437 research outputs found

    Enzymatic DNA molecules

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    The present invention discloses deoxyribonucleic acid enzymes--catalytic or enzymatic DNA molecules--capable of cleaving nucleic acid sequences or molecules, particularly RNA, in a site-specific manner, as well as compositions including same. Methods of making and using the disclosed enzymes and compositions are also disclosed

    The distributions, mechanisms, and structures of metabolite-binding riboswitches

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    Phylogenetic analyses revealed insights into the distribution of riboswitch classes in different microbial groups, and structural analyses led to updated aptamer structure models and insights into the mechanism of these non-coding RNA structures

    Self-Incorporation of Coenzymes by Ribozymes

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    RNA molecules that are assembled from the four standard nucleotides contain a limited number of chemical functional groups, a characteristic that is generally thought to restrict the potential for catalysis by ribozymes. Although polypeptides carry a wider range of functional groups, many contemporary protein-based enzymes employ coenzymes to augment their capabilities. The coenzymes possess additional chemical moieties that can participate directly in catalysis and thereby enhance catalytic function. In this work, we demonstrate a mechanism by which ribozymes can supplement their limited repertoire of functional groups through RNAcatalyzed incorporation of various coenzymes and coenzyme analogues. The group I ribozyme of Tetrahymena thermophila normally mediates a phosphoester transfer reaction that results in the covalent attachment of guanosine to the ribozyme. Here, a shortened version of the ribozyme is shown to catalyze the self-incorporation of coenzymes and coenzyme analogues, such as NAD+ and dephosphorylated CoA-SH. Similar ribozyme activities may have played an important role in the "RNA world," when RNA enzymes are thought to have maintained a complex metabolism in the absence of proteins and would have benefited from the inclusion of additional functional groups

    A DNA enzyme with Mg(2+)-Dependent RNA Phosphoesterase Activity

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    Previously we demonstrated that DNA can act as an enzyme in the Pb(2+)-dependent cleavage of an RNA phosphoester. This is a facile reaction, with an uncatalyzed rate for a typical RNA phosphoester of approx. 10(exp -4)/ min in the presence of 1 mM Pb(OAc)2 at pH 7.0 and 23 C. The Mg(2+) - dependent reaction is more difficult, with an uncatalyzed rate of approx. 10(exp -7)/ min under comparable conditions. Mg(2+) - dependent cleavage has special relevance to biology because it is compatible with intracellular conditions. Using in vitro selection, we sought to develop a family of phosphoester-cleaving DNA enzymes that operate in the presence of various divalent metals, focusing particularly on the Mg(2+) - dependent reaction. Results: We generated a population of greater than 10(exp 13) DNAs containing 40 random nucleotides and carried out repeated rounds of selective amplification, enriching for molecules that cleave a target RNA phosphoester in the presence of 1 mM Mg(2+), Mn(2+), Zn(2+) or Pb(2+). Examination of individual clones from the Mg(2+) lineage after the sixth round revealed a catalytic motif comprised of a three-stem junction.This motif was partially randomized and subjected to seven additional rounds of selective amplification, yielding catalysts with a rate of 0.01/ min. The optimized DNA catalyst was divided into separate substrate and enzyme domains and shown to have a similar level of activity under multiple turnover conditions. Conclusions: We have generated a Mg(2+) - dependent DNA enzyme that cleaves a target RNA phosphoester with a catalytic rate approx. 10(exp 5) - fold greater than that of the uncatalyzed reaction. This activity is compatible with intracellular conditions, raising the possibility that DNA enzymes might be made to operate in vivo

    Engineered allosteric ribozymes that respond to specific divalent metal ions

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    In vitro selection was used to isolate five classes of allosteric hammerhead ribozymes that are triggered by binding to certain divalent metal ion effectors. Each of these ribozyme classes are similarly activated by Mn(2+), Fe(2+), Co(2+), Ni(2+), Zn(2+) and Cd(2+), but their allosteric binding sites reject other divalent metals such as Mg(2+), Ca(2+) and Sr(2+). Through a more comprehensive survey of cations, it was determined that some metal ions (Be(2+), Fe(3+), Al(3+), Ru(2+) and Dy(2+)) are extraordinarily disruptive to the RNA structure and function. Two classes of RNAs examined in greater detail make use of conserved nucleotides within the large internal bulges to form critical structures for allosteric function. One of these classes exhibits a metal-dependent increase in rate constant that indicates a requirement for the binding of two cation effectors. Additional findings suggest that, although complex allosteric functions can be exhibited by small RNAs, larger RNA molecules will probably be required to form binding pockets that are uniquely selective for individual cation effectors

    In vitro selection and characterization of cellulose-binding DNA aptamers

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    Many nucleic acid enzymes and aptamers have modular architectures that allow them to retain their functions when combined with other nucleotide sequences. This modular function facilitates the engineering of RNAs and DNAs that have more complex functions. We sought to create new DNA aptamers that bind cellulose to provide a module for immobilizing DNAs. Cellulose has been used in a variety of applications ranging from coatings and films to pharmaceutical preparations, and therefore DNA aptamers that bind cellulose might enable new applications. We used in vitro selection to isolate aptamers from a pool of random-sequence DNAs and subjected two distinct clones to additional rounds of mutagenesis and selection. One aptamer (CELAPT 14) was chosen for sequence minimization and more detailed biochemical analysis. CELAPT 14 aptamer variants exhibit robust binding both to cellulose powder and paper. Also, an allosteric aptamer construct was engineered that exhibits ATP-mediated cellulose binding during paper chromatography

    Examination of the structural and functional versatility of glmS ribozymes by using in vitro selection

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    Self-cleaving ribozymes associated with the glmS genes of many Gram-positive bacteria are activated by binding to glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P). Representatives of the glmS ribozyme class function as metabolite-sensing riboswitches whose self-cleavage activities down-regulate the expression of GlmS enzymes that synthesizes GlcN6P. As with other riboswitches, natural glmS ribozyme isolates are highly specific for their target metabolite. Other small molecules closely related to GlcN6P, such as glucose-6-phosphate, cannot activate self-cleavage. We applied in vitro selection methods in an attempt to identify variants of a Bacillus cereus glmS ribozyme that expand the range of compounds that induce self-cleavage. In addition, we sought to increase the number of variant ribozymes of this class to further examine the proposed secondary structure model. Although numerous variant ribozymes were obtained that efficiently self-cleave, none exhibited changes in target specificity. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that GlcN6P is used by the ribozyme as a coenzyme for RNA cleavage, rather than an allosteric effector

    Biological and physical oceanographic observations pertaining to the trawl fishery in a region of persistent coastal upwelling

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    An upwelling episode in the Point Sal region of the central California coast is examined by using data obtained by a data buoy. The episodes was interrupted by the abrupt abatement of the strong wind which promotes coastal upwelling. The mean hourly upwelling index is calculated to be higher than the 20 year mean monthly value. During 3 days of light wind commercial bottom trawl operations were possible. Shipboard estimates of chlorophyll content in surface waters during trawling show the high concentrations that are indicative of a rich biomass of phytoplankton, a result of the upwelling episode. Satellite imagery shows the extent of the upwelling water to be of the order of 100 km offshore; the result of many upwelling episodes. Shipboard echo sounder data show the presence of various delmersal species and of zooplakton; the latter graze on the phytoplankton in the upper euphotic layers. The fish catch data are recorded according to species for 2 days of trawling, and the catch per trawl hour is recorded

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate Riboswitches Are Targets for the Antimicrobial Compound Pyrithiamine

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    SummaryThiamine metabolism genes are regulated in numerous bacteria by a riboswitch class that binds the coenzyme thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). We demonstrate that the antimicrobial action of the thiamine analog pyrithiamine (PT) is mediated by interaction with TPP riboswitches in bacteria and fungi. For example, pyrithiamine pyrophosphate (PTPP) binds the TPP riboswitch controlling the tenA operon in Bacillus subtilis. Expression of a TPP riboswitch-regulated reporter gene is reduced in transgenic B. subtilis or Escherichia coli when grown in the presence of thiamine or PT, while mutant riboswitches in these organisms are unresponsive to these ligands. Bacteria selected for PT resistance bear specific mutations that disrupt ligand binding to TPP riboswitches and derepress certain TPP metabolic genes. Our findings demonstrate that riboswitches can serve as antimicrobial drug targets and expand our understanding of thiamine metabolism in bacteria

    Riboswitches Control Fundamental Biochemical Pathways in Bacillus subtilis and Other Bacteria

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    AbstractRiboswitches are metabolite binding domains within certain messenger RNAs that serve as precision sensors for their corresponding targets. Allosteric rearrangement of mRNA structure is mediated by ligand binding, and this results in modulation of gene expression. We have identified a class of riboswitches that selectively recognizes guanine and becomes saturated at concentrations as low as 5 nM. In Bacillus subtilis, this mRNA motif is located on at least five separate transcriptional units that together encode 17 genes that are mostly involved in purine transport and purine nucleotide biosynthesis. Our findings provide further examples of mRNAs that sense metabolites and that control gene expression without the need for protein factors. Furthermore, it is now apparent that riboswitches contribute to the regulation of numerous fundamental metabolic pathways in certain bacteria
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