569 research outputs found

    Adubação nitrogenada em milho e capim-xaraés sob plantio direto e preparo convencional em sistema agrossilvipastoril.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico das culturas do milho e do capim-xaraés (Urochloa brizantha 'Xaraés') em consórcio, cultivadas em plantio direto e convencional, em sistema agrossilvipastoril, com a aplicação de diferentes doses de nitrogênio em cobertura. O experimento foi conduzido em área de cultivo de milho com a espécie florestal mulateiro (Calycophyllum spruceanum). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas, com dois sistemas de manejo do solo (plantio direto e convencional com grade pesada) alocados nas parcelas e com cinco doses de adubação nitrogenada em cobertura (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha-1 de N), nas subparcelas, o que totalizou dez tratamentos. A produtividade de grãos de milho respondeu linearmente à aplicação de N em área de plantio convencional. Em área de plantio direto, a dose de 165 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura foi necessária para a obtenção de produtividades satisfatórias. A adubação nitrogenada em cobertura na cultura do milho, até a dose de 200 kg ha-1 de N, não influencia o rendimento do capim-xaraés em consórcio nas entrelinhas, após a colheita do milho

    N2_2 and Xe Gas Scintillation Cross-Section, Spectrum, and Lifetime Measurements from 50 MeV to 26 GeV at the CERN PS and Booster

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    Beam parameters in CERN's Proton Synchrotron (PS) accelerator must be controlled (and measured) with tighter precision than ever before to meet the stringent requirements of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) programme. A non-destructive beam profile measurement system would be a valuable diagnostic tool. To this end, we measured N2 and Xe gas scintillation absolute cross-sections and lifetimes for proton beam energies from 1.4 to 25 GeV, which should prove valuable in the design and construction of a gas scintillation profile measurement system. We also measured relative cross-sections for proton beam energies between 0.05 and 1.4 GeV

    On possible lower bounds for the direct detection rate of SUSY Dark Matter

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    One can expect accessible lower bounds for dark matter detection rate due to restrictions on masses of the SUSY-partners. To explore this correlation one needs a new-generation large-mass detector. The absolute lower bound for detection rate can naturally be due to spin-dependent interaction. Aimed at detecting dark matter with sensitivity higher than 10510^{-5} event/day/kg an experiment should have a non-zero-spin target. Perhaps, the best is to create a GENIUS-like detector with both Ge-73 (high spin) and Ge-76 nuclei.Comment: latex, 5 pages, 3 figures. Talk given at the III International Conference on Non-accelerator New Physics (NANP'01), Dubna, 19--23 June, 200

    Luminosity measurements at LEP

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    Fast luminosity measurements are vital for the optimisation of the machine conditions needed for physics. At LEP this has been achieved since the startup by means of 16 small tungsen-silicon calorimeters measuring the rate of Bhabba scattering events. To increase the counting rate the detectors are placed close to the beams and mounted on collimator jaws. The rate of Bhabba scattering is calculated using the rate of coincidental detections of e- and e+ at both sides of the interaction point. The correction term arising from accidental off-momentum particle coincidence is calculated from the background rates. This technique could be successfully used at beam energies around 45 GeV since the correction term was small.Starting in '95 however, the energy of LEP has been increased up to 91.5 GeV per beam. In these conditions the background event rate almost doubles while the Bhabba cross section adopted and presented in this paper consists of checking the collinearity in the vertical plane of the particle tracks. This is obtained by measuring the vertical centre position of the showers inside the calorimeters using silicon strip detectors

    Analytical and experimental determination of signal-to-noise ratio and figure of merit in three phase-contrast imaging techniques

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    International audienceWe present a theoretical and experimental comparison of three X-ray phase-contrast techniques: propagation-based imaging, analyzer-based imaging and grating interferometry. The signal-to-noise ratio and the figure of merit are quantitatively compared for the three techniques on the same phantoms and using the same X-ray source and detector. Principal dependencies of the signal upon the numerous acquisition parameters, the spatial resolution and X-ray energy are discussed in detail. The sensitivity of each technique, in terms of the smallest detectable phase shift, is also evaluated