815 research outputs found

    Moving-Time and Moving-Ego Metaphors from a Translational and Contrastivelinguistic Perspective

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    This article is concerned with some cross-linguistic asymmetries in the use of two types of time metaphors, the Moving-Time and the Moving-Ego metaphor. The latter metaphor appears to be far less well-entrenched in languages such as Croatian or Hungarian, i.e. some of its lexicalizations are less natural than their alternatives based on the Moving- Time metaphor, while some others are, unlike their English models, downright unacceptable. It is argued that some of the differences can be related to the status of the fictive motion construction and some restrictions on the choice of verbs in that construction

    Low Scale Left-Right Symmetry and Naturally Small Neutrino Mass

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    We consider the low scale (1010 - 100100 TeV) left-right symmetric model with "naturally" small neutrino masses generated through the inverse seesaw mechanism. The Dirac neutrino mass terms are taken to be similar to the masses of charged leptons and quarks in order to satisfy the quark-lepton similarity condition. The inverse seesaw implies the existence of fermion singlets SS with Majorana mass terms as well as the "left" and "right" Higgs doublets. These doublets provide the portal for SS and break the left-right symmetry. The inverse seesaw allows to realize a scenario in which the large lepton mixing originates from the Majorana mass matrix of SS fields which has certain symmetry. The model contains heavy pseudo-Dirac fermions, formed by SS and the right-handed neutrinos, which have masses in the 11 GeV - 100100 TeV range and can be searched for at current and future colliders such as LHC and FCC-ee as well as in SHiP and DUNE experiments. Their contribution to neutrinoless double beta decay is unobservable. The radiative corrections to the mass of the Higgs boson and the possibility for generating the baryon asymmetry of the Universe are discussed. Modification of the model with two singlets (SLS_L and SRS_R) per generation can provide a viable keV-scale dark matter candidate.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; comments and references adde


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    This article studies figurative uses of metaphors and metonymies utilized to frame the discourse of transplantology. We assume a somewhat wider view of framing than is usually found in the literature and argue that framing effects can be observed on a cline stretching from the private to the institutional pole. We combine this approach with the findings of the prospect theory that distinguishes between gain-framing and loss-framing as two strategic choices in tackling an issue in discourse. The framing tools, as we show in our analysis of authentic materials, in order to be effective need to be adapted to the section of, or the point on, the cline occupied by a particular subtype of discourse. Although the focus in the cognitive linguistic literature is on how conceptual metaphors are employed in framing discourse, we point out that metonymies, interacting with these metaphors, can also play a very important role. The framing tools used in public campaign aimed at winning new organ donors are strategically mostly gain-framed, and as a rule globally based on the GIFT metaphor. It seems that the metaphorical use of GIFT as a global choice in institutional contexts is not very efficient since it is too general and vague to make discourse more persuasive at the personal level, as expected in the light of the exemplification theory. This metaphor is more effective when adapted accordingly, as we demonstrated on some campaigns supported by or based on metonymic presentation of various aspects stressing the quality of life after transplantationU prilogu se proučava figurativna uporaba metafora i metonimija u uokvirivanju diskursa transplantologije. Polazimo od šireg shvaćanja pojave uokvirivanja od onog koje je općeprihvaćeno u literaturi te tvrdimo da se toj pojavi može pristupiti kao kontinuumu s dva pola: osobnom i institucionalnom. Ovaj se pristup kombinira s teorijom izglednosti unutar koje se postulira gubitno i dobitno uokvirivanje kao dvije strateške mogućnosti izbora. Kako bi bila svrsishodna, sredstva koja se rabe za uokvirivanje, kako pokazujemo na autentičnim materijalima, trebaju se prilagoditi odsječku kontinuuma na koji se može smjestiti određeni podtip diskursa. Iako je u kognitivno lingvističkoj literaturi naglasak gotovo uvijek na ulozi metafore u uokvirivanju diskursa, ističemo da i doprinos metonimije, u suradnji s metaforama, može biti od velikog značaja. Sredstva koja se rabe zauokvirivanje u javnim kampanjama kojima je cilj pridobivanje novih donora organa u pravilu se temelje na konceptualnoj metafori POKLONA. Pokazuje se da metaforička uporaba koncepta POKLONA kao globalnog izbora u institucijskim kontekstima nije učinkovita jer je preopćenita i neodređena a da bi mogla biti uvjerljiva na osobnom nivou, kao što se i može predvidjeti u okviru teorije oprimjerivanja. Spomenuta je metafora učinkovitija kada se prikladno prilagodi, kako pokazujemo na nekim primjerima kampanja koje su poduprte ili se temelje na metonimijskom prikazu različitih aspekata koji naglašavaju kvalitetu života nakon transplantacij


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    Since both metonymy and metaphor are, in the framework of cognitive linguistics, taken to be basic and universally attested processes that help shape conceptual structures and linguistic expressions, the tacit assumption has been that most high-level generalizations that have been established for English (or any other language that happened to provide the empirical confirmation of theoretical claims) should largely hold for other languages as well, discounting of course such language-specific factors as the availability of certain lexical items, etc. In other words, one might expect that similar arrays of metonymically motivated constructions will be found to be fairly frequent across languages. However, as Lakoff (1987) warns, it does not follow that various languages must make use of a particular metonymy in the same way, and in the same contexts. What is more, this universalist underpinning of cognitive research into metonymy may, if unwarranted, i.e. if not supported by cross-linguistic evidence (e.g. typological and contrastive), bring with it a danger of oversimplification and of overemphasizing similarities between languages and thus perhaps even preclude us from gaining some further valuable insights into the nature of the phenomenon. In Brdar and Brdar-Szabó (2003), it is shown that Croatian and Hungarian, unlike English, are reluctant to make use of the MANNER FOR ACTIVITY metonymy in the domain of linguistic action. In order to check whether the observed cross-linguistic differences are merely incidental, due perhaps to some idiosyncratic fact of Croatian and Hungarian, the comparison is extended (i) by systematically examining the same general type of metonymy in a number of different, more or less related domains (e.g. cognitive activity, physical activity, etc.), and (ii) by adding data from some other Germanic and Slavic languages. Finding some degree of consistency in the use or non-use of this metonymy across domains and languages should contribute towards formulating the set of constraints at work in this area, as well as towards refining the existing typologies of metonymies.Kako se metonimija i metafora u okviru kognitivne lingvistike drže temeljnim i univerzalnim procesima koji oblikuju konceptuane strukture i jezične izraze, prešutno se pretpostavljalo da bi sve generalizacije opažene u engleskom (ili nekom drugom jeziku koji se rabio za empirijsku potvrdu teoretskih tvrdnji) trebale vrijediti i za druge jezike, naravno uz moguća odstupanja u pojedinim jezicima zbog odsutnosti određenih leksičkih jedinica. Drugim riječima, moglo bi se očekivati da ćemo slične konfiguracije metonimijski motiviranih konstrukcija zateći prilično često u međujezičnim razmjerima. Kako ističe Lakoff (1987), iz toga, međutim, ne slijedi da razni jezici moraju rabiti jednu te istu metonimiju na isti način i u istim kontekstima. Naivni univerzalistički pristup u kognitivno-lingvističkom istraživanju metonimije nosi sa sobom opasnost da se bez podataka o međujezičnoj usporedbi (tipološkoj ili kontrastivnoj) prenaglase sličnosti među jezicima te na taj način izgube iz vida neke pojedinosti koje bi mogle omogućiti potpunije razumijevanje spomenute pojave. Brdar i Brdar-Szabó (2003) pokazuju da hrvatski i mađarski, za razliku od engleskog, jedva rabe metonimije tipa NAČIN UMJESTO RADNJE u domeni lingvističke djelatnosti. Kako bismo provjerili jesu li te međujezične razlike slučajne tj. idiosinkratične činjenice o hrvatskom i mađarskom, u ovom članku proširujemo usporedbu: i. sustavno promatrajući isti, općeniti tip metonimije u nekoliko, više ili manje, sličnih domena te dodajući podatke iz njemačkog. Sustavnost je u porabi tog tipa metonimije (odnosno u njezinu izbjegavanju) u različitim domenama i jezicima preduvjet za razumijevanje skupa čimbenika koji ograničavaju porabu metonimija, a ujedno i korak prema poboljšanju postojećih tipologija metonimija

    The Bruce Willis of sandwiches: the Y of X is Y of Z construction on its journey towards a paragon model, as one way of achieving intersubjectivity

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    The present article is concerned with innovative metaphorical expressions with proper nouns in a subtype of so-caled XYZ constructions, such as Is sad singleton Vladimir Putin the Jennifer Aniston of European politics?, which link relatively disparate domains and which may cause interpretation difficulties, leading to the problem known as de Saussure’s paradox. Veale (2014) believes that they are “double-edged comparisons that can cut both ways, since information inevitably flows in both directions, …. to meet in the middle to construct a blended mental image.” We argue that such constructions are better explained as metaphors based on metonymic paragon models. A closer look at these constructions reveals that they are most of the time used in discourse in such a way that the speaker provides mapping-like statements justifying the pairing of X and Y: speakers create remarkable links between disparate domains on purpose, but they also attempt, in observance of the Gricean principle of cooperation, to facilitate the processing of such expressions and deliberately explicate what seem to be underlying mappings in keeping with the maxim of quantity until supplying enough information to safeguard the interpretation of the figurative expression in the direction of what they have in mind, i.e. ensuring intersubjectivity. In light of similar constructions without any explications, which can be analyzed as based on metonymic paragon models, we realize that spelling out the reasons for the pairings of proper nouns actually seems to function as a trigger for the online creation of novel paragons or quasi-paragons, or for an ad hoc modification of existing paragons. We claim that it is actually these explications that “cut both ways,” i.e. apply to both X and Y, which means that we witness a dynamic (re)construal of meaning whereby a paragon model is strengthened or modified, or is being created

    Supernova Neutrino Neutrino Astronomy

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    Modern neutrino facilities will be able to detect a large number of neutrinos from the next Galactic supernova. We investigate the viability of the triangulation method to locate a core-collapse supernova by employing the neutrino arrival time differences at various detectors. We perform detailed numerical fits in order to determine the uncertainties of these time differences for the cases when the core collapses into a neutron star or a black hole. We provide a global picture by combining all the relevant current and future neutrino detectors. Our findings indicate that in the scenario of a neutron star formation, supernova can be located with precision of 1.5 and 3.5 degrees in declination and right ascension, respectively. For the black hole scenario, sub-degree precision can be reached.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, matches published versio

    Gravitational Waves from First-Order Phase Transitions: LIGO as a Window to Unexplored Seesaw Scales

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    Within a recently proposed classically conformal model, in which the generation of neutrino masses is linked to spontaneous scale symmetry breaking, we investigate the associated phase transition and find it to be of strong first order with a substantial amount of supercooling. Carefully taking into account the vacuum energy of the metastable minimum, we demonstrate that a significant fraction of the model's parameter space can be excluded simply because the phase transition cannot complete. We argue this to be a powerful consistency check applicable to general theories based on classical scale invariance. Finally, we show that all remaining parameter points predict a sizable gravitational wave signal, so that the model can be fully tested by future gravitational wave observatories. In particular, most of the parameter space can already be probed by the upcoming LIGO science run starting in early 2019.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures; calculation of signal-to-noise ratio updated, references adde

    Producing a new Fermion in Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering: from Neutrino Mass to Dark Matter

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    We consider the production of a new MeV-scale fermion in coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering. The effect on the measurable nucleon recoil spectrum is calculated. Assuming that the new fermion couples to neutrinos and quarks via a singlet scalar, we set limits on its mass and coupling using COHERENT data and also determine the sensitivity of the CONUS experiment. We investigate the possible connection of the new fermion to neutrino mass generation. The possibility of the new fermion being the dark matter particle is also studied.Comment: 21 pages,7 figures, JHEP published versio