444 research outputs found

    Episodic memory retrieval functionally relies on very rapid reactivation of sensory information

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    Episodic memory retrieval is assumed to rely on the rapid reactivation of sensory information that was present during encoding, a process termed “ecphory.” We investigated the functional relevance of this scarcely understood process in two experiments in human participants. We presented stimuli to the left or right of fixation at encoding, followed by an episodic memory test with centrally presented retrieval cues. This allowed us to track the reactivation of lateralized sensory memory traces during retrieval. Successful episodic retrieval led to a very early (∼100–200 ms) reactivation of lateralized alpha/beta (10–25 Hz) electroencephalographic (EEG) power decreases in the visual cortex contralateral to the visual field at encoding. Applying rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation to interfere with early retrieval processing in the visual cortex led to decreased episodic memory performance specifically for items encoded in the visual field contralateral to the site of stimulation. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that episodic memory functionally relies on very rapid reactivation of sensory information

    Efficacy and safety of TDF/FTC-containing first-line HAART in clinical practice – 2-year data from the German Outpatient Cohort

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    Poster presentation: Purpose of the study First-line HAART with tenofovir DF (TDF) and FTC in pivotal trials has been associated with high efficacy and good tolerability. However, real-life clinical practice often differs from clinical trials due to co-morbidities, co-infections, and less intensive clinical monitoring. To evaluate efficacy and safety of first-line HAART in a day-to-day setting, this Gilead-sponsored non-interventional cohort was established. Methods Between July 2005 and August 2006, 533 HIV-1 infected antiretroviral-naïve patients from 50 German centres enrolled in this non-interventional cohort. All patients were followed every 3 months for 3 years to monitor efficacy (viral load [VL], CD4), tolerability, renal safety, regimen changes and resistance profile. All patients received TDF+FTC as a single tablet (Truvada, TVD) in combination with either an NNRTI or PI/r as their first antiretroviral regimen. Summary of results As of June 2008, 2 years of therapy have been documented for 330/533 (62%) patients. At treatment initiation, 81% were male; median age was 39 years; clinical AIDS diagnosis was documented in 22%; 47% started therapy with CD4 <200 cells/mm3. TVD was combined with an NNRTI (43%) or a PI/r (57%). After 24 months, in an As-Treated (AT) analysis, 85% patients achieved a VL <50 copies/ml (VL <500 copies/ml: 97%), median CD4 count increased from 217 at baseline to 450 cells/mm3 (IQR: 325–608). Truvada showed a good safety profile; 76 adverse events (AEs) of any grade were reported in 66/533 patients (12%); six of these were judged serious. Fourteen (2.6%) patients discontinued TVD due to AEs. Renal abnormalities of any grade were reported in 10 patients (1.9%). Virological failure was documented in nine patients, of which eight were genotyped; M184V/I was detected in three, K65R in two patients. Conclusion During 2 years of follow-up, the overall safety of TVD was good; renal AEs of any grade were reported in 1.9% of patients. K65R was detected in two patients. First-line HAART with TVD plus an NNRTI or PI/r in clinical practice showed comparable efficacy to that observed in controlled clinical trials

    Eucalyptus Kraft Lignin as an Additive Strongly Enhances the Mechanical Resistance of Tree-Leaf Pellets

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    Pelleted biomass has a low, uniform moisture content and can be handled and stored cheaply and safely. Pellets can be made of industrial waste, food waste, agricultural residues, energy crops, and virgin lumber. Despite their many desirable attributes, they cannot compete with fossil fuel sources because the process of densifying the biomass and the price of the raw materials make pellet production costly. Leaves collected from street sweeping are generally discarded in landfills, but they can potentially be valorized as a biofuel if they are pelleted. However, the lignin content in leaves is not high enough to ensure the physical stability of the pellets, so they break easily during storage and transportation. In this study, the use of eucalyptus kraft lignin as an additive in tree-leaf pellet production was studied. Results showed that when 2% lignin is added the abrasion resistance can be increased to an acceptable value. Pellets with added lignin fulfilled all requirements of European standards for certification except for ash content. However, as the raw material has no cost, this method can add value or contribute to financing continued sweeping and is an example of a circular economy scenario

    Исследование влияния концентрации соли на результат измерения погонной емкости кабеля

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    Описан метод измерения погонной емкости электрического кабеля непосредственно в процессе производства. Осуществлен анализ влияния электропроводности воды на результаты измерения емкости кабеля

    Сурьма в подземных водах некоторых рудных месторождений Тянь-Шаня (Кураминский и Алайский хребты)

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    В статье приводятся общие закономерности поведения сурьмы в подземных водах рудных месторождений на основе результатов гидрогеохимических исследований. Распространение сурьмы изучалось в подземных водах золоторудных месторождений Кочбулак и Актурпак, медно-молибденового - Кальмакыр, полиметаллического - Кургашинкан и сурьмяного - Кадамджай. Установлено, что сурьма пользуется повсеместным распространением в подземных водах. Фоновые ее содержания определены в пре­делах от 0,01 до 2 мкг/л, а повышенные - от 5 мкг/л до 5000 мкг/л. Сурьма способна образовывать в подземных водах потоки рассеяния до 500 и более метров. В пределах всех месторождений распространены нейтральные и слабощелочные воды и присутствие в них высоких концентраций сурьмы говорит о существовании воднорастворимых комплексных соединений, препятствующих ее гидролизу. Сурьма рекомендуется в качестве поискового критерия на указанные типы месторождений

    study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background Osteoarthritis (OA) is a heterogeneous group of conditions with disturbed integrity of articular cartilage and changes in the underlying bone. The pathogenesis of OA is multifactorial and not just a disease of older people. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) typically used for the treatment of various rheumatic and dermatologic diseases. Three studies of HCQ in OA, including one abstract and one letter, are available and use a wide variety of outcome measures in small patient populations. Despite initial evidence for good efficacy of HCQ, there has been no randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial in a larger patient group. In the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), evidence-based recommendations for the management of hand OA, HCQ was not included as a therapeutic option because of the current lack of randomized clinical trials. Methods/Design OA TREAT is an investigator-initiated, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. A total of 510 subjects with inflammatory and erosive hand OA, according to the classification criteria of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), with recent X-ray will be recruited across outpatient sites, hospitals and universities in Germany. Patients are randomized 1:1 to active treatment (HCQ 200 to 400 mg per day) or placebo for 52 weeks. Both groups receive standard therapy (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAID], coxibs) for OA treatment, taken steadily two weeks before enrollment and continued further afterwards. If disease activity increases, the dose of NSAID/coxibs can be increased according to the drug recommendation. The co-primary clinical endpoints are the changes in Australian-Canadian OA Index (AUSCAN, German version) dimensions for pain and hand disability at week 52. The co-primary radiographic endpoint is the radiographic progression from baseline to week 52. A multiple endpoint test and analysis of covariance will be used to compare changes between groups. All analyses will be conducted on an intention-to-treat basis. Discussion The OA TREAT trial will examine the clinical and radiological efficacy and safety of HCQ as a treatment option for inflammatory and erosive OA over 12 months. OA TREAT focuses on erosive hand OA in contrast to other current studies on symptomatic hand OA, for example, HERO [Trials 14:64, 2013]

    Sustained Increase of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels in Healthy Young Women during Wintertime after Three Suberythemal UV Irradiations—The MUVY Pilot Study

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    Objectives Vitamin D (VitD) deficiency is a health problem prevalent not only in the elderly but also in young adults. The primary objective of our observational pilot study “MUVY” (Mood, UVR, Vitamin D in Young women) was to test both the short-term and long-term effects of a series of three suberythemal UV radiation (UVR) exposures on the VitD status and well-being of young healthy women during winter in a repeat measure design. Methods 20 healthy young women (Fitzpatrick skin types I–III, aged 21–25 years) received three full body broad band UVR exposures with an escalating erythemally weighted dose schedule during one week in winter, and completed self-report questionnaires monitoring symptoms of depression (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI) and affective state/well-being (Profile of Mood States, POMS) at baseline and three days after the last UVR exposure. 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) were measured in serum at baseline, and at study days 8, 36 and 50. Results Mean baseline 25(OH)D level was 54.3 nmol/L (standard deviation (s.d.) = 24.1), with seven women having VitD deficient status. Relevant symptoms of depression, as indicated by low BDI total scores (0–8), were absent. After the three UVR exposures the increment of 25(OH)D was an average of 13.9 nmol/L (95% confidence interval (CI) = 9.4–18.4) and 26.2 pmol/L (95%CI = 7.2–45.1) for 1,25(OH)2D. Δ25(OH)D, and corresponding baseline levels were significantly and inversely associated (rho = -0.493, p = 0.027). Only 25(OH)D remained significantly increased above baseline for at least six weeks after the last UVR exposure. A strong inverse correlation of the POMS subscale “Vigor/Activity” and the increment in 1,25(OH)2D was found (rho = -0.739, p<0.001) at day 8. Conclusions Three suberythemal whole body UVR exposures during one week are a simple and suitable method for improving 25(OH)D levels during winter, for at least six weeks, and especially in young women with VitD deficient status. Trial Registration German Clinical Trials Register (Deutsches Register Kinischer Studien) DRKS0000927

    Геохимия фтора в азотных термальных водах Забайкалья и провинции Цзянси (Китай)

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    Рассчитан индекс насыщения азотных термальных вод Забайкалья с флюоритом. С учетом основных определяющих параметров установлены критерии, определяющие равновесие с данным минералом. The calculated saturation index nitrogen thermal waters of the Baikal region with fluorite. Taking into account the main governing parameters are established criteria that determine the equilibrium with this mineral