clearly distinguishable. Preliminary calculations of the optical depth and spin temperatures of the cold atomic gas show that the HI line is opaque (τ\tau \gtrsim 2) at several velocities in the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm. The spin temperature is 100\sim100 K in the regions with the highest optical depth, although this value might be lower for the saturated components. The atomic mass budget of Gum 31 is 35%\sim35 \% of the total gas mass. HI self absorption features have molecular counterparts and good spatial correlation with the regions of cold dust as traced by the infrared maps. We suggest that in Gum 31 regions of cold temperature and high density are where the atomic to molecular gas phase transition is likely to be occurring.Comment: 20 pages, 1 table, 16 Figures, Accepted for Publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Journa

    Revisiting Garg's 2-Approximation Algorithm for the k-MST Problem in Graphs

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    This paper revisits the 2-approximation algorithm for kk-MST presented by Garg in light of a recent paper of Paul et al.. In the kk-MST problem, the goal is to return a tree spanning kk vertices of minimum total edge cost. Paul et al. extend Garg's primal-dual subroutine to improve the approximation ratios for the budgeted prize-collecting traveling salesman and minimum spanning tree problems. We follow their algorithm and analysis to provide a cleaner version of Garg's result. Additionally, we introduce the novel concept of a kernel which allows an easier visualization of the stages of the algorithm and a clearer understanding of the pruning phase. Other notable updates include presenting a linear programming formulation of the kk-MST problem, including pseudocode, replacing the coloring scheme used by Garg with the simpler concept of neutral sets, and providing an explicit potential function.Comment: Proceedings of SIAM Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms (SOSA) 202

    Live strong and prosper: the importance of skeletal muscle strength for healthy ageing

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    Due to improved health care, diet and infrastructure in developed countries, since 1840 life expectancy has increased by approximately 2years per decade. Accordingly, by 2050, a quarter of Europe’s population will be over 65years, representing a 10% rise in half a century. With this rapid rise comes an increased prevalence of diseases of ageing and associated healthcare expenditure. To address the health consequences of global ageing, research in model systems (worms, flies and mice) has indicated that reducing the rate of organ growth, via reductions in protein synthetic rates, has multi-organ health benefits that collectively lead to improvements in lifespan. In contrast, human pre-clinical, clinical and large cohort prospective studies demonstrate that ageing leads to anabolic (i.e. growth) impairments in skeletal muscle, which in turn leads to reductions in muscle mass and strength, factors directly associated with mortality rates in the elderly. As such, increasing muscle protein synthesis via exercise or protein-based nutrition maintains a strong, healthy muscle mass, which in turn leads to improved health, independence and functionality. The aim of this review is to critique current literature relating to the maintenance of muscle mass across lifespan and discuss whether maintaining or reducing protein synthesis is the most logical approach to support musculoskeletal function and by extension healthy human ageing