6 research outputs found

    Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Weather Conditions

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    Background: Weather is a well-known factor worldwide in psychiatric problems such as depression, with the elderly and females being particularly susceptible. The aim of this study was to detect associations between the risk of depressive symptoms (DS) and weather variables. Methods: 6937 participants were assessed in the baseline survey of the Health Alcohol Psychosocial Factors in Eastern Europe (HAPIEE) study during 2006–2008. To assess the risk of DS, a multivariate logistic model was created with predictors such as socio-demographic factors, health behaviors, and weather variables. Results: DS were found in 23.4% of the respondents, in 15.6% of males and in 29.9% in females. A higher risk of DS (by 25%) was associated with November–December, a rising wind speed, and relative humidity (RH) 14.2◦ C) predominant during May–September had a protective impact. A higher risk of DS in males was associated with lower atmospheric pressure (<1009 hPa) 2 days before. Females were more sensitive to the monthly variation, snowfall, and RH. Conclusions: The findings of our study suggest that some levels of weather variables have a statistically significant effect on DS

    The sustainable development of the knowledge based economy in Lithuania

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    Šio amžiaus valstybių valdymo aplinka pasižymi dinamiškumu, integruotumu, tarpdalykiškumu ir sudaro prielaidas rastis sąveikai tarp žiniomis grįstos ekonomikos (toliau – ŽGE) ir darnaus vystymosi Lietuvoje, tačiau pasigendama vieningos minėtų procesų vertinimo metodikos, todėl šio tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėjus ŽGE ir darnaus vystymosi sąsajas bei sudarius ir apskaičiavus integruotą ŽGE darnaus vystymosi Lietuvoje indeksą, parengti siūlymus, kaip ŽGE gali prisidėti prie darnesnio Lietuvos vystymosi. Apskaičiuotas indeksas sudarytas iš socioekonomikos, aplinkosaugos, inovacijų, žmogiškųjų išteklių ir informacinių, komunikacinių technologijų subindeksų. Lietuvos ŽGE darnus vystymasis vertinamas teigiamai, tačiau nustatyta, kad atskirų subindeksų plėtra nėra vienoda. Tam, kad Lietuvos ŽGE vystymasis būtų darnesnis, siūloma tikslingiau naudotis ES gerąja patirtimi, strateginėmis kryptimis, plėtoti visų analizuotų dimensijų tolygią integraciją į ŽGE ir darnaus vystymosi procesus, efektyviau skleisti ŽGE ir darnaus vystymosi svarbą informacinėmis komunikacinėmis technologijomis, kurios yra viena stipriausių šalies sričių, skatinti mokymo sistemų pritaikymą konkurencingiausioms kompetencijoms įgyti, skirti didesnį dėmesį savivaldos lygmeniu vykdomai politikai ŽGE darnaus vystymosi kontekste.In this century the management of the country is in a dynamic, multiplicity and controversial environment. For their competitiveness is necessary to look for the interaction between the knowledgebased economy and the sustainable development. A strong correlation between those objects.forces scientists to analyze, create new evaluation methodologies. The aim of this study – to examine the role of importance between knowledge–based economy and sustainable development, create and calculate an integrated sustainable knowledge–based economy index of Lithuania and according to the results or research, make proposes for more effective development of Lithuania’s sustainable knowledge–based economy. The index consists of Socio-economic, environmental, innovation, human resources and information and communications technology sub–indices..The calculation showed that the development of a knowledge–based economy is not sustainable, because not all the development of sub–indices.is the same. The biggest positive changes taking place in information and communication technology, and negative – socio-economic areas. The sustainable development of the knowledge–based economy in Lithuania since 2010 is growing up

    The influence of 3-(1H-Benzimidazol-2-yl)-4-phenylaminobutanoic acid sodium salt on summer rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield and oil quality

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    Atliktas įvairių koncentracijų 3-(1H-benzimidazol-2-il)-4-fenilaminobutano rūgšties natrio druskos poveikio vasariniams rapsams (Brassica napus L.) tyrimas laboratorijoje in vitro ir lauko sąlygomis. Išanalizavus gautus rezultatus konstatuota, kad tiriamasis junginys skatina rapsų augimą, didina derlių ir turi teigiamos įtakos aliejaus kokybei. In vitro sąlygomis jis padidino augalų biomasę, 2 mg/l koncentracijos tirpalas skatino rapsų šaknų augimą. Lauko sąlygomis šio junginio 100 mg/l koncentracijos tirpalas labiausiai padidino ankštarų kiekį ir sėklų svorį, o 125 mg/l – aliejaus kiekįThe influence of the biological activity of various concentrations of 3-(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-4-phenylamino-butanoic sodium salt on summer rapeseed was studied by the laboratory screening in vitro and in field conditions. It was determined that the study compound stimulated rapeseed growth, increased their yield and had a positive effect on the oil quality. This compound increased plant biomass in vitro and root length by 2 mg/l. In the field trials, rapeseed seedlings were sprayed with a 100 mg/l solution, and the number of siliques and the weight of seeds were found to be increased. When seedlings were sprayed with a 125 mg/l solution of the compound, the content of oil increased. The content of flavonoids and the radical scavenging activity were highest when seedlings were sprayed with a 75 mg/l solution of the compoundVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij