21,951 research outputs found

    Centrality and Energy Dependence of Proton, Light Fragment and Hyperon Production

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    Recent results of the NA49 collaboration are discussed. These include the energy dependence of stopping and the production of the light fragments t and 3He. New data on the system size dependence of hyperon production at 40A and 158AGeV are also presented.Comment: 4 pages, Quark Matter 2006 proceeding

    Heavy quark(onium) at LHC: the statistical hadronization case

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    We discuss the production of charmonium in nuclear collisions within the framework of the statistical hadronization model. We demonstrate that the model reproduces very well the availble data at RHIC. We provide predictions for the LHC energy where, dependently on the charm production cross section, a dramatically different behaviour of charmonium production as a function of centrality might be expected. We discuss also the case in elementary collisions, where clearly the statistical model does not reproduce the measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; proceeding of SQM09, Buzios, Brazil, to be published in J. Phys.

    Resolving the plasma profile via differential single inclusive suppression

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    The ability of experimental signatures to resolve the spatio-temporal profile of an expanding quark gluon plasma is studied. In particular, the single inclusive suppression of high momentum hadrons versus the centrality of a heavy-ion collision and with respect to the reaction plane in non-central collisions is critically examined. Calculations are performed in the higher twist formalism for the modification of the fragmentation functions. Radically different nuclear geometries are used. The influence of different initial gluon distributions as well as different temporal evolution scenarios on the single inclusive suppression of high momentum pions are outlined. It is demonstrated that the modification versus the reaction plane is quite sensitive to the initial spatial density. Such sensitivity remains even in the presence of a strong elliptic flow.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTex

    On the relation of quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking

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    We study the phase diagram of QCD with the help of order parameters for chiral symmetry breaking and quark confinement. We also introduce a new order parameter for the confinement phase transition, which is related to the quark density. It is easily accessible by different theoretical approaches, such as functional approaches or lattice simulations. Its relation to the Polyakov loop expectation value is discussed and the QCD phase diagram is analysed. Our results suggest a close relation between the chiral and the confinement phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The chemical equilibration volume: measuring the degree of thermalization

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    We address the issue of the degree of equilibrium achieved in a high energy heavy-ion collision. Specifically, we explore the consequences of incomplete strangeness chemical equilibrium. This is achieved over a volume V of the order of the strangeness correlation length and is assumed to be smaller than the freeze-out volume. Probability distributions of strange hadrons emanating from the system are computed for varying sizes of V and simple experimental observables based on these are proposed. Measurements of such observables may be used to estimate V and as a result the degree of strangeness chemical equilibration achieved. This sets a lower bound on the degree of kinetic equilibrium. We also point out that a determination of two-body correlations or second moments of the distributions are not sufficient for this estimation.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, revtex

    Baryonic Strangeness and Related Susceptibilities in QCD

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    The ratios of off-diagonal to diagonal conserved charge susceptibilities e.g., chi_{BS}/chi_{S}, chi_{QS}/chi_{S}, related to the quark flavor susceptibilities, have proven to be discerning probes of the flavor carrying degrees of freedom in hot strongly interacting matter. Various constraining relations between the different susceptibilities are derived based on the Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula and the assumption of isospin symmetry. Using generic models of deconfined matter and results form lattice QCD, it is demonstrated that the flavor carrying degrees of freedom at a temperature above 1.5T_c are quark-like quasiparticles. A new observable related by isospin symmetry to C_{BS} = -3chi_{BS}/chi_{S} and equal to it in the baryon free regime is identified. This new observable, which is blind to neutral and non-strange particles, carries the potential of being measured in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, RevTex

    Unified Description of Freeze-Out Parameters in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    It is shown that the chemical freeze-out parameters obtained at CERN/SPS, BNL/AGS and GSI/SIS energies all correspond to a unique value of 1 GeV per hadron in the local rest frame of the system, independent of the beam energy and of the target and beam particles.Comment: revtex, 1 figur

    Macroscopic evidence of microscopic dynamics in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam oscillator chain from nonlinear time series analysis

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    The problem of detecting specific features of microscopic dynamics in the macroscopic behavior of a many-degrees-of-freedom system is investigated by analyzing the position and momentum time series of a heavy impurity embedded in a chain of nearest-neighbor anharmonic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam oscillators. Results obtained in a previous work [M. Romero-Bastida, Phys. Rev. E {\bf69}, 056204 (2004)] suggest that the impurity does not contribute significantly to the dynamics of the chain and can be considered as a probe for the dynamics of the system to which the impurity is coupled. The (r,τr,\tau) entropy, which measures the amount of information generated by unit time at different scales τ\tau of time and rr of the observable, is numerically computed by methods of nonlinear time-series analysis using the position and momentum signals of the heavy impurity for various values of the energy density ϵ\epsilon (energy per degree of freedom) of the system and some values of the impurity mass MM. Results obtained from these two time series are compared and discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX4 PRE format; to be published in Phys. Rev.