89 research outputs found

    Overvåking av kulturlandskapets biologiske mangfold - aktuelle moduler for 3Q

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    Biologisk mangfold er ett av fire interesseområder som det rapporteres på i det norske overvåkingsprogrammet for jordbrukets kulturlandskap, det såkalte 3Q programmet. Denne rapporten beskriver hvordan håndtering av dette temaet i 3Q kan styrkes. Som bakgrunn for forslagene beskriver rapporten viktige aspekter ved kulturlandskapets biologiske mangfold. Basert på dette beskriver vi mulige tilleggsmoduler for 3Q-programmet for å forbedre overvåkingen. For å ha en høy sannsynlighet for å oppdage eventuelle negative endringer bør det inkluderes overvåking av et sett av indikatortaxa, i tillegg til overvåking av endringer i forekomster og struktur for naturtyper. I tillegg er det noen spesielle kulturlandskapstyper som ikke dekkes av 3Q per i dag, og programmet bør utvides for å fange opp endringer i disse.publishedVersio

    What explains inconsistencies in field-based ecosystem mapping?

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    Questions: Field-based ecosystem mapping is prone to observer bias, typically resulting in a mismatch between maps made by different mappers, that is, inconsistency. Experimental studies testing the influence of site, mapping scale, and differences in experience level on inconsistency in field-based ecosystem mapping are lacking. Here, we study how inconsistencies in field-based ecosystem maps depend on these factors. Location: Iškoras and Guollemuorsuolu, northeastern Norway, and Landsvik and Lygra, western Norway. Methods: In a balanced experiment, four sites were field-mapped wall-to- wall to scales 1:5000 and 1:20,000 by 12 mappers, representing three experience levels. Thematic inconsistency was calculated by overlay analysis of map pairs from the same site, mapped to the same scale. We tested for significant differences between sites, scales, and experience-level groups. Principal components analysis was used in an analysis of additional map inconsistencies and their relationships with site, scale and differences in experience level and time consumption were analysed with redundancy analysis. Results: On average, thematic inconsistency was 51%. The most important predictor for thematic inconsistency, and for all map inconsistencies, was site. Scale and its interaction with site predicted map inconsistencies, but only the latter were important for thematic inconsistency. The only experience-level group that differed significantly from the mean thematic inconsistency was that of the most experienced mappers, with nine percentage points. Experience had no significant effect on map inconsistency as a whole. Conclusion: Thematic inconsistency was high for all but the dominant thematic units, with potentially adverse consequences for mapping ecosystems that are fragmented or have low coverage. Interactions between site and mapping system properties are considered the main reasons why no relationships between scale and thematic inconsistency were observed. More controlled experiments are needed to quantify the effect of other factors on inconsistency in field-based mapping. classification, experience, field-based mapping, GIS, inter-observer variation, land-cover mapping, landscape metrics, ordination, scale, vegetation mappingpublishedVersio

    Botaniske registreringer i Håkåseter naturreservat i Sør-Fron, Oppland

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    Biologisk mangfold i Nesodden kommune

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    Biologisk mangfold i Rissa kommune

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    Biologisk mangfold i Inderøy kommune

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    Kartlegging av biologisk mangfold med vekt på kulturlandskapet er foretatt i Inderøy kommune. Til sammen 145 lokaliteter er kartfestet og beskrevet, fordelt på 20 ulike naturtyper. Flest lokaliteter ble registrert i naturtypene naturbeitemark, kalkrike strandberg, dammer, parklandskap og strandeng. Lokalitetenes naturverdi er vurdert. Til sammen 46 lokaliteter er gitt verdien svært viktig, 74 er rangert som viktige mens 25 kun har lokal verdi. En høy andel rike edelløvskoger ble rangert som svært viktige. En oversikt over kjente forekomster med truede eller sjeldne arter er også gitt.In the present study a survey of important areas for biodiversity have been performed in the municipality Inderøy, Central Norway. A total of 145 localities were recorded in 20 different land cover types. Most of them were found in the cultural landscape, e.g. semi-natural grasslands but also ponds, calcareous sea shore rocks and meadows were important. The localities were also given a value as nationally important (46 localities), regionally important (74 localities) and locally important (25 localities). Among the nationally important localities most were broadleaved deciduous forests. A list of nationally red-listed species occurring in the area is also given

    Biologisk mangfold i Ås kommune

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    Biologisk mangfold i Rissa kommune

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