63 research outputs found

    An Examination Of The Lambda-Type Bence-Jones Protein In Relation To The Role It Plays As A Model Light Chain Immunoglobulin With A Blocked N-Terminal

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    The simplest subunit by which the immune systems of higher animals function is the immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are proteins endowed with antibody activity, that is, the ability to bind and inactivate those foreign substances capable of illiciting an antigenic response. Antigenic types and classes of immunoglobulins are established. The Bence- Jones dimer, by its very nature, has significance as a model for antibody structure and function. The lambda-type chain appears to have a striking similarity with the IgG light chains. The models of the Bence-Jones dimer that have been constructed at Argonne National Laboratory were sealed by x-ray crystallography which suggest the antigenic specificity of the two light chains of the IgG immunoglobulin. The blocked N-terminal of the Bence-Jones protein has been unblocked with the ensyme, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase, The scheme for the isolation of this enzyme is contained within this text, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase was isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens has proved to be specific for the peptide linkage of PGA-Ser on the N-terminal of the Bence-Jones Dimer, Ninety per cent cleavage of the peptide bond was obtained, which is signigicant enough for crystallographic study of the N-terminal.The simplest subunit by which the immune systems of higher animals function is the immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are proteins endowed with antibody activity, that is, the ability to bind and inactivate those foreign substances capable of illiciting an antigenic response. Antigenic types and classes of immunoglobulins are established. The Bence- Jones dimer, by its very nature, has significance as a model for antibody structure and function. The lambda-type chain appears to have a striking similarity with the IgG light chains. The models of the Bence-Jones dimer that have been constructed at Argonne National Laboratory were sealed by x-ray crystallography which suggest the antigenic specificity of the two light chains of the IgG immunoglobulin. The blocked N-terminal of the Bence-Jones protein has been unblocked with the ensyme, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase, The scheme for the isolation of this enzyme is contained within this text, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase was isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens has proved to be specific for the peptide linkage of PGA-Ser on the N-terminal of the Bence-Jones Dimer, Ninety per cent cleavage of the peptide bond was obtained, which is signigicant enough for crystallographic study of the N-terminal.The simplest subunit by which the immune systems of higher animals function is the immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are proteins endowed with antibody activity, that is, the ability to bind and inactivate those foreign substances capable of illiciting an antigenic response. Antigenic types and classes of immunoglobulins are established. The Bence- Jones dimer, by its very nature, has significance as a model for antibody structure and function. The lambda-type chain appears to have a striking similarity with the IgG light chains. The models of the Bence-Jones dimer that have been constructed at Argonne National Laboratory were sealed by x-ray crystallography which suggest the antigenic specificity of the two light chains of the IgG immunoglobulin. The blocked N-terminal of the Bence-Jones protein has been unblocked with the ensyme, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase, The scheme for the isolation of this enzyme is contained within this text, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase was isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens has proved to be specific for the peptide linkage of PGA-Ser on the N-terminal of the Bence-Jones Dimer, Ninety per cent cleavage of the peptide bond was obtained, which is signigicant enough for crystallographic study of the N-terminal.The simplest subunit by which the immune systems of higher animals function is the immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are proteins endowed with antibody activity, that is, the ability to bind and inactivate those foreign substances capable of illiciting an antigenic response. Antigenic types and classes of immunoglobulins are established. The Bence- Jones dimer, by its very nature, has significance as a model for antibody structure and function. The lambda-type chain appears to have a striking similarity with the IgG light chains. The models of the Bence-Jones dimer that have been constructed at Argonne National Laboratory were sealed by x-ray crystallography which suggest the antigenic specificity of the two light chains of the IgG immunoglobulin. The blocked N-terminal of the Bence-Jones protein has been unblocked with the ensyme, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase, The scheme for the isolation of this enzyme is contained within this text, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase was isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens has proved to be specific for the peptide linkage of PGA-Ser on the N-terminal of the Bence-Jones Dimer, Ninety per cent cleavage of the peptide bond was obtained, which is signigicant enough for crystallographic study of the N-terminal.The simplest subunit by which the immune systems of higher animals function is the immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are proteins endowed with antibody activity, that is, the ability to bind and inactivate those foreign substances capable of illiciting an antigenic response. Antigenic types and classes of immunoglobulins are established. The Bence- Jones dimer, by its very nature, has significance as a model for antibody structure and function. The lambda-type chain appears to have a striking similarity with the IgG light chains. The models of the Bence-Jones dimer that have been constructed at Argonne National Laboratory were sealed by x-ray crystallography which suggest the antigenic specificity of the two light chains of the IgG immunoglobulin. The blocked N-terminal of the Bence-Jones protein has been unblocked with the ensyme, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase, The scheme for the isolation of this enzyme is contained within this text, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase was isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens has proved to be specific for the peptide linkage of PGA-Ser on the N-terminal of the Bence-Jones Dimer, Ninety per cent cleavage of the peptide bond was obtained, which is signigicant enough for crystallographic study of the N-terminal.The simplest subunit by which the immune systems of higher animals function is the immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are proteins endowed with antibody activity, that is, the ability to bind and inactivate those foreign substances capable of illiciting an antigenic response. Antigenic types and classes of immunoglobulins are established. The Bence- Jones dimer, by its very nature, has significance as a model for antibody structure and function. The lambda-type chain appears to have a striking similarity with the IgG light chains. The models of the Bence-Jones dimer that have been constructed at Argonne National Laboratory were sealed by x-ray crystallography which suggest the antigenic specificity of the two light chains of the IgG immunoglobulin. The blocked N-terminal of the Bence-Jones protein has been unblocked with the ensyme, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase, The scheme for the isolation of this enzyme is contained within this text, Pyrrolidonecarboxylyl Peptidase was isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens has proved to be specific for the peptide linkage of PGA-Ser on the N-terminal of the Bence-Jones Dimer, Ninety per cent cleavage of the peptide bond was obtained, which is signigicant enough for crystallographic study of the N-terminal

    Evolution of large-scale magnetic fields in the Sun

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    A scenario of evolution of the large-scale magnetic fields in the Sun is proposed. The analysed models of the Sun allow one to accept the shearing of the poloidal field by differential rotation, helical turbulence and also the advective transport of the magnetic flux by meridional circulation as the main processes of the solar activity. We found that toroidal magnetic field (TMF) was more effectively generated in the strong radial shear layer (tachocline). It has a small value of diffusion and is carried out by meridional circulation toward the equator, where diffusion of the fields with different signs takes place. Casual force takes away the partial TMF in the solar convective zone and magnetic buoyancy sends the field to the surface. Using the Babcock–Leighton idea, we give confirmation of the generation of the poloidal magnetic field only near the surface and poles. The approximate decisions enable one to build the model of the solar dynamo in accordance with the observations

    Компаративні аспекти становлення експресіонізму в українській літературі: новели В. Винниченка і мала проза Л. Андреєва

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    Through the comparison of the poetological peculiarities of short stories by V. Vynnychenko (“The Chain”, “The Scorn”) and L. Andreyev (“The Curse of Beast”, “The Red Laughter”), the paper explores the expressionist tendencies in the works of Ukrainian writer. The author analyzes possible genetic and contact relations between the works of both authors, as well as typological parallels between them which might have arisen without any direct contacts. On the top of that, the paper focuses on the syncretism of styles typical of the texts under scrutiny.У статті шляхом зіставлення поетикальних особливостей новел В. Винниченка “Ланцюг” і “Глум” з оповіданням Л. Андреєва “Прокляття звіра” й повістю “Червоний сміх” проаналізовано експресіоністичні тенденції в доробку українського письменника. Висвітлено як можливі контактно-генетичні зв’язки творів обох авторів, так і споріднені типологічні риси, реалізовані у творах незалежно від прямих міжлітературних запозичень. Водночас приділено увагу стильовому синкретизму аналізованих зразків

    Нарис Г. Успенського “Випрямила” і новела В. Винниченка “Ланцюг”: рецепція теми та її індивідуальні стильові модифікації в контексті доби

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    The paper substantiates expedience of comparing the works by Ukrainian and Russian authors, who belonged to the different, though contiguous, literary epochs. The structural ascents and style differences of the works demonstrating proper “horizons of expectation” of the time as determinants of aesthetical discourse have been found out and interpreted. Modernistic artistic thought, unlike realistic psychologism and social and cultural analysis, is characterized by graphic, grotesque and symbolic metaphors of narration with implication of Gnosticism, consonant to the newest mythmaking and contemporary literary practice related to secession tendencies.У статті обґрунтовано доцільність компаративного розгляду творів українського і російського авторів, належних до різних, хоча й суміжних літературних епох. З’ясовано й інтерпретовано структурні сходження і стильові відмінності творів, які демонструють відповідні “горизонти очікування” свого часу – детермінанти естетичного дискурсу. Модерністське художнє мислення, на відміну від реалістичного психологізму й соціально-культурного аналітизму, прикметне яскравою, гротескною й символічною метафорикою викладу із гностичним підтекстом, суголосним новітньому міфотворенню й актуальній літературній практиці, пов’язаній із сецесійними тенденціями

    Naturalistic poetics and the discourses of early modernism: Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s “Equilibrium” and Mikhail Artsybashev’s “At the Utmost Bound”

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    У статті розглядається рецепція натуралістичної естетики й поетики в романах українського і російського прозаїків. З’ясовуються наративні засоби письменників, сюжетно-композиційна будова творів, проблемно- тематичні перегуки, своєрідність світоглядно-естетичних засад митців.The paper deals with the reception of naturalistic aesthetics and poetics in the novels of Ukrainian and Russian prosaists. The author studies the narrative devices, plot and compositional structure of both works, marking out thematic parallels between them as well as ideological and aesthetical principles of both writers

    Монтажні засоби в малій прозі Євгена Гуцала

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    The paper considers intermedial aspects of literary images. Verbal images designed for visual imagination have been analyzed in respect of their correspondence with editing process in filmmaking. Visual compositions in realistic poetics that intensify the mood of an episode appear as analogues of psychological parallelism and clear film metaphor. In the later works by the writer combinations of visual images are related to modeling the work of unconscious. It may be a row of verbal pictures, which form symbolic ‘code’ of action, visualizing temporal duration as it happens in cinematographic dissolve and documentaries. Combining repeated images with different elements of landscape the writer accents possibilities of verbal description which correlate with compositional and chromatic means of painting. Remote associations of likening strengthen spectacular effect of exposition and vary functionally from humorous allusions to romantic visions which transform the historical content of action. Cinematographic analogies of the writer’s prosaic images have been indicated.Стаття  присвячена  інтермедіальним  аспектам  літературної  образності.  Словесні  образи, розраховані на зорову уяву, потрактовані з погляду їх відповідності монтажним побудовам у кіно. Візуальні композиції в реалістичній поетиці постають як аналоги психологічного паралелізму і прозорої кінометафори, увиразнюючи настроєве звучання епізоду. У пізніших творах комбінації зорових  образів  пов’язані  з  моделюванням  роботи  несвідомого,  низки  словесних  малюнків, які  формують  символічний  “код”  дії.  Візуалізація  часової  тривалості  уподібнює  виклад  до кінематографічного напливу й науково-популярного фільму. Комбінація повторюваного образу з різними елементами ландшафту акцентує малярські композиційні й колористичні можливості словесного опису. Віддалена асоціативність уподібнень посилює видовищний ефект викладу й функціонально варіює від гумористичних алюзій до романтичних візій, які трансформують історичний зміст дії. Указано на кінематографічні аналогії прозових образів письменника


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    The paper explores the specifi c assimilation of F. Nietzsche’s ideas as well as of socialist discourse in shortprose works by L.Andreyev and V.Vynnychenko. Focusing upon the comparative aspect of this process, theauthor of the article investigates the narrative structure and the plots of the texts mentioned, thus confrontingthem with the stylistic tendencies of fi n de siècle literature.У статті в компаративному аспекті аналізується художня рецепція ідей Ф. Ніцше та соціалістичногодискурсу у зразках малої прози російського й українського письменників. Розглядається наративнаструктура творів та особливості їх сюжетобудови у зв’язку зі стильовими тенденціями в літературі кінцяХІХ – початку ХХ ст

    Колористика в малій прозі Євгена Гуцала

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    The paper considers the means of representing space in Yevhen Hutsalo’s prose which are suitable for comparison with the painting technique. Coloring is one of determining graphic resources of a picture. The artistic effect of the figures and spatial compositions fixed on canvas is to a great extent predefined by the color solution of the subjects and air environment depicted. In order to make the world of imagination more representational the literature used to involve visual imagery in a verbal design, in which color and light markers not only specify a representation of fictitious or real situation but also give some lyrical, epical or dramatic coloring to the narration, increasing the expressivity of a picture. In the descriptions of landscapes in the short stories by Yevhen Hutsalo one may find the verbal analogues of such painting tools as color dominant, color harmony, lighted up and shaded areas. The dynamics of color solution in a verbal picture, the introduction of new hues and their combinations, and the constructing of light environments help to strengthen the emotional effect of the narration and make some special mood accents. The change of chromatic range and interpretation of painting components of the verbal image liken the narration to the melodious and sound transitions in music and editing tools in filmmaking. The color effects contribute to plasticity of the represented objects or, on the contrary, make their representation less material, give some decorative or symbolic sense to the nature. The story “On the Shining Horizon” may be compared to the cycle of paintings by Oscar-Claude Monet “Rouen Cathedral”. The unsteady landscape of Y. Hutsalo is marked by interpretative activity of the narrator. The landscape descriptions with a less vivid and not too rich, i. e. comparatively weak in terms of stimulating emotions, color range are also endowed with a noticeable expressive potential. In accordance with the requirements of expression in painting the verbal chiaroscuro also may give dynamics to relatively static environment. The paper offers a comparative analysis of the verbal ‘pictures’ and their corresponding paintings-predecessors.У статті розглянуто засоби зображення простору у прозі українського письменника, які надаються до порівнянь із малярською технікою. В оповіданнях Є. Гуцала в описах краєвидів можна віднайти словесні аналоги таких малярських засобів, як колірна домінанта, колористична гармонія, освітлені й затінені зони. Уведення у словесну картину нових барв і їх комбінація, конструювання світлового середовища дають змогу посилити емоційність викладу, внести в нього настроєві акценти. Зміна хроматичного ряду у словесному зображенні уподібнює розповідь до мелодійних і звукових переходів у музиці й монтажних засобів у кінематографі. Колористичні ефекти увиразнюють пластичність зображених об’єктів або ж, навпаки, нівелюють їх реальну матеріальність, надають натурі декоративності чи символічного сенсу. Помітним виражальним потенціалом наділені й пейзажні описи з менш яскравою й не надто насиченою колірною гамою. Подано також порівняльний аналіз словесних картин і їх малярських аналогів-попередників