70 research outputs found

    Parameter estimation with mixed quantum states

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    We consider quantum enhanced measurements with initially mixed states. We show very generally that for any linear propagation of the initial state that depends smoothly on the parameter to be estimated, the sensitivity is bound by the maximal sensitivity that can be achieved for any of the pure states from which the initial density matrix is mixed. This provides a very general proof that purely classical correlations cannot improve the sensitivity of parameter estimation schemes in quantum enhanced measurement schemes.Comment: 6 page

    Perfect quantum error correction coding in 24 laser pulses

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    An efficient coding circuit is given for the perfect quantum error correction of a single qubit against arbitrary 1-qubit errors within a 5 qubit code. The circuit presented employs a double `classical' code, i.e., one for bit flips and one for phase shifts. An implementation of this coding circuit on an ion-trap quantum computer is described that requires 26 laser pulses. A further circuit is presented requiring only 24 laser pulses, making it an efficient protection scheme against arbitrary 1-qubit errors. In addition, the performance of two error correction schemes, one based on the quantum Zeno effect and the other using standard methods, is compared. The quantum Zeno error correction scheme is found to fail completely for a model of noise based on phase-diffusion.Comment: Replacement paper: Lost two laser pulses gained one author; added appendix with circuits easily implementable on an ion-trap compute

    Implementation of a Deutsch-like quantum algorithm utilizing entanglement at the two-qubit level, on an NMR quantum information processor

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    We describe the experimental implementation of a recently proposed quantum algorithm involving quantum entanglement at the level of two qubits using NMR. The algorithm solves a generalisation of the Deutsch problem and distinguishes between even and odd functions using fewer function calls than is possible classically. The manipulation of entangled states of the two qubits is essential here, unlike the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and the Grover's search algorithm for two bits.Comment: 4 pages, two eps figure

    Removal of a single photon by adaptive absorption

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    We present a method to remove, using only linear optics, exactly one photon from a field-mode. This is achieved by putting the system in contact with an absorbing environment which is under continuous monitoring. A feedback mechanism then decouples the system from the environment as soon as the first photon is absorbed. We propose a possible scheme to implement this process and provide the theoretical tools to describe it

    The elusive source of quantum effectiveness

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    We discuss two qualities of quantum systems: various correlations existing between their subsystems and the distingushability of different quantum states. This is then applied to analysing quantum information processing. While quantum correlations, or entanglement, are clearly of paramount importance for efficient pure state manipulations, mixed states present a much richer arena and reveal a more subtle interplay between correlations and distinguishability. The current work explores a number of issues related with identifying the important ingredients needed for quantum information processing. We discuss the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, the Shor algorithm, the Grover algorithm and the power of a single qubit class of algorithms. One section is dedicated to cluster states where entanglement is crucial, but its precise role is highly counter-intuitive. Here we see that distinguishability becomes a more useful concept.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Uhlmann's geometric phase in presence of isotropic decoherence

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    Uhlmann's mixed state geometric phase [Rep. Math. Phys. {\bf 24}, 229 (1986)] is analyzed in the case of a qubit affected by isotropic decoherence treated in the Markovian approximation. It is demonstrated that this phase decreases rapidly with increasing decoherence rate and that it is most fragile to weak decoherence for pure or nearly pure initial states. In the unitary case, we compare Uhlmann's geometric phase for mixed states with that occurring in standard Mach-Zehnder interferometry [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 2845 (2000)] and show that the latter is more robust to reduction in the length of the Bloch vector. We also describe how Uhlmann's geometric phase in the present case could in principle be realized experimentally.Comment: New ref added, refs updated, journal ref adde

    Toward scalable quantum computation with cavity QED systems

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    We propose a scheme for quantum computing using high-Q cavities in which the qubits are represented by single cavity modes restricted in the space spanned by the two lowest Fock states. We show that single qubit operations and universal multiple qubit gates can be implemented using atoms sequentially crossing the cavities.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Homodyne Bell's inequalities for entangled mesoscopic superpositions

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    We present a scheme for demonstrating violation of Bell's inequalities using a spin-1/2 system entangled with a pair of classically distinguishable wave packets in a harmonic potential. In the optical domain, such wave packets can be represented by coherent states of a single light mode. The proposed scheme involves standard spin-1/2 projections and measurements of the position and the momentum of the harmonic oscillator system, which for a light mode can be realized by means of homodyne detection. We discuss effects of imperfections, including non-unit efficiency of the homodyne detector, and point out a close link between the visibility of interference and violation of Bell's inequalities in the described scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Extended version, journal reference adde

    G\"odel Incompleteness and the Black Hole Information Paradox

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    Semiclassical reasoning suggests that the process by which an object collapses into a black hole and then evaporates by emitting Hawking radiation may destroy information, a problem often referred to as the black hole information paradox. Further, there seems to be no unique prediction of where the information about the collapsing body is localized. We propose that the latter aspect of the paradox may be a manifestation of an inconsistent self-reference in the semiclassical theory of black hole evolution. This suggests the inadequacy of the semiclassical approach or, at worst, that standard quantum mechanics and general relavity are fundamentally incompatible. One option for the resolution for the paradox in the localization is to identify the G\"odel-like incompleteness that corresponds to an imposition of consistency, and introduce possibly new physics that supplies this incompleteness. Another option is to modify the theory in such a way as to prohibit self-reference. We discuss various possible scenarios to implement these options, including eternally collapsing objects, black hole remnants, black hole final states, and simple variants of semiclassical quantum gravity.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; revised according to journal requirement

    Contribution to understanding the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics

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    Probabilistic description of results of measurements and its consequences for understanding quantum mechanics are discussed. It is shown that the basic mathematical structure of quantum mechanics like the probability amplitudes, Born rule, commutation and uncertainty relations, probability density current, momentum operator, rules for including the scalar and vector potentials and antiparticles can be obtained from the probabilistic description of results of measurement of the space coordinates and time. Equations of motion of quantum mechanics, the Klein-Gordon equation, Schrodinger equation and Dirac equation are obtained from the requirement of the relativistic invariance of the space-time Fisher information. The limit case of the delta-like probability densities leads to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of classical mechanics. Many particle systems and the postulates of quantum mechanics are also discussed.Comment: 21 page