225 research outputs found

    Aquagenic wrinkling of the palms: Morphological changes in reflectance confocal microscopy and high-definition optical coherence tomography

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    Aquagenic wrinkling of the palms (AWP) is a rare condition, which is characterized by appearance of whitish papules and plaques, and an excessive wrinkling and swelling of the palmar skin after exposure to water. In most cases, young women are affected, and an association of AWP with cystic fibrosis (CF) has been surmised. We report on two cases of AWP, which were not related to CF, in whom we used two innovative imaging techniques, namely high-definition optical coherence tomography and reflectance confocal microscopy, to show in vivo skin changes occurring after exposure of the skin to tap water in comparison to the findings in a healthy control person

    Duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple in a cow

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    Background: The aim of this report was to describe duodenal obstruction caused by a rubber foreign body in a cow. Case Presentation: The clinical, biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in a five-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple are described. The main clinical signs were anorexia, ruminal tympany, decreased faecal output and abomasal reflux syndrome. Ultrasonographic examination revealed reticular hyperactivity and a dilated duodenum. A diagnosis of duodenal ileus was made and the cow underwent rightflank laparotomy, which revealed a dilation of the cranial part of the duodenum because of obstruction by a pliable foreign body. This was identified via enterotomy as a calf feeding nipple. The cow was healthy at the time of discharge four days after surgery and went on to complete a successful lactation. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first description of duodenal obstruction by a calf feeding nipple. This is an interesting case, which broadens the spectrum of the causes of duodenal ileus, which is usually caused by obstruction of the duodenum by a phytobezoar

    Duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple in a cow

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this report was to describe duodenal obstruction caused by a rubber foreign body in a cow.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>The clinical, biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in a five-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple are described. The main clinical signs were anorexia, ruminal tympany, decreased faecal output and abomasal reflux syndrome. Ultrasonographic examination revealed reticular hyperactivity and a dilated duodenum. A diagnosis of duodenal ileus was made and the cow underwent right-flank laparotomy, which revealed a dilation of the cranial part of the duodenum because of obstruction by a pliable foreign body. This was identified via enterotomy as a calf feeding nipple. The cow was healthy at the time of discharge four days after surgery and went on to complete a successful lactation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To our knowledge, this is the first description of duodenal obstruction by a calf feeding nipple. This is an interesting case, which broadens the spectrum of the causes of duodenal ileus, which is usually caused by obstruction of the duodenum by a phytobezoar.</p

    Selbstverwaltung in der Sozialversicherung - wie prÀsent sind die Versicherteninteressen?

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    "Wie prĂ€sent sind die Versicherteninteressen? - ist eine der Fragen, mit denen sich (die AutorInnen) in einem Bericht ĂŒber das Gutachten 'Geschichte und Modernisierung von Sozialwahlen' befassen. Sie stellen Ergebnisse und VorschlĂ€ge des vom Bundesministerium fĂŒr Arbeit und Soziales in Auftrag gegebenen Gutachtens vor." (Autorenreferat

    The Realization of Redistribution Layers for FOWLP by Inkjet Printing

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    The implementation of additive manufacturing technology (e.g., digital printing) to the electronic packaging segment has recently received increasing attention. In almost all types of Fan-out wafer level packaging (FOWLP), redistribution layers (RDLs) are formed by a combination of photolithography, sputtering and plating process. Alternatively, in this study, inkjet-printed RDLs were introduced for FOWLP. In contrast to a subtractive method (e.g., photolithography), additive manufacturing techniques allow depositing the material only where it is desired. In the current study, RDL structures for different embedded modules were realized by inkjet printing and further characterized by electrical examinations. It was proposed that a digital printing process can be a more efficient and lower-cost solution especially for rapid prototyping of RDLs, since several production steps will be skipped, less material will be wasted and the supply chain will be shortened.EC/H2020/737487/EU/(Ultra)Sound Interfaces and Low Energy iNtegrated SEnsors/SILENS

    Geschichte und Modernisierung der Sozialversicherungswahlen

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    "Die Soziale Selbstverwaltung ist ein Merkmal des demokratischen Sozialstaats, allerdings auch ein umstrittenes. Das wird vor allem bei den im sechsjĂ€hrigen Turnus stattfindenden Sozialversicherungswahlen deutlich. Vor der letzten Sozialwahl im Juni 2005 wurde sowohl in der medialen Öffentlichkeit als auch in wissenschaftlichen Fachkreisen massive Kritik an dieser besonderen Verwaltungsform geĂŒbt. Es wurde sowohl die Legitimation als auch die Effizienz der Selbstverwaltung in Frage gestellt. Die öffentliche Diskussion ĂŒber die Zukunft der sozialen Selbstverwaltung und damit ĂŒber die Sozialversicherungswahlen bewegt sich zumeist zwischen Abschaffung der Sozialwahl oder einer grundlegenden Reform ihrer Organisation. Es gibt keine fundierte Untersuchung, wie eine alternative Organisation der Sozialversicherung aussehen könnte. Diese LĂŒcke wird mit dem Gutachten, das das BMAS im FrĂŒhjahr 2007 in Auftrag gegeben hat, gefĂŒllt. Es werden die Geschichte der Sozialversicherungswahlen seit 1953 aufgearbeitet, ReformvorschlĂ€ge entwickelt und deren Auswirkungen untersucht. Dabei werden verschiedene Reformmodelle untersucht und bewertet: Hierbei werden neben der KlĂ€rung der rechtlichen ZulĂ€ssigkeit der verschiedenen Modelle auch organisatorische, sozialwissenschaftliche und finanzielle Gesichtspunkte als Bewertungskriterien herangezogen. Die Gutachter haben die Ergebnisse ihrer Untersuchungen in einem Empfehlungskatalog zusammengefasst." (Autorenreferat

    A GIS-Based Planning Approach for Urban Power and Natural Gas Distribution Grids with Different Heat Pump Scenarios

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    Next to building insulation, heat pumps driven by electrical compressors (eHPs) or by gas engines (geHPs) can be used to reduce primary energy demand for heating. They come with different investment requirements, operating costs and emissions caused. In addition, they affect both the power and gas grids, which necessitates the assessment of both infrastructures regarding grid expansion planning. To calculate costs and CO2 emissions, 2000 electrical load profiles and 180 different heat demand profiles for single-family homes were simulated and heat pump models were applied. In a case study for a neighborhood energy model, the load profiles were assigned to buildings in an example town using public data on locations, building age and energetic refurbishment variants. In addition, the town’s gas distribution network and low voltage grid were modeled. Power and gas flows were simulated and costs for required grid extensions were calculated for 11% and 16% heat pump penetration. It was found that eHPs have the highest energy costs but will also have the lowest CO2 emissions by 2030 and 2050. For the investigated case, power grid investments of 11,800 euros/year are relatively low compared to gas grid connection costs of 70,400 euros/year. If eHPs and geHPs are combined, a slight reduction of overall costs is possible, but emissions would rise strongly compared to the all-electric case.BMWi, 03ET4020C, Verbundvorhaben: Analyse von Strukturoptionen zur Integration erneuerbarer Energien in Deutschland und Europa unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Versorgungssicherheit, Teilvorhaben: Analyse der Verteilnetzebene (INTEEVER-AVN)BMWi, 03ET4069C, Verbundvorhaben INTEEVER-II: Analyse der Integration erneuerbarer Energien in Deutschland und Europa unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Versorgungssicherheit und dezentraler FlexibilitĂ€te

    study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background Osteoarthritis (OA) is a heterogeneous group of conditions with disturbed integrity of articular cartilage and changes in the underlying bone. The pathogenesis of OA is multifactorial and not just a disease of older people. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) typically used for the treatment of various rheumatic and dermatologic diseases. Three studies of HCQ in OA, including one abstract and one letter, are available and use a wide variety of outcome measures in small patient populations. Despite initial evidence for good efficacy of HCQ, there has been no randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial in a larger patient group. In the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), evidence-based recommendations for the management of hand OA, HCQ was not included as a therapeutic option because of the current lack of randomized clinical trials. Methods/Design OA TREAT is an investigator-initiated, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. A total of 510 subjects with inflammatory and erosive hand OA, according to the classification criteria of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), with recent X-ray will be recruited across outpatient sites, hospitals and universities in Germany. Patients are randomized 1:1 to active treatment (HCQ 200 to 400 mg per day) or placebo for 52 weeks. Both groups receive standard therapy (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAID], coxibs) for OA treatment, taken steadily two weeks before enrollment and continued further afterwards. If disease activity increases, the dose of NSAID/coxibs can be increased according to the drug recommendation. The co-primary clinical endpoints are the changes in Australian-Canadian OA Index (AUSCAN, German version) dimensions for pain and hand disability at week 52. The co-primary radiographic endpoint is the radiographic progression from baseline to week 52. A multiple endpoint test and analysis of covariance will be used to compare changes between groups. All analyses will be conducted on an intention-to-treat basis. Discussion The OA TREAT trial will examine the clinical and radiological efficacy and safety of HCQ as a treatment option for inflammatory and erosive OA over 12 months. OA TREAT focuses on erosive hand OA in contrast to other current studies on symptomatic hand OA, for example, HERO [Trials 14:64, 2013]
