60 research outputs found

    Establishment of an in vivo Streptozotocin-Induced Type 1 Diabetes Model Recapitulating Early Brain and Retinal Fibrosis

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    INTRODUCTION: Diabetes has risen to one of the top American public health concerns. The hyperglycemic state of chronic diabetes leads to microvascular and macrovascular changes that predispose patients to delayed wound healing and organ fibrosis. The validation of models to specifically detect early, quantifiable fibrotic changes seen in the diabetic state is of fundamental importance for understanding the diabetic pathophysiology and exploring earlier management options. Here, we investigated if we could detect early signs of internal fibrosis in a streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic mouse model by quantifying α-SMA expression in various organs using flow cytometry. METHODS: We used a low-dose STZ-induced T1DM model. T1DM was confirmed via sustained hyperglycemia (\u3e250mg/dl) over 8-10 weeks. Delayed healing of full thickness wounds was confirmed by tracking wound healing progression over two weeks. Wounded and unwounded skin samples were analyzed histologically to quantify collagen deposition as a sign of fibrosis. Organ fibrosis was assessed in a semi-high-throughput manner using flow cytometry to quantify the percentage of alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin (α-SMA) positive cells in diabetic versus normoglycemic controls. RESULTS: Combining STZ with post-injection glucose treatment yielded highly efficient 100% pathogenesis with 100% survival. Diabetic mice showed signs of hyperglycemia, polyuria, and delayed wound healing. Histological analysis indicated a greater increase in epidermal height and lower levels of collagen deposition in diabetic wounds. After 10-12 weeks of hyperglycemia, we observed elevated α-SMA in brain and retinal tissues. DISCUSSION: The STZ model has previously presented cumbersome, costly, and time-intensive limitations for the study of diabetic complications. Here we tested a quantitative method for detecting early signs of fibrosis using flow cytometry. The higher percentage of α-SMA positive cells in retinal and brain tissue of diabetic mice suggests fibrosis of these tissues. We argue that this is a suitable method to study early diabetic complications

    IDO1 is an Integral Mediator of Inflammatory Neovascularization.

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    The immune tolerogenic effects of IDO1 (indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1) have been well documented and genetic studies in mice have clearly established the significance of IDO1 in tumor promotion. Dichotomously, the primary inducer of IDO1, the inflammatory cytokine IFNγ (interferon-γ), is a key mediator of immune-based tumor suppression. One means by which IFNγ can exert an anti-cancer effect is by decreasing tumor neovascularization. We speculated that IDO1 might contribute to cancer promotion by countering this anti-neovascular effect of IFNγ, possibly through IDO1-potentiated elevation of the pro-tumorigenic inflammatory cytokine IL6 (interleukin-6). In this study, we investigated how genetic loss of IDO1 affects neovascularization in mouse models of oxygen-induced retinopathy and lung metastasis. Neovascularization in both models was significantly reduced in mice lacking IDO1, was similarly reduced with loss of IL6, and was restored in both cases by concomitant loss of IFNγ. Likewise, the lack of IDO1 or IL6 resulted in reduced metastatic tumor burden and increased survival, which the concomitant loss of IFNγ abrogated. This insight into IDO1\u27s involvement in pro-tumorigenic inflammatory neovascularization may have important ramifications for IDO1 inhibitor development, not only in cancer where clinical trials are currently ongoing, but in other disease indications associated with neovascularization as well

    Myo/Nog cells expressing muscle proteins are present in preretinal membranes from patients with proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

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    Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is a complication of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and ocular trauma. The disease is characterized by development of membranes that may apply traction to the retina and cause redetachment. Membrane contractions are attributed to myofibroblasts arising from retinal pigment epithelial cells, glia and fibroblasts. The progenitors of myofibrobasts in the lens are Myo/Nog cells that express the skeletal muscle transcription factor MyoD and bone morphogenetic protein inhibitor Noggin. The retina and choroid also contain Myo/Nog cells that respond to stress. We examined preretinal PVR membranes from three ocular trauma patients with retinal detachment for Myo/Nog cells and their expression of muscle proteins. Myo/Nog cells were identified by co-localization of antibodies to the G8 antigen and Noggin. Greater than 80% of all cells in sections from two of three patients expressed both G8 and Noggin. Myo/Nog cells lacked pigment. Alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and striated myosin II heavy chain were present in the majority of Myo/Nog cells in these two patients. Differentiation of Myo/Nog cells was paralleled by low levels of MyoD. Membrane sections from the third patient consisted mostly of connective tissue with very few cells. A small subpopulation in these sections expressed both G8 and Noggin, and muscle proteins were detected in only a minority of G8-positive (+) cells. In all three patients, greater than 99% of cells with MyoD, α-SMA and striated muscle myosin co-expressed G8. These findings suggest that contractile myofibroblasts in PVR membranes may be derived from differentiating Myo/Nog cells

    Adapting to Challenges Presented in Training New Students in Laboratory Techniques During COVID-19

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    Introduction: In early 2020, COVID-19 entered the United States, and by the end of March 2020, the city had mandated schools shut down to slow the spread and flatten the curve. Beginning in the fall, PCOM started slowly opening up research labs again to students with restrictions in capacity and returning onto campus. The new standards affected the normal timeline of introducing new students into the lab. The Bravo research laboratory takes an average of 20 students in each year, with a limited number of students allowed to be trained at the time, the lab management personnel had to adapt to be able to train them all. To counteract this, a plan to create virtual methods in preparing incoming students was started. The goal is to have students prepared to enter the lab in a safe manner while following all guidelines instructed by PCOM. Methods: Video footage was recorded following proper safety procedures set in place by PCOM. The filming process involved a two person team wearing N95 masks with one handling the experimental protocol while the second filmed using a digital video camera (model: HDV-604S). All video footage was transferred to a Macbook Pro and loaded into the software iMovie for video editing. The finished file was converted into a playable mp4 file and shared with the students using a GoogleDrive folder. Other softwares used for virtual communication included FaceTime and GoogleMeet to carry out virtual training and orientation. Results: The following procedures were created from the study: 1). Five minute video showing the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) experimental procedure. 2). Four minute video demonstrating the Electroretinography (ERT) procedure. 3). Three minute video documenting the process of obtaining eyes for histology. 4). Facetime is used to train students in changing oxygen tanks in the LAR for hyperoxia experiments. 5). GoogleMeet was used to present a powerpoint to provide the LAR orientation for incoming students. 6). Immunohistochemistry and Microscope training were conducted using GoogleMeet to present a powerpoint prior to a short in person demonstration to shorten exposure. Conclusions: The three videos served as a way for the incoming new students to become familiar with the various experimental protocols required in their project and allowed them to smooth transition onto campus. Students taking required courses prior to getting clearance will be able to start familiarizing themselves with required lab techniques. Returning students coming back into the lab will also be able to use these videos to refresh their techniques themselves prior to their day back in the lab. The powerpoints will provide students with proper lab safety/protocols as reference in the future. The plan is to use the media files as a reference for future students entering the lab when in-person training resumes as a standard in training. These virtual tools will provide flexibility for all future incoming students after restrictions are lifted

    Role of Myo/Nog Cells in Neuroprotection: Evidence from the Light Damaged Retina.

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    PURPOSE: To identify Myo/Nog cells in the adult retina and test their role in protecting retinal photoreceptors from light damage. METHODS: Light damage was induced by exposing albino rats raised in dim cyclic light to 1000 lux light for 24 hours. In one group of rats, Myo/Nog cells were purified from rat brain tissue by magnetic cell sorting following binding of the G8 monoclonal antibody (mAb). These cells were injected into the vitreous humour of the eye within 2 hours following bright light exposure. Retinal function was assessed using full-field, flash electroretinogram (ERG) before and after treatment. The numbers of Myo/Nog cells, apoptotic photoreceptors, and the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in Muller cells were assessed by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Myo/Nog cells were present in the undamaged retina in low numbers. Light induced damage increased their numbers, particularly in the choroid, ganglion cell layer and outer plexiform layer. Intravitreal injection of G8-positive (G8+) cells harvested from brain mitigated all the effects of light damage examined, i.e. loss of retinal function (ERG), death of photoreceptors and the stress-induced expression of GFAP in Muller cells. Some of the transplanted G8+ cells were integrated into the retina from the vitreous. CONCLUSIONS: Myo/Nog cells are a subpopulation of cells that are present in the adult retina. They increase in number in response to light induced stress. Intravitreal injection of Myo/Nog cells was protective to the retina, in part, by reducing retinal stress as measured by the Muller cell response. These results suggest that Myo/Nog cells, or the factors they produce, are neuroprotective and may be therapeutic in neurodegenerative retinal diseases

    Myo/Nog Cells: Targets for Preventing the Accumulation of Skeletal Muscle-Like Cells in the Human Lens

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    Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is a vision impairing condition that arises in some patients following cataract surgery. The fibrotic form of PCO is caused by myofibroblasts that may emerge in the lens years after surgery. In the chick embryo lens, myofibroblasts are derived from Myo/Nog cells that are identified by their expression of the skeletal muscle specific transcription factor MyoD, the bone morphogenetic protein inhibitor Noggin, and the epitope recognized by the G8 monoclonal antibody. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that depletion of Myo/Nog cells will prevent the accumulation of myofibroblasts in human lens tissue. Myo/Nog cells were present in anterior, equatorial and bow regions of the human lens, cornea and ciliary processes. In anterior lens tissue removed by capsulorhexis, Myo/Nog cells had synthesized myofibroblast and skeletal muscle proteins, including vimentin, MyoD and sarcomeric myosin. Alpha smooth muscle actin (a-SMA) was detected in a subpopulation of Myo/Nog cells. Areas of the capsule denuded of epithelial cells were surrounded by Myo/Nog cells. Some of these cell free areas contained a wrinkle in the capsule. Depletion of Myo/Nog cells eliminated cells expressing skeletal muscle proteins in 5-day cultures but did not affect cells immunoreactive for beaded filament proteins that accumulate in differentiating lens epithelial cells. Transforming growth factor-betas 1 and 2 that mediate an epithelial-mesenchymal transition, did not induce the expression of skeletal muscle proteins in lens cells following Myo/Nog cell depletion. This study demonstrates that Myo/Nog cells in anterior lens tissue removed from cataract patients have undergone a partial differentiation to skeletal muscle. Myo/Nog cells appear to be the source of skeletal muscle-like cells in explants of human lens tissue. Targeting Myo/Nog cells with the G8 antibody during cataract surgery may reduce the incidence of PCO

    Hydroxytyrosol Reduces Foam Cell Formation and Endothelial Inflammation Regulating the PPARγ/LXRα/ABCA1 Pathway.

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    Cholesterol accumulation in macrophages leads to the formation of foam cells and increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis. We have verified whether hydroxytyrosol (HT), a phenolic compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can reduce the cholesterol build up in THP-1 macrophage-derived foam cells. We have also investigated the potential mechanisms. Oil Red O staining and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assays were utilized to detect cellular lipid accumulation and cholesterol content, respectively, in THP-1 macrophages foam cells treated with HT. The impact of HT on cholesterol metabolism-related molecules (SR-A1, CD36, LOX-1, ABCA1, ABCG1, PPARγ and LRX-α) in foam cells was assessed using real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) and Western blot analyses. Finally, the effect of HT on the adhesion of THP-1 monocytes to human vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC) was analyzed to study endothelial activation. We found that HT activates the PPARγ/LXRα pathway to upregulate ABCA1 expression, reducing cholesterol accumulation in foam cells. Moreover, HT significantly inhibited monocyte adhesion and reduced the levels of adhesion factors (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1) and pro-inflammatory factors (IL-6 and TNF-α) in LPS-induced endothelial cells. Taken together, our findings suggest that HT, with its ability to interfere with the import and export of cholesterol, could represent a new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of atherosclerotic disease

    Myo/Nog Cells Give Rise to Myofibroblasts During Epiretinal Membrane Formation in a Mouse Model of Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy.

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    PURPOSE: Myo/Nog cells are the source of myofibroblasts in the lens and synthesize muscle proteins in human epiretinal membranes (ERMs). In the current study, we examined the response of Myo/Nog cells during ERM formation in a mouse model of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). METHODS: PVR was induced by intravitreal injections of gas and ARPE-19 cells. PVR grade was scored by fundus imaging, optical coherence tomography, and histology. Double label immunofluorescence localization was performed to quantify Myo/Nog cells, myofibroblasts, and leukocytes. RESULTS: Myo/Nog cells, identified by co-labeling with antibodies to brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1 (BAI1) and Noggin, increased throughout the eye with induction of PVR and disease progression. They were present on the inner surface of the retina in grades 1/2 PVR and were the largest subpopulation of cells in grades 3 to 6 ERMs. All α-SMA-positive (+) cells and all but one striated myosin+ cell expressed BAI1 in grades 1 to 6 PVR. Folds and areas of retinal detachment were overlain by Myo/Nog cells containing muscle proteins. Low numbers of CD18, CD68, and CD45+ leukocytes were detected throughout the eye. Small subpopulations of BAI1+ cells expressed leukocyte markers. ARPE-19 cells were found in the vitreous but were rare in ERMs. Pigmented cells lacking Myo/Nog and muscle cell markers were present in ERMs and abundant within the retina by grade 5/6. CONCLUSIONS: Myo/Nog cells differentiate into myofibroblasts that appear to contract and produce retinal folds and detachment. Targeting BAI1 for Myo/Nog cell depletion may be a pharmacological approach to preventing and treating PVR

    Myo/Nog Cells Are Present in the Ciliary Processes, on the Zonule of Zinn and Posterior Capsule of the Lens Following Cataract Surgery

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    Myo/Nog cells, named for their expression of MyoD and noggin, enter the eye during early stages of embryonic development. Their release of noggin is critical for normal morphogenesis of the lens and retina. Myo/Nog cells are also present in adult eyes. Single nucleated skeletal muscle cells designated as myofibroblasts arise from Myo/Nog cells in cultures of lens tissue. In this report we document the presence of Myo/Nog cells in the lens, ciliary body and on the zonule of Zinn in mice, rabbits and humans. Myo/Nog cells were rare in all three structures. Their prevalence increased in the lens and ciliary body of rabbits 24 h following cataract surgery. Rabbits developed posterior capsule opacification (PCO) within one month of surgery. The number of Myo/Nog cells continued to be elevated in the lens and ciliary body. Myo/Nog cells containing alpha smooth muscle actin and striated muscle myosin were present on the posterior capsule and overlaid deformations in the capsule. Myo/Nog cells also were present on the zonule fibers and external surface of the posterior capsule. These findings suggest that Myo/Nog contribute to PCO and may use the zonule fibers to migrate between the ciliary processes and lens

    Acquired Resilience: An Evolved System of Tissue Protection in Mammals.

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    This review brings together observations on the stress-induced regulation of resilience mechanisms in body tissues. It is argued that the stresses that induce tissue resilience in mammals arise from everyday sources: sunlight, food, lack of food, hypoxia and physical stresses. At low levels, these stresses induce an organised protective response in probably all tissues; and, at some higher level, cause tissue destruction. This pattern of response to stress is well known to toxicologists, who have termed it hormesis. The phenotypes of resilience are diverse and reports of stress-induced resilience are to be found in journals of neuroscience, sports medicine, cancer, healthy ageing, dementia, parkinsonism, ophthalmology and more. This diversity makes the proposing of a general concept of induced resilience a significant task, which this review attempts. We suggest that a system of stress-induced tissue resilience has evolved to enhance the survival of animals. By analogy with acquired immunity, we term this system \u27acquired resilience\u27. Evidence is reviewed that acquired resilience, like acquired immunity, fades with age. This fading is, we suggest, a major component of ageing. Understanding of acquired resilience may, we argue, open pathways for the maintenance of good health in the later decades of human life
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