11 research outputs found

    Relevance of a mobile internet platform for capturing inter- and intrasubject variabilities in circadian coordination during daily routine : pilot study

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    Background: Experimental and epidemiologic studies have shown that circadian clocks disruption can play an important role in the development of cancer and metabolic diseases. The cellular clocks outside the brain are effectively coordinated by the body temperature rhythm. We hypothesized that concurrent measurements of body temperature and rest-activity rhythms would assess circadian clocks coordination in individual patients, thus enabling the integration of biological rhythms into precision medicine. Objective The objective was to evaluate the circadian clocks’ coordination in healthy subjects and patients through simultaneous measurements of rest-activity and body temperature rhythms. Methods Non-invasive real-time measurements of rest-activity and chest temperature rhythms were recorded during the subject’s daily life, using a dedicated new mobile e-health platform (PiCADo). It involved a chest sensor that jointly measured accelerations, 3D-orientation and skin surface temperature every 1-5 min, and relayed them out to a mobile gateway via Bluetooth-Low-Energy. The gateway tele-transmitted all stored data to a server via GPRS every 24 h. The technical capabilities of PiCADo were validated in 55 healthy subjects and 12 cancer patients, whose rhythms were e-monitored during their daily routine for 3-30 days. Spectral analyses enabled to compute rhythm parameters values, with their 90% confidence limits, and their dynamics in each subject. Results All the individuals displayed a dominant circadian rhythm in activity with maxima occurring from 12:09 to 20:25. This was not the case for the dominant temperature period, which clustered around 24 h for 51 out of 67 subjects (76%), and around 12 h for 13 others (19%). Statistically significant sex- and age- related differences in circadian coordination were identified in the non-cancerous subjects, based upon the range of variations in temperature rhythm amplitudes, maxima (acrophases), and phase relations with rest-activity. The circadian acrophase of chest temperature was located at night for the majority of people, but it occurred at daytime for 26% (14/55) of the non-cancerous people and 33% (4/12) of the cancer patients, hence supporting important inter-subject differences in circadian coordination. Sex, age and cancer significantly impacted on the circadian coordination of both rhythms, based on their phase relationships. Conclusions Complementing rest-activity with chest temperature circadian e-monitoring revealed striking inter-subject differences regarding human circadian clocks coordination and timing during daily routine. To further delineate the clinical importance of such finding, the PiCADo platform is currently applied for both the assessment of health effects resulting from atypical work schedules, and the identification of the key determinants of circadian disruption in cancer patients

    Multidimensional Assessment of E- Health Projects Sustainability

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    Today e-health (information and communication technology - ICT - for health services) is considered as a promising solution to overcome financial and human deficits of health systems and to improve quality and accessibility of care. However ICT introduce new cost structures, organizational and medical practice changes. They are also known to have significant environmental impacts, not only in terms of energy use but also due to required raw materials. Hence these impacts need to be evaluated in a multidimensional way in order to confirm the sustainable value of such solutions. Myriam le Goff and Robert Picard have recently developed a socioeconomic multidimensional ICT model to evaluate technology projects: GEMSA, Grille d'Evaluation Multidisciplinaire Santé Autonomie [Multidimensional Evaluation Grid for Health and Autonomy] (Le Goff-Pronost and Picard, 2011). The proposed evaluation framework is based on five specific categories: strategy, technology, quality and usage, organization and economics. We propose to add environmental criterion to get a complete sustainability assessment, even if it is not yet considered as a priority in the health sector. Indeed, due to environmental international pressure and to the development of the Green IT, we think these criteria should be implemented in e-health projects from their beginning. Notably, raw material extraction is one of the most important polluting phases in the lifecycle of electronic and electric equipment of ICT, which also include nu-merous hazardous materials and heavy metals. To define these criteria we perform a transverse analysis of: i/ techno-functional analysis of existing ongoing e-health projects, ii/ general environmental ICT impacts (notably due to raw materials ex-traction), iii/ existing eco-labels applying to ICT, and iv/ e-health regulation. As a result, we propose a first list of environmental criteria which take into account technology mate-rials and lifecycle. Project leaders can test and use them to auto-evaluate and try to minimize envi-ronmental impacts of their project - in addition to social, organizational and economic criteria. The resulting global evaluation model for e-health would be the first to include the three main di-mensions of sustainable development