23,422 research outputs found

    Nuclear Structure Functions and Heavy Flavour Leptoproduction Off the Nucleus at Small x in Perturbative QCD

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    Nuclear structure functions and cross-sections for heavy flavour production in lepton-nucleus collisions are investigated in the low xx region accessible now or in the near future. The scattering on a heavy nucleus is described by the sum of fan diagrams of BFKL pomerons, which is exact in the high-colour limit. The initial condition for the evolution at x=0.01x=0.01 is taken from a saturation model, which reproduces the experimental data on the proton. The AA dependence of the structure functions is well described by a power factor AÎąA^\alpha, with Îą\alpha reaching values as low as 1/2 at extremely low xx. The total cross-sections for heavy flavour production reach values of the order of mb, and the corresponding transverse momentum distributions are sizeable up to transverse momenta larger than the initial large scale Q2+4mf2\sqrt{Q^2+4m_f^2}.Comment: LaTeX2e, 16 pages, 6 eps figures included using epsfig; final version, some comments added, results and conclusions unchange

    Dependence of boundary lubrication on the misfit angle between the sliding surfaces

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    Using molecular dynamics based on Langevin equations with a coordinate- and velocity-dependent damping coefficient, we study the frictional properties of a thin layer of "soft" lubricant (where the interaction within the lubricant is weaker than the lubricant-substrate interaction) confined between two solids. At low driving velocities the system demonstrates stick-slip motion. The lubricant may or may not be melted during sliding, thus exhibiting either the "liquid sliding" (LS) or the "layer over layer sliding" (LoLS) regimes. The LoLS regime mainly operates at low sliding velocities. We investigate the dependence of friction properties on the misfit angle between the sliding surfaces and calculate the distribution of static frictional thresholds for a contact of polycrystalline surfaces.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Conformal symmetry of the Lange-Neubert evolution equation

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    The Lange-Neubert evolution equation describes the scale dependence of the wave function of a meson built of an infinitely heavy quark and light antiquark at light-like separations, which is the hydrogen atom problem of QCD. It has numerous applications to the studies of B-meson decays. We show that the kernel of this equation can be written in a remarkably compact form, as a logarithm of the generator of special conformal transformation in the light-ray direction. This representation allows one to study solutions of this equation in a very simple and mathematically consistent manner. Generalizing this result, we show that all heavy-light evolution kernels that appear in the renormalization of higher-twist B-meson distribution amplitudes can be written in the same form.Comment: 8 page

    Evolution equations beyond one loop from conformal symmetry

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    We study implications of exact conformal invariance of scalar quantum field theories at the critical point in non-integer dimensions for the evolution kernels of the light-ray operators in physical (integer) dimensions. We demonstrate that all constraints due the conformal symmetry are encoded in the form of the generators of the collinear sl(2) subgroup. Two of them, S_- and S_0, can be fixed at all loops in terms of the evolution kernel, while the generator of special conformal transformations, S_+, receives nontrivial corrections which can be calculated order by order in perturbation theory. Provided that the generator S_+ is known at the k-1 loop order, one can fix the evolution kernel in physical dimension to the k-loop accuracy up to terms that are invariant with respect to the tree-level generators. The invariant parts can easily be restored from the anomalous dimensions. The method is illustrated on two examples: The O(n)-symmetric phi^4 theory in d=4 to the three-loop accuracy, and the su(n) matrix phi^3 theory in d=6 to the two-loop accuracy. We expect that the same technique can be used in gauge theories e.g. in QCD.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Evolution equation for the higher-twist B-meson distribution amplitude

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    We find that the evolution equation for the three-particle quark-gluon B-meson light-cone distribution amplitude (DA) of subleading twist is completely integrable in the large NcN_c limit and can be solved exactly. The lowest anomalous dimension is separated from the remaining, continuous, spectrum by a finite gap. The corresponding eigenfunction coincides with the contribution of quark-gluon states to the two-particle DA ϕ−(ω)\phi_-(\omega) so that the evolution equation for the latter is the same as for the leading-twist DA ϕ+(ω)\phi_+(\omega) up to a constant shift in the anomalous dimension. Thus, ``genuine'' three-particle states that belong to the continuous spectrum effectively decouple from ϕ−(ω)\phi_-(\omega) to the leading-order accuracy. In turn, the scale dependence of the full three-particle DA turns out to be nontrivial so that the contribution with the lowest anomalous dimension does not become leading at any scale. The results are illustrated on a simple model that can be used in studies of 1/mb1/m_b corrections to heavy-meson decays in the framework of QCD factorization or light-cone sum rules.Comment: Extended version, includes new results on the large momentum limit and a detailed study of the evolution effects in a simple mode

    Two-loop evolution equations for light-ray operators

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    QCD in non-integer d=4-2 epsilon space-time dimensions possesses a nontrivial critical point and enjoys exact scale and conformal invariance. This symmetry imposes nontrivial restrictions on the form of the renormalization group equations for composite operators in physical (integer) dimensions and allows to reconstruct full kernels from their eigenvalues (anomalous dimensions). We use this technique to derive two-loop evolution equations for flavor-nonsinglet quark-antiquark light-ray operators that encode the scale dependence of generalized hadron parton distributions and light-cone distribution amplitudes in the most compact form.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Transverse momentum distributions and their forward- backward correlations in the percolating colour string approach

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    The forward-backward correlations in the pTp_T distributions, which present a clear signature of non-linear effects in particle production, are studied in the model of percolating colour strings. Quantitative predictions are given for these correlations at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies. Interaction of strings also naturally explains the flattening of pTp_T distributions and increase of with energy and atomic number for nuclear collisionsComment: 6 pages in LaTex, 3 figures in Postscrip

    Runoff modelling in glacierized Central Asian catchments for present-day and future climate

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    A conceptual precipitation–runoff model was applied in five glacierized catchments in Central Asia. The model, which was first developed and applied in the Alps, works on a daily time step and yields good results in the more continental climate of the Tien Shan mountains for present-day climate conditions. Runoff scenarios for different climates (doubling of CO2) and glacierization conditions predict an increased flood risk as a first stage and a more complex picture after a complete glacier loss: a higher discharge during spring due to an earlier and more intense snowmelt is followed by a water deficiency in hot and dry summer periods. This unfavourable seasonal redistribution of the water supply has dramatic consequences for the Central Asian lowlands, which depend to a high degree on the glacier melt water for irrigation and already nowadays suffer from water shortages
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