2,576 research outputs found

    An der Schnittstelle von Literatur und Medizin : ein Lexikon, das zum Schmökern verleitet

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    Rezension zu: Bettina von Jagow und Florian Steger (Hrsg.) : Literatur und Medizin : ein Lexikon. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Göttingen 2005. 498 S. 59 Euro

    How Satellites are Moving Beyond the Class System: Class Agnostic Development and Operations Approaches for Constraints-Driven Missions

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    Should we abolish the Class System? The Class A/B/C/D mission assurance and risk posture designations familiar to most satellite developers were established in 1986. They are used by both the Department of Defense (DoD) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to define risk and risk mitigation requirements for flight missions. However, many of today’s satellites are different – smaller, digitally engineered, designed for production, and increasingly destined for proliferated architectures. The rate of development is increasing while the uniqueness of the systems being built is decreasing. The need to move faster and the ability to utilize, for the first time in space, real product-line components challenges the premise and assumptions behind the Class A through D designations. The traditional “Class System” is not as applicable to most small satellite developments, which instead focus on ways to prioritize key, high impact, agile processes in an effort to cut costs and timelines. Operating within this environment requires satellite developers to apply practices that are agnostic to class definition (e.g., the practices that are most fundamental to ensuring the mission meets the needs). This paper outlines the Class Agnostic approach and constraints-based mission implementation practices. It will describe several real-life examples from Air Force Research Laboratory, Space and Missile System Center, and Space Rapid Capabilities Office missions that are applying a “class agnostic” approach to their missions. It will include lessons learned from missions which failed critical Do No Harm requirements and lost a flight to missions that have fully utilized the class agnostic approach. It will also discuss how the several missions used class-agnostic techniques to balance requirements of scope, risk, cost, and schedule to maximize the chances of mission success within hard constraints. The approaches used in these missions are applicable not only to small satellites, but also to any mission intending to move beyond the “Class System” to a more agile and flexible mindset for risk mitigation and mission assurance

    Modulation of asthma and allergy by addressing toll-like receptor 2

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    Toll-like receptors play an important role in innate and adaptive immunity and in balancing immune responses with tolerance. TLR2 is related to protection against allergies and allergic asthma by sensing pathogen associated patterns as lipoproteins and lipopeptides. A constant Th1 triggering is thought to prevent Th2 related disorders

    Moodle Kurzanleitung fĂŒr Studierende

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    Willkommen bei Moodle, der eLearning-Plattform der UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg. Ziel dieser Kurzanleitung ist es, Ihnen Moodle nahe zu bringen, um Ihnen die ersten Schritte mit Moodle zu erleichtern. Moodle ist ein Lernmanagementsystem und stellt Dozenten KursrĂ€ume zur VerfĂŒgung. Diese Kurzanleitung wurde fĂŒr die Moodle Version 1.6 verfasst

    Attentional effects on contrast detection in the presence of surround masks

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    We studied how attention affects contrast detection performance when the target is surrounded by mask elements. In each display quadrant we presented a hexagon of six vertical Gabor patches (the ‘surround’). Only one of the hexagons contained a central Gabor patch (the ‘target’) and the task was to report that quadrant (spatial four-alternative-forced choice). Attention was manipulated by means of a double-task paradigm: in one condition observers had to perform concurrently a central letter-discrimination task, and the contrast-detection task was then only poorly attended, while attention was fully available in the other condition. We find that under poorly attended conditions targets can be detected only when the target contrast exceeds the surround contrast (contrast popout) or when the target orientation differs from the surround orientation by more than 10–15° (orientation popout). When the target orientation is similar to the surround orientation, attention can reduce the contrast detection thresholds in some cases more than four-fold, demonstrating a very strong attentional effect

    Moodle-Kurzanleitung fĂŒr Dozenten

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    Willkommen bei Moodle, der eLearning-Plattform der UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg. Ziel dieser Kurzanleitung ist es, Ihnen Moodle nahe zu bringen, um Ihnen die ersten Schritte mit Moodle zu erleichtern. Moodle ist ein Lernmanagementsystem und stellt Dozenten KursrĂ€ume zur VerfĂŒgung. Diese Kurzanleitung ist fĂŒr die Moodle Version 1.6 angepasst

    Leaf Area, Competition with Grass, and Clover Cultivar: Key Factors to Successful Overwintering and Fast Regrowth of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) in Spring

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    The greater sensitivity of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) to low temperature compared with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is a major problem in sustaining the relative contributions to yield of the two species in mixed swards. The objectives of this investigation were to examine the dynamics of leaf development of two white clover cultivars, AberHerald and Grasslands Huia, under field conditions, and to determine the significance of leaf area in winter, and of competition by perennial ryegrass, for the overwintering and regrowth of white clover in spring. Undefoliated white clover plants developed 3·8-6·6 new leaves between late autumn and early spring, and stolon dry matter and total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) content increased by 262 and by 68% respectively. In contrast, white clover plants that were defoliated frequently during the winter showed a 28% decrease in stolon dry matter and an 82% decrease in the content of TNC. Frequent defoliation in winter caused severe reduction in the rates of emergence of nodes (by 60%) and of buds (by 67%), and the rate of death of nodes and buds increased by a factor of 10, leading to small stolon systems of individual plants in spring. Competition had similar, but weaker, effects to those of winter defoliation, presumably caused by shading of white clover leaves. AberHerald had a higher cumulative leaf emergence (by 22%), a higher mean leaf number (by 23%), a higher stolon DM (by 36%) and a higher TNC content per plant (by 115%) than Grasslands Huia. Results demonstrate the crucial positive role of leaf area during winter, the negative effect of grass competition, and the importance of the clover cultivar, for the overwintering and subsequent spring regrowth of white clove

    E-Learning: Projekte und Konzepte an der UniversitÀt Heidelberg - 4. Workshop am 14. November 2006

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    Die große Bandbreite des E-Learning an der UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg umfasst alle Formen des Blended Learning von der Bereitstellung elektronischen Lehrmaterials ĂŒber elektronische Kommunikation bis hin zu in StudiengĂ€nge integrierte, vollstĂ€ndig Internet-basierte Kurse, experimentelle Lehrformen eingeschlossen. In dieser BroschĂŒre dokumentiert das neu eingerichtete E-Learning-Center der UniversitĂ€t die FĂŒlle der aktuellen AnsĂ€tze und Projekte auf dem universitĂ€ren Campus

    Die Open Educational Resources Bewegung – Optionen und HĂŒrden fĂŒr Lehrende an deutschen Hochschulen

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    Open Educational Resources (OER) oder freie Bildungsressourcen sind Ressourcen, die vom Urheber fĂŒr den Lernprozess frei zugĂ€nglich und möglichst auch adaptierbar unter einer offenen Lizenz zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt werden. Die Arbeit klĂ€rt Konzept und Herkunft der Open Educational Resources und erörtert Rahmenbedingungen wie urheberrechtliche Aspekte, politische und strategische UnterstĂŒtzung sowie Finanzierungsmodelle. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Fragestellung, wie deutsche Lehrende Open Educational Resources wahrnehmen und aus welchem Grund sich die Open Educational Resources-Bewegung in deutschen Hochschulen wenig Resonanz gefunden hat. Der empirische Teil basiert auf leitfadengestĂŒtzten Experteninterviews. Es wird nach Optionen und HĂŒrden und auch nach der derzeit diskutierten Ausweitung der Open Educational Resources gefragt. Die Arbeit betrachtet Open Educational Resources als Innovation und wendet daher zur Interpretation der Ergebnisse einen Ausschnitt der Diffusionsforschungstheorie nach Rogers an. Die Ergebnisse werden auf EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen untersucht, die sich auf Meinungsbildung und Entscheidung der Lehrenden an deutschen Hochschulen auswirken. Insgesamt werden die Eigenschaften der Innovation OER fĂŒr eine Adoption seitens deutscher Lehrender derzeit kritisch gesehen, eine Erweiterung der Open Educational Resources und die Abkehr von der Konzentration auf Materialien erscheint sinnvoll

    Improving Mission Success of CubeSats

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    As a concept, the CubeSat class of satellites is over 15 years old. The first CubeSat satellites were launched in 2003 and a few more in 2006. In recent years, CubeSats have proliferated at an astonishing rate. What started as a largely academic exercise has taken on much greater significance, with commercial entities gearing up to produce vast constellations of the small but capable spacecraft. Amidst all the hype one fact tends to get overlooked: CubeSats do not have a great record of mission success. This presentation provides simple, actionable recommendations that should improve the likelihood of mission success for future CubeSat development projects. The recommendations were gleaned from a study across academic, commercial and government organizations engaged in the design and development of miniature spacecraft. These organizations generously shared their processes, circumstances, results, and lessons learned; they also shared their current processes and philosophies on design, testing, and mission assurance. The results highlighted a number of important themes and issues, all of which formed the basis for the eight recommendations. Most of the recommendations can be tailored and implemented without much cost, and many seem to be common sense—though the study team found that few CubeSat developers followed them all. This paper specifically looks at the research process, the recurring themes and the eight recommendations to improve mission success of CubeSats
