23 research outputs found

    On the Mathematical Foundations of Semantic Interoperability and Integration

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    We report on the issues discussed at the breakout session held at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Semantic Interoperability and Integration on September 23, 2004

    Interesting Problems in Semantic Integration and Interoperability

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    We report on the issues discussed at the breakout session held at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Semantic Interoperability and Integration on September 23, 2004

    Architectures for Semantic Integration

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    Infrastructure for Semantic Interoperability and Integration: Breakout Discussion Summary

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    Representation of Semantic Mappings

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    The aim of this breakout session was to chart the landscape of existing approaches for representing mappings between heterogeneous models, identify common ideas and formulate research questions to be addressed in the future. In the session, the discussion mainly concerned three aspects: The nature of mappings, existing proposals for mappings and open research questions

    Establishing a 'Corstonian continuous care pathway for drug using female prisoners: Linking Drug Recovery Wings and Womens Community Services

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    This article outlines the findings from a rapid assessment of pilot Drug Recovery Wings (DRWs) in two women’s prisons and compares the DRW approach with work undertaken in Women’s Community Services (WCSs) commended by the Corston Report. The findings indicate that DRW1 was working more successfully in providing a ‘Corstonian’ approach than DRW2 and the reasons behind this are explored. The article argues that, while pockets of good practice such as WCSs and ‘Corstonian’ DRWs are to be commended, unless there is a continuous care pathway, modelled on Corston’s ideas for working with vulnerable female offenders such as recovering drug users, such work will be limited in its effectiveness. Ideas for how such a systematic approach might work will be outlined

    Summary of the Results of the Break-out Session "Social Issues around the Semantic Web"

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    As part of the Dagstuhl Workshop on the Semantic Web, a break-out session focused on discussing social issues around the Semantic Web. This article is a concise summary of the main issues discussed, the controversies that have arisen, and of the open research questions that need to be addressed


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