590 research outputs found

    Asymptotic information leakage under one-try attacks

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of (a) information leakage and (b) adversary’s error probability in information hiding systems modelled as noisy channels. Specifically, we assume the attacker can make a single guess after observing n independent executions of the system, throughout which the secret information is kept fixed. We show that the asymptotic behaviour of quantities (a) and (b) can be determined in a simple way from the channel matrix. Moreover, simple and tight bounds on them as functions of n show that the convergence is exponential. We also discuss feasible methods to evaluate the rate of convergence. Our results cover both the Bayesian case, where a prior probability distribution on the secrets is assumed known to the attacker, and the maximum-likelihood case, where the attacker does not know such distribution. In the Bayesian case, we identify the distributions that maximize the leakage. We consider both the min-entropy setting studied by Smith and the additive form recently proposed by Braun et al., and show the two forms do agree asymptotically. Next, we extend these results to a more sophisticated eavesdropping scenario, where the attacker can perform a (noisy) observation at each state of the computation and the systems are modelled as hidden Markov models

    Quantitative information flow, with a view

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    We put forward a general model intended for assessment of system security against passive eavesdroppers, both quantitatively ( how much information is leaked) and qualitatively ( what properties are leaked). To this purpose, we extend information hiding systems ( ihs ), a model where the secret-observable relation is represented as a noisy channel, with views : basically, partitions of the state-space. Given a view W and n independent observations of the system, one is interested in the probability that a Bayesian adversary wrongly predicts the class of W the underlying secret belongs to. We offer results that allow one to easily characterise the behaviour of this error probability as a function of the number of observations, in terms of the channel matrices defining the ihs and the view W . In particular, we provide expressions for the limit value as n → ∞, show by tight bounds that convergence is exponential, and also characterise the rate of convergence to predefined error thresholds. We then show a few instances of statistical attacks that can be assessed by a direct application of our model: attacks against modular exponentiation that exploit timing leaks, against anonymity in mix-nets and against privacy in sparse datasets

    On Superspace Chern-Simons-like Terms

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    We search for superspace Chern-Simons-like higher-derivative terms in the low energy effective actions of supersymmetric theories in four dimensions. Superspace Chern-Simons-like terms are those gauge-invariant terms which cannot be written solely in terms of field strength superfields and covariant derivatives, but in which a gauge potential superfield appears explicitly. We find one class of such four-derivative terms with N=2 supersymmetry which, though locally on the Coulomb branch can be written solely in terms of field strengths, globally cannot be. These terms are classified by certain Dolbeault cohomology classes on the moduli space. We include a discussion of other examples of terms in the effective action involving global obstructions on the Coulomb branch.Comment: 23 pages; a reference and an author email correcte

    Magnetic Ordering and Superconductivity in the RE2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5 (RE = Y, La-Tm, Lu) System

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    We find that the compounds for RE = Y, La-Dy, crystallize in the tetragonal Ibam (U2_2Co3_3Si5_5 type) structure whereas the compounds for RE = Er-Lu, crystallize in a new orthorhombic structure with a space group Pmmn. Samples of Ho2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5 were always found to be multiphase. The compounds for RE = Y to Dy which adopt the Ibam type structure show a metallic resistivity whereas the compounds with RE = Er, Tm and Lu show an anomalous behavior in the resistivity with a semiconducting increase in ρ\rho as we go down in temperature from 300K. Interestingly we had earlier found a positive temperature coefficient of resistivity for the Yb sample in the same temperature range. We will compare this behavior with similar observations in the compounds RE3_3Ru4_4Ge13_{13} and REBiPt. La2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5 and Y2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5 show bulk superconductivity below 1.8K and 2.5K respectively. Our results confirm that Ce2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5 shows a Kondo lattice behavior and undergoes antiferromagnetic ordering below 8.5K. Most of the other compounds containing magnetic rare-earth elements undergo a single antiferromagnetic transition at low temperatures (T\leq12K) while Gd2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5, Dy2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5 and Nd2_2Ir3_3Ge5_5 show multiple transitions. The TN_N's for most of the compounds roughly scale with the de Gennes factor. which suggests that the chief mechanism of interaction leading to the magnetic ordering of the magnetic moments may be the RKKY interaction.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figure

    Oscillatory wave fronts in chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators

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    Wave front pinning and propagation in damped chains of coupled oscillators are studied. There are two important thresholds for an applied constant stress FF: for F<Fcd|F|<F_{cd} (dynamic Peierls stress), wave fronts fail to propagate, for Fcd<F<FcsF_{cd} < |F| < F_{cs} stable static and moving wave fronts coexist, and for F>Fcs|F| > F_{cs} (static Peierls stress) there are only stable moving wave fronts. For piecewise linear models, extending an exact method of Atkinson and Cabrera's to chains with damped dynamics corroborates this description. For smooth nonlinearities, an approximate analytical description is found by means of the active point theory. Generically for small or zero damping, stable wave front profiles are non-monotone and become wavy (oscillatory) in one of their tails.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, 2 column revtex. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Higher-Derivative Terms in N=2 Supersymmetric Effective Actions

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    We show how to systematically construct higher-derivative terms in effective actions in harmonic superspace despite the infinite redundancy in their description due to the infinite number of auxiliary fields. Making an assumption about the absence of certain superspace Chern-Simons-like terms involving vector multiplets, we write all 3- and 4-derivative terms on Higgs, Coulomb, and mixed branches. Among these terms are several with only holomorphic dependence on fields, and at least one satisfies a non-renormalization theorem. These holomorphic terms include a novel 3-derivative term on mixed branches given as an integral over 3/4 of superspace. As an illustration of our method, we search for Wess-Zumino terms in the low energy effective action of N=2 supersymmetric QCD. We show that such terms occur only on mixed branches. We also present an argument showing that the combination of space-time locality with supersymmetry implies locality in the anticommuting superspace coordinates of for unconstrained superfields.Comment: 30 pages. Added references and simplified final form of WZ ter

    High Energy QCD: Stringy Picture from Hidden Integrability

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    We discuss the stringy properties of high-energy QCD using its hidden integrability in the Regge limit and on the light-cone. It is shown that multi-colour QCD in the Regge limit belongs to the same universality class as superconformal N\cal{N}=2 SUSY YM with Nf=2NcN_f=2N_c at the strong coupling orbifold point. The analogy with integrable structure governing the low energy sector of N\cal{N}=2 SUSY gauge theories is used to develop the brane picture for the Regge limit. In this picture the scattering process is described by a single M2 brane wrapped around the spectral curve of the integrable spin chain and unifying hadrons and reggeized gluons involved in the process. New quasiclassical quantization conditions for the complex higher integrals of motion are suggested which are consistent with the SS-duality of the multi-reggeon spectrum. The derivation of the anomalous dimensions of the lowest twist operators is formulated in terms of the Riemann surfacesComment: 37 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear stability of oscillatory wave fronts in chains of coupled oscillators

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    We present a stability theory for kink propagation in chains of coupled oscillators and a new algorithm for the numerical study of kink dynamics. The numerical solutions are computed using an equivalent integral equation instead of a system of differential equations. This avoids uncertainty about the impact of artificial boundary conditions and discretization in time. Stability results also follow from the integral version. Stable kinks have a monotone leading edge and move with a velocity larger than a critical value which depends on the damping strength.Comment: 11 figure

    Quasiparticle dynamics in ferromagnetic compounds of the Co-Fe and Ni-Fe systems

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    We report a theoretical study of the quasiparticle lifetime and the quasiparticle mean free path caused by inelastic electron-electron scattering in ferromagnetic compounds of the Co-Fe and Ni-Fe systems. The study is based on spin-polarized calculations, which are performed within the GWGW approximation for equiatomic and Co- and Ni-rich compounds, as well as for their constituents. We mainly focus on the spin asymmetry of the quasiparticle properties, which leads to the spin-filtering effect experimentally observed in spin-dependent transport of hot electrons and holes in the systems under study. By comparing with available experimental data on the attenuation length, we estimate the contribution of the inelastic mean free path to the latter.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure