728 research outputs found

    Helioseismic Holography of an Artificial Submerged Sound Speed Perturbation and Implications for the Detection of Pre-Emergence Signatures of Active Regions

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    We use a publicly available numerical wave-propagation simulation of Hartlep et al. 2011 to test the ability of helioseismic holography to detect signatures of a compact, fully submerged, 5% sound-speed perturbation placed at a depth of 50 Mm within a solar model. We find that helioseismic holography as employed in a nominal "lateral-vantage" or "deep-focus" geometry employing quadrants of an annular pupil is capable of detecting and characterizing the perturbation. A number of tests of the methodology, including the use of a plane-parallel approximation, the definition of travel-time shifts, the use of different phase-speed filters, and changes to the pupils, are also performed. It is found that travel-time shifts made using Gabor-wavelet fitting are essentially identical to those derived from the phase of the Fourier transform of the cross-covariance functions. The errors in travel-time shifts caused by the plane-parallel approximation can be minimized to less than a second for the depths and fields of view considered here. Based on the measured strength of the mean travel-time signal of the perturbation, no substantial improvement in sensitivity is produced by varying the analysis procedure from the nominal methodology in conformance with expectations. The measured travel-time shifts are essentially unchanged by varying the profile of the phase-speed filter or omitting the filter entirely. The method remains maximally sensitive when applied with pupils that are wide quadrants, as opposed to narrower quadrants or with pupils composed of smaller arcs. We discuss the significance of these results for the recent controversy regarding suspected pre-emergence signatures of active regions

    Analysis methodology for flow-level evaluation of a hybrid mobile-sensor network

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    Our society uses a large diversity of co-existing wired and wireless networks in order to satisfy its communication needs. A cooper- ation between these networks can benefit performance, service availabil- ity and deployment ease, and leads to the emergence of hybrid networks. This position paper focuses on a hybrid mobile-sensor network identify- ing potential advantages and challenges of its use and defining feasible applications. The main value of the paper, however, is in the proposed analysis approach to evaluate the performance at the mobile network side given the mixed mobile-sensor traffic. The approach combines packet- level analysis with modelling of flow-level behaviour and can be applied for the study of various application scenarios. In this paper we consider two applications with distinct traffic models namely multimedia traffic and best-effort traffic

    Helioseismology of Sunspots: A Case Study of NOAA Region 9787

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    Various methods of helioseismology are used to study the subsurface properties of the sunspot in NOAA Active Region 9787. This sunspot was chosen because it is axisymmetric, shows little evolution during 20-28 January 2002, and was observed continuously by the MDI/SOHO instrument. (...) Wave travel times and mode frequencies are affected by the sunspot. In most cases, wave packets that propagate through the sunspot have reduced travel times. At short travel distances, however, the sign of the travel-time shifts appears to depend sensitively on how the data are processed and, in particular, on filtering in frequency-wavenumber space. We carry out two linear inversions for wave speed: one using travel-times and phase-speed filters and the other one using mode frequencies from ring analysis. These two inversions give subsurface wave-speed profiles with opposite signs and different amplitudes. (...) From this study of AR9787, we conclude that we are currently unable to provide a unified description of the subsurface structure and dynamics of the sunspot.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    From GHz to mHz: A Multiwavelength Study of the Acoustically Active 14 August 2004 M7.4 Solar Flare

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    We carried out an electromagnetic acoustic analysis of the solar flare of 14 August 2004 in active region AR10656 from the radio to the hard X-ray spectrum. The flare was a GOES soft X-ray class M7.4 and produced a detectable sun quake, confirming earlier inferences that relatively low-energy flares may be able to generate sun quakes. We introduce the hypothesis that the seismicity of the active region is closely related to the heights of coronal magnetic loops that conduct high-energy particles from the flare. In the case of relatively short magnetic loops, chromospheric evaporation populates the loop interior with ionized gas relatively rapidly, expediting the scattering of remaining trapped high-energy electrons into the magnetic loss cone and their rapid precipitation into the chromosphere. This increases both the intensity and suddenness of the chromospheric heating, satisfying the basic conditions for an acoustic emission that penetrates into the solar interior.Comment: Accepted in Solar Physic

    Newly identified properties of surface acoustic power

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    The cause of enhanced acoustic power surrounding active regions, the acoustic halo, is not as yet understood. We explore the properties of the enhanced acoustic power observed near disk center from 21 to 27 January 2002, including AR 9787. We find that (i) there exists a strong correlation of the enhanced high frequency power with magnetic-field inclination, with greater power in more horizontal fields, (ii) the frequency of the maximum enhancement increases along with magnetic field strength, and (iii) the oscillations contributing to the halos show modal ridges which are shifted to higher wavenumber at constant frequency in comparison to the ridges of modes in the quiet-Sun.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to solar physic

    Surface-focused Seismic Holography of Sunspots: I. Observations

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    We present a comprehensive set of observations of the interaction of p-mode oscillations with sunspots using surface-focused seismic holography. Maps of travel-time shifts, relative to quiet-Sun travel times, are shown for incoming and outgoing p modes as well as their mean and difference. We compare results using phase-speed filters with results obtained with filters that isolate single p-mode ridges, and further divide the data into multiple temporal frequency bandpasses. The f mode is removed from the data. The variations of the resulting travel-time shifts with magnetic-field strength and with the filter parameters are explored. We find that spatial averages of these shifts within sunspot umbrae, penumbrae, and surrounding plage often show strong frequency variations at fixed phase speed. In addition, we find that positive values of the mean and difference travel-time shifts appear exclusively in waves observed with phase-speed filters that are dominated by power in the low-frequency wing of the p1 ridge. We assess the ratio of incoming to outgoing p-mode power using the ridge filters and compare surface-focused holography measurements with the results of earlier published p-mode scattering measurements using Fourier-Hankel decomposition.Comment: Solar Physics, accepte

    Physical Properties of Wave Motion in Inclined Magnetic Fields Within Sunspot Penumbrae

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    At the surface of the Sun, acoustic waves appear to be affected by the presence of strong magnetic fields in active regions. We explore the possibility that the inclined magnetic field in sunspot penumbrae may convert primarily vertically propagating acoustic waves into elliptical motion. We use helioseismic holography to measure the modulus and phase of the correlation between incoming acoustic waves and the local surface motion within two sunspots. These correlations are modeled assuming the surface motion is elliptical, and we explore the properties of the elliptical motion on the magnetic field inclination. We also demonstrate that the phase shift of the outward propagating waves is opposite to the phase shift of the inward propagating waves in stronger, more vertical fields, but similar to the inward phase shifts in weaker, more inclined fields.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Determining Absorption, Emissivity Reduction, and Local Suppression Coefficients inside Sunspots

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    The power of solar acoustic waves is reduced inside sunspots mainly due to absorption, emissivity reduction, and local suppression. The coefficients of these power-reduction mechanisms can be determined by comparing time-distance cross-covariances obtained from sunspots and from the quiet Sun. By analyzing 47 active regions observed by SOHO/MDI without using signal filters, we have determined the coefficients of surface absorption, deep absorption, emissivity reduction, and local suppression. The dissipation in the quiet Sun is derived as well. All of the cross-covariances are width corrected to offset the effect of dispersion. We find that absorption is the dominant mechanism of the power deficit in sunspots for short travel distances, but gradually drops to zero at travel distances longer than about 6 degrees. The absorption in sunspot interiors is also significant. The emissivity-reduction coefficient ranges from about 0.44 to 1.00 within the umbra and 0.29 to 0.72 in the sunspot, and accounts for only about 21.5% of the umbra's and 16.5% of the sunspot's total power reduction. Local suppression is nearly constant as a function of travel distance with values of 0.80 and 0.665 for umbrae and whole sunspots respectively, and is the major cause of the power deficit at large travel distances.Comment: 14 pages, 21 Figure

    Temperature-induced pair correlations in clusters and nuclei

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    The pair correlations in mesoscopic systems such as nmnm-size superconducting clusters and nuclei are studied at finite temperature for the canonical ensemble of fermions in model spaces with a fixed particle number: i) a degenerate spherical shell (strong coupling limit), ii) an equidistantly spaced deformed shell (weak coupling limit). It is shown that after the destruction of the pair correlations at T=0 by a strong magnetic field or rapid rotation, heating can bring them back. This phenomenon is a consequence of the fixed number of fermions in the canonical ensemble

    The Sub-Surface Structure of a Large Sample of Active Regions

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    We employ ring-diagram analysis to study the sub-surface thermal structure of active regions. We present results using a large number of active regions over the course of Solar Cycle 23. We present both traditional inversions of ring-diagram frequency differences, with a total sample size of 264, and a statistical study using Principal Component Analysis. We confirm earlier results on smaller samples that sound speed and adiabatic index are changed below regions of strong magnetic field. We find that sound speed is decreased in the region between approximately r=0.99R_sun and r=0.995R_sun (depths of 3Mm to 7Mm), and increased in the region between r=0.97R_sun and r=0.985R_sun (depths of 11Mm to 21Mm). The adiabatic index is enhanced in the same deeper layers that sound-speed enhancement is seen. A weak decrease in adiabatic index is seen in the shallower layers in many active regions. We find that the magnitudes of these perturbations depend on the strength of the surface magnetic field, but we find a great deal of scatter in this relation, implying other factors may be relevant.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Solar Physic
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