168 research outputs found

    Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca ECEI 2009

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    Networking of Copreneurs and Small Firm Growth: Personal Sub-networks Analysis

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    The focus of this study is on the examination of the structural characteristics of the entrepreneurā€™s network. We made a contribution to the theory of entrepreneurial networking by focusing on the structural characteristics of the entrepreneurā€™s personal network with regard to the activity of both the entrepreneur and his or her spouse (the copreneurial team) in the family firm networking, and how does this affect the firmā€™s growth. Through a thorough analysis of these network characteristics we disclosed the impact of specific structural characteristics on firm growth. The research results show that the involvement of both the entrepreneur and her or his spouse is beneficial in the process of family firm networking and contributes to firm growth

    The relationship between the entrepreneurā€™s personal network multiplexity and firm growth

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    The purpose of the paper is to develop a consistent measure of the entrepreneursā€™ personal network multiplexity and to analyse its relationship to firm growth. The research goals were achieved with a quantitative approach. The data were collected with a structured questionnaire delivered to micro and small firms in Slovenia. The research results confirmed the multidimensionality of the network multiplexity concept and showed that it may influence firm growth. Entrepreneursā€™ personal networks represent an important form of support during the entrepreneurial process, therefore they need to be efficiently and carefully managed by entrepreneurs

    Umrežavanje u turizmu

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    The aim of this study is to get a better understanding of the benefits of networking activities among firms operating in the tourism industry. The study classifies a sample of 421 tourism firms from three Mediterranean countries ā€“ Croatia, Italy and Slovenia ā€“ into three distinct groups based on their networking activities ā€“ non-networkers (group 1), Great Networkers (group 2) and Limited Networkers (group 3) ā€“ and seeks to identify similarities and differences among these groups. The research results show that tourism firms from these three groups differ from each other based on the firmā€™s country of origin, industry, age, size, and performance. According to the results, we may be able to advise firms operating in the tourism industry regarding how to increase their collaboration with their internal and external environment in order to achieve better firm performance

    Strokovne osnove za osnovanje zunajgozdnih lesnih nasadov za proizvodnjo biomase

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    Effect of shape of the specimen and direction of casting on compressive strength of fibrous concrete

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    V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali lastnosti betonov, ojačanih z jeklenimi vlakni. Obravnavali smo vpliv orientiranosti vlaken na mehanske lastnosti. Opisali smo lastni postopek izdelave kalupov v mizarski delavnici in postopka izdelave preskuŔancev v betonarni. Eksperimentalno smo izmerili trdnost preskuŔancev različnih oblik, z vsebnostjo različnih jeklenih vlaken. Izvedli smo tudi upogibne preizkuse. Ugotovili smo, da oblika preskuŔanca in smer vgrajevanja betona v kalup vplivata na velikost tlačne trdnosti vlaknastega betona.In this thesis, we investigated the properties of concrete reinforced with steel fibers. We have considered the influence of the orientation of fibers on the mechanical properties. We describe their own process of making molds in workshop and manufacturing process of the specimens in the concrete plant. Experimentally we measured the strength of the test specimens of various shapes, with a variety of steel fibers. We also made bending tests. We have found that the shape of the test specimen and the direction of casting of concrete into the mold affects the size of the compressive strength of the fibrous concrete
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