192 research outputs found

    On Lie and associative algebras containing inner derivations

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    We describe subalgebras of the Lie algebra \mf{gl}(n^2) that contain all inner derivations of A=Mn(F)A=M_n(F) (where n5n\ge 5 and FF is an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0). In a more general context where AA is a prime algebra satisfying certain technical restrictions, we establish a density theorem for the associative algebra generated by all inner derivations of AA.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Linear Algebra App

    Lie Superautomorphisms on Associative Algebras, II

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    Lie superautomorphisms of prime associative superalgebras are considered. A definitive result is obtained for central simple superalgebras: their Lie superautomorphisms are of standard forms, except when the dimension of the superalgebra in question is 2 or 4.Comment: 19 pages, accepted for publication in Algebr. Represent. Theor

    Identifying derivations through the spectra of their values

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    We consider the relationship between derivations dd and gg of a Banach algebra BB that satisfy \s(g(x)) \subseteq \s(d(x)) for every xBx\in B, where \s(\, . \,) stands for the spectrum. It turns out that in some basic situations, say if B=B(X)B=B(X), the only possibilities are that g=dg=d, g=0g=0, and, if dd is an inner derivation implemented by an algebraic element of degree 2, also g=dg=-d. The conclusions in more complex classes of algebras are not so simple, but are of a similar spirit. A rather definitive result is obtained for von Neumann algebras. In general CC^*-algebras we have to make some adjustments, in particular we restrict our attention to inner derivations implemented by selfadjoint elements. We also consider a related condition [b,x]M[a,x]\|[b,x]\|\leq M\|[a,x]\| for all selfadjoint elements xx from a CC^*-algebra BB, where a,bBa,b\in B and aa is normal.Comment: 12 page

    A local-global principle for linear dependence of noncommutative polynomials

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    A set of polynomials in noncommuting variables is called locally linearly dependent if their evaluations at tuples of matrices are always linearly dependent. By a theorem of Camino, Helton, Skelton and Ye, a finite locally linearly dependent set of polynomials is linearly dependent. In this short note an alternative proof based on the theory of polynomial identities is given. The method of the proof yields generalizations to directional local linear dependence and evaluations in general algebras over fields of arbitrary characteristic. A main feature of the proof is that it makes it possible to deduce bounds on the size of the matrices where the (directional) local linear dependence needs to be tested in order to establish linear dependence.Comment: 8 page

    Group gradings on finitary simple Lie algebras

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    We classify, up to isomorphism, all gradings by an arbitrary abelian group on simple finitary Lie algebras of linear transformations (special linear, orthogonal and symplectic) on infinite-dimensional vector spaces over an algebraically closed field of characteristic different from 2.Comment: Several typographical errors have been correcte

    Zero Jordan product determined Banach algebras

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    A Banach algebra AA is said to be a zero Jordan product determined Banach algebra if every continuous bilinear map φ ⁣:A×AX\varphi\colon A\times A\to X, where XX is an arbitrary Banach space, which satisfies φ(a,b)=0\varphi(a,b)=0 whenever aa, bAb\in A are such that ab+ba=0ab+ba=0, is of the form φ(a,b)=σ(ab+ba)\varphi(a,b)=\sigma(ab+ba) for some continuous linear map σ\sigma. We show that all CC^*-algebras and all group algebras L1(G)L^1(G) of amenable locally compact groups have this property, and also discuss some applications

    On Herstein's Lie Map Conjectures, II

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    AbstractThe theory of functional identities is used to study derivations of Lie algebras arising from associative algebras. Definitive results are obtained modulo algebras of “low dimension.” In particular, Lie derivations of [K,K]/([K,K]∩Z), where K is the Lie algebra of skew elements of a prime algebra with involution and Z is its center, are described. This solves the last remaining open problem of Herstein on Lie derivations. For a simple algebra with involution the Lie algebra of all derivations of [K,K]/([K,K]∩Z) is thoroughly analyzed. Maps that act as derivations on arbitrary fixed polynomials are also discussed, and in particular a solution is given for Herstein's question concerning maps of K which act like a derivation on xm, m being a fixed odd integer

    f-zpd algebras and a multilinear Nullstellensatz

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    Let f=f(x1,,xm)f=f(x_1,\dots,x_m) be a multilinear polynomial over a field FF. An FF-algebra AA is said to be ff-zpd (ff-zero product determined) if every mm-linear functional φ ⁣:AmF\varphi\colon A^{m}\rightarrow F which preserves zeros of ff is of the form φ(a1,,am)=τ(f(a1,,am))\varphi(a_1,\dots,a_m)=\tau(f(a_1,\dots,a_m)) for some linear functional τ\tau on AA. We are primarily interested in the question whether the matrix algebra Md(F)M_d(F) is ff-zpd. While the answer is negative in general, we provide several families of polynomials for which it is positive. We also consider a related problem on the form of a multilinear polynomial g=g(x1,,xm)g=g(x_1,\dots,x_m) with the property that every zero of ff in Md(F)mM_d(F)^{m} is a zero of gg. Under the assumption that m<2d3m<2d-3, we show that gg and ff are linearly dependent

    Maps preserving zeros of a polynomial

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    Let \A be an algebra and let f(x1,...,xd)f(x_1,...,x_d) be a multilinear polynomial in noncommuting indeterminates xix_i. We consider the problem of describing linear maps \phi:\A\to \A that preserve zeros of ff. Under certain technical restrictions we solve the problem for general polynomials ff in the case where \A=M_n(F). We also consider quite general algebras \A, but only for specific polynomials ff.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Linear Algebra App