590 research outputs found

    Coarsening Dynamics of a Nonconserved Field Advected by a Uniform Shear Flow

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    We consider the ordering kinetics of a nonconserved scalar field advected by a uniform shear flow. Using the Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki approximation, modified to allow for shear-induced anisotropy, we calculate the asymptotic time dependence of the characteristic length scales, L_parallel and L_perp, that describe the growth of order parallel and perpendicular to the mean domain orientation. In space dimension d=3 we find, up to constants, L_parallel = gamma t^{3/2}, L_perp = t^{1/2}, where gamma is the shear rate, while for d = 2 we find L_parallel = gamma^{1/2} t (ln t)^{1/4}, L_perp = gamma^{-1/2}(ln t)^{-1/4} . Our predictions for d=2 can be tested by experiments on twisted nematic liquid crystals.Comment: RevTex, 4 page

    Dynamics and delocalisation transition for an interface driven by a uniform shear flow

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    We study the effect of a uniform shear flow on an interface separating the two broken-symmetry ordered phases of a two-dimensional system with nonconserved scalar order parameter. The interface, initially flat and perpendicular to the flow, is distorted by the shear flow. We show that there is a critical shear rate, \gamma_c, proportional to 1/L^2, (where L is the system width perpendicular to the flow) below which the interface can sustain the shear. In this regime the countermotion of the interface under its curvature balances the shear flow, and the stretched interface stabilizes into a time-independent shape whose form we determine analytically. For \gamma > \gamma_c, the interface acquires a non-zero velocity, whose profile is shown to reach a time-independent limit which we determine exactly. The analytical results are checked by numerical integration of the equations of motion.Comment: 5 page

    Corrections to Scaling in Phase-Ordering Kinetics

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    The leading correction to scaling associated with departures of the initial condition from the scaling morphology is determined for some soluble models of phase-ordering kinetics. The result for the pair correlation function has the form C(r,t) = f_0(r/L) + L^{-\omega} f_1(r/L) + ..., where L is a characteristic length scale extracted from the energy. The correction-to-scaling exponent \omega has the value \omega=4 for the d=1 Glauber model, the n-vector model with n=\infty, and the approximate theory of Ohta, Jasnow and Kawasaki. For the approximate Mazenko theory, however, \omega has a non-trivial value: omega = 3.8836... for d=2, and \omega = 3.9030... for d=3. The correction-to-scaling functions f_1(x) are also calculated.Comment: REVTEX, 7 pages, two figures, needs epsf.sty and multicol.st

    Phase Ordering Dynamics of the O(n) Model - Exact Predictions and Numerical Results

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    We consider the pair correlation functions of both the order parameter field and its square for phase ordering in the O(n)O(n) model with nonconserved order parameter, in spatial dimension 2d32\le d\le 3 and spin dimension 1nd1\le n\le d. We calculate, in the scaling limit, the exact short-distance singularities of these correlation functions and compare these predictions to numerical simulations. Our results suggest that the scaling hypothesis does not hold for the d=2d=2 O(2)O(2) model. Figures (23) are available on request - email [email protected]: 23 pages, Plain LaTeX, M/C.TH.93/2

    Phase Ordering Kinetics with External Fields and Biased Initial Conditions

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    The late-time phase-ordering kinetics of the O(n) model for a non-conserved order parameter are considered for the case where the O(n) symmetry is broken by the initial conditions or by an external field. An approximate theoretical approach, based on a `gaussian closure' scheme, is developed, and results are obtained for the time-dependence of the mean order parameter, the pair correlation function, the autocorrelation function, and the density of topological defects [e.g. domain walls (n=1n=1), or vortices (n=2n=2)]. The results are in qualitative agreement with experiments on nematic films and related numerical simulations on the two-dimensional XY model with biased initial conditions.Comment: 35 pages, latex, no figure

    Perturbative Corrections to the Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki Theory of Phase-Ordering Dynamics

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    A perturbation expansion is considered about the Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki theory of phase-ordering dynamics; the non-linear terms neglected in the OJK calculation are reinstated and treated as a perturbation to the linearised equation. The first order correction term to the pair correlation function is calculated in the large-d limit and found to be of order 1/(d^2).Comment: Revtex, 27 pages including 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. E, references adde

    Growth Laws for Phase Ordering

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    We determine the characteristic length scale, L(t)L(t), in phase ordering kinetics for both scalar and vector fields, with either short- or long-range interactions, and with or without conservation laws. We obtain L(t)L(t) consistently by comparing the global rate of energy change to the energy dissipation from the local evolution of the order parameter. We derive growth laws for O(n) models, and our results can be applied to other systems with similar defect structures.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, second tr

    Phase Ordering Kinetics of One-Dimensional Non-Conserved Scalar Systems

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    We consider the phase-ordering kinetics of one-dimensional scalar systems. For attractive long-range (r(1+σ)r^{-(1+\sigma)}) interactions with σ>0\sigma>0, ``Energy-Scaling'' arguments predict a growth-law of the average domain size Lt1/(1+σ)L \sim t^{1/(1+\sigma)} for all σ>0\sigma >0. Numerical results for σ=0.5\sigma=0.5, 1.01.0, and 1.51.5 demonstrate both scaling and the predicted growth laws. For purely short-range interactions, an approach of Nagai and Kawasaki is asymptotically exact. For this case, the equal-time correlations scale, but the time-derivative correlations break scaling. The short-range solution also applies to systems with long-range interactions when σ\sigma \rightarrow \infty, and in that limit the amplitude of the growth law is exactly calculated.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex 3.0, 8 FIGURES UPON REQUEST, 1549

    Phase separation of the Potts model in que square lattice

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    When the two dimensional q-color Potts model in the square lattice is quenched at zero temperature with Glauber dynamics, the energy decreases in time following an Allen-Cahn power law, and the system converges to a phase with energy higher than the ground state energy after an arbitrary large time when q>4. At low but finite temperature, it cesses to obey the power-law regime and orders after a very long time, which increases with q, and before which it performs a domain growth process which tends to be slower as q increases. We briefly present and comment numerical results on the ordering at nonzero temperature.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the "International Workshop on Complex sytems", June 2006 in Santander (Spain

    The Expansion in Width for Domain Walls in Nematic Liquid Crystals in External Magnetic Field

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    The improved expansion in width is applied to curved domain walls in uniaxial nematic liquid crystals in external magnetic field. In the present paper we concentrate on the case of equal elastic constants. We obtain approximate form of the director field up to second order in magnetic coherence length.Comment: 18 pages, Latex 2.09, no figure