16 research outputs found

    User experience improvement of japanese language mobile learning application through mental model and A/B testing

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    Advances in smartphone technology have led to the strong emergence of mobile learning (m-learning) on the market to support foreign language learning purposes, especially for the Japanese language. No matter what kind of m-learning application, their goal should help learners to learn the Japanese language independently. However, popular Japanese m-learning applications only accommodate on enhancing reading, vocabulary and writing ability so that user experience issues are still prevalent and may affect the learning outcome. In the context of user experience, usability is one of the essential factors in mobile application development to determine the level of the application’s user experience. In this paper, we advocate for a user experience improvement by using the mental model and A/B testing. The mental model is used to reflect the user’s inner thinking mode. A comparative approach was used to investigate the performance of 20 high-grade students with homogenous backgrounds and coursework. User experience level was measured based on the usability approach on pragmatic quality and hedonic quality like effectiveness (success rate of task completion), efficiency (task completion time) and satisfaction. The results then compared with an existing Japanese m-learning to gather the insight of improvement of our proposed method. Experimental results show that both m-learning versions proved can enhance learner performance in pragmatic attributes. Nevertheless, the study also reveals that an m-learning that employs the conversational mental model in the learning process is more valued by participants in hedonic qualities. Mean that the proposed m-learning which is developed with the mental model consideration and designed using A/B testing is able to provide conversational learning experience intuitively

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Augmented Reality untuk Mendukung Pengenalan Koleksi Museum

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    Museum merupakan tempat yang didalamnya terdapat benda-benda warisan budaya yang dapat digunakan untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan terkait sejarah di masa lalu. Namun pada kenyataannya, banyak benda bersejarah di museum yang rusak akibat dari kelalaian pengunjung dan pihak pengelola museum. Augmented Reality (AR) merupakan  teknologi yang berkembang dan sangat diminati saat ini sehingga menawarkan peluang baru sebagai media alternative pengenalan benda-benda di museum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan teknologi AR untuk mengenalkan benda-benda museum sehingga terlihat interaktif bagi pengunjung serta dapat mengurangi resiko kerusakan benda di museum. Dengan dikembangkannya aplikasi ini, diharapkan mampu meminmalisir jumlah benda-benda yang rusak karena kelalaian pengunjung serta dengan adanya sistem yang interaktif dapat meningkatkan minat masyarakat untuk mengunjungi musium sebagai salah satu tempat untuk mengenal dan menambah informasi terkait warisan budaya dan sejarah. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dengan mengadopsi Agile proses untuk lebih mudah mengakomodasi perubahan. Hasil pengujian fungsionalitas setelah aplikasi diimplementasikan menunjukan bahwa semua kebutuhan fungsional telah terpenuhi oleh sistem dan dapat digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Hasil pengujian juga menunjukkan bahwa semua fitur aplikasi dapat dijalankan dengan baik di berbagai versi platform Android. Hasil dari pengujian usabilitas aplikasi dengan memberikan kuesioner System Usability Scale (SUS) kepada pengunjung museum dan staf museum, menunjukkan angka kepuasan pengunjung sebesar 86%. Dari nilai tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat dengan mudah digunakan untuk membantu pengenalan benda koleksi museum.    Abstract Museum is a place that contain various objects of cultural heritage that can lead to gain new insight and knowledge for young generations. However, there are many cases that many museum’s objects are damaged by museum visitors. Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that offer new possibilities as an alternative media to display museum collections to visitors. This work aim to develop an augmented reality application to introduce museum collections in more interesting ways for visitors and also to mitigate the risk about damaged museum collections by careless visitors. This application was developed using Agile software development process. Functional testing of proposed application shows that all functional requirements have been met by the system. Additionally, testing results indicate that all application features can be well executed in various version of Android. The result of usability testing by giving questionnaires of System Usability Scale (SUS) to the respondents of museum visitors and museum staf, obtaining visitor satisfaction result gets 86% of museum staf satisfaction toward application. From these values can be concluded that this application can help the introduction of museum objects to museum visitors. Compatibility testing indicates that the work validity of these features can be well executed

    A new perspective of refractive error calculation with mobile application

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    In many situations, not standardized and limited access to eye health care in several regions of Indonesia becomes the main challenge for myopia patients to measure and monitor their current refractive error condition. Many apps were proposed to provide low-cost alternative measurement tools rather than expensive tools such as Phoropter with Snellen chart and Retinoscopy, but still, those apps need an Internet connection and manually complex steps to operate. These conditions make myopia patients reluctant to use this kind of service. In this regard, we propose an intuitive diopter level measurement app based on mobile application setup, which implements the concept of measure the user face to smartphone screen distance for the rapid diopter calculation processes and at the same time provides a low-cost alternative refractive measurement tool. This paper highlights our experiences when developing a mobile application that can help patients with myopia measuring their blur line distances and evaluate their diopter levels independently. We conduct a number of human trials with the device on a controlled environment to demonstrate the ability of the proposed app to measure the diopter level. The experimental results show that the proposed app is quite successful in measuring the diopter level of myopia patients with a relatively small range of calculation errors compared to optometrist measurement results

    Software Development of Automatic Data Collector for Bus Route Planning System

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    Public transportation is important issue in Taiwan. Recently, mobile application named Bus Route Planning was developed to help the user to get information about public transportation using bus. But, this application often gave the user inaccurate bus information and this application has less attractive GUI. To overcome those 2 problems, it needed 2 kinds of solutions. First, a more accurate time prediction algorithm is needed to predict the arrival time of bus. Second, augmented reality technology can be used to make a GUI improvement. In this research, Automatic Data Collector system was proposed to give support for those 2 solutions at once. This proposed system has 3 main functionalities. First, data collector function to provide some data sets that can be further analyzed as an base of time prediction algorithm. Second, data updater functions to provide the most updated bus information for used in augmented reality system. Third, data management function to gave the system better functionality to supported those 2 related systems. This proposed Automatic Data Collector system was developed using batch data processing scenario and SQL native query in Java programming language. The result of testing shown this data processing scenario was very effective to made database manipulation especially for large-sized data

    Analisis Tingkat Penerimaan Sistem E-Learning menggunakan Blog Gratis sebagai Alternatif Media Pembelajaran pada Guru

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    Blog is a medium used to post news, information, video-based websites. The types of blogs that exist today are paid or free of charges such as Blogspot, WordPress, and others. Currently, blog users are numerous. This is because the function of the blog not only for posting news or information but the reader can provide advice related to the content or ask the blogger. In the world of education, blogs can be used as a medium of learning that can help post the subject matter, daily repetition announcements, or discussion related subject matter. But the use of the blog as a learning medium is less visible. This research has some intentions are: discovering the percentage of teachers which is used a free blog as an alternative learning media, discovering what factors are influenced in accepting the technology of free blog, and implementing the UTAUT method to evaluate in accepting technology in free blog as an alternative learning media. The method of UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) is used to test the acceptance of technology by the user against the use of blog as a medium of learning in school. The Vocational Teachers of Malang are being used in this research as a population. From this population, we should use the sampling method. And the sampling method is used random sampling which is 61 samples from all of the teacher in Vocational School in Malang. The result from this research are: (1) Blogspot is the most used by teacher in vocational school as learning media is about 63%, then wordpress is about 18.5%, Edmodo is about 17.4% and other is about 1.1%; (2) and at about 94.02% in effort expectancy, 89.50% in performance expectancy, 88.04% in social influence, 86.04% in supporting facilities, 85.71% in use behavior, and 84.39% in behavioral intention

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Virtual Reality Tur Perumahan Pada Balimbingan Permai Regency (PT. Karya Propertindo Utama)

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    Pandemi COVID 19 membuat industri pada sektor properti dan perumahan mengalamani tekanan yang besar. Salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang property adalah PT. Karya Propertindo Utama dengan produk Perumahan Balimbingan Permai. Permasalahan yang dialami Balimbingan Permai adalah dari data penjualan tahunan terdapat peningkatan jumlah batal beli rumah yang signifikan dimana pembeli yang tertarik untuk membeli tidak dapat melakukan survey lokasi secara langsung dikarenakan terbatasnya akses ke lokasi perumahan akibat kondisi pandemi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka dikembangkan sebuah aplikasi tur interaktif berbasis virtual reality untuk perumahan Balimbingan Permai. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah aplikasi yang fitur utamanya adalah untuk mengelola dan menampilkan semua katalog jenis dan detail dari unit rumah dengan teknologi Virtual Reality sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai solusi alternatif bagi calon pembeli yang tidak bisa melakukan survey lokasi dengan keterbatasn waktu maupun jarak. Hasil pengujian usability menggunakan SUPR-Qm yang dilakukan kepada 5 responden didapatkan hasil bahwa untuk aplikasi pengguna didapatkan skor nilai 82% (excellent). Aplikasi untuk admin mendapatkan nilai usability sebesar 91,3% (best imaginable) yang berarti bahwa aplikasi dapat dengan baik berjalan dan mudah dipahami oleh pengguna. Pengujian compatibility menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat dijalankan pada sistem operasi Android dengan versi 6.0 sampai dengan 11 sehingga dapat mengakomodasi hampir semua skenario pada perangkat Android yang digunakan pengguna. AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic has put the industry in the property and housing sectors under great pressure. One of the companies engaged in property is PT. Karya Propertindo Utama with Balimbingan Permai Regency products. The problem experienced by Balimbingan Permai is that from annual sales data there is a significant increase in the number of canceled house purchases where buyers who are interested in buying cannot conduct site surveys directly due to limited access to housing locations due to pandemic conditions. Based on these problems, an interactive virtual reality-based tour application for Balimbingan Permai housing was developed. The main feature of the proposed app is to manage and display all types and details of the house unit catalog in Virtual Reality so that it can be used as an alternative solution for prospective buyers who cannot conduct direct site surveys due to limited time and distance issue. The usability testing results on a total of 20 respondents showed that the application for users received a usability value response of 82%, which was included in the excellent category. The admin side application gets a usability value of 91.3% which falls into a Best Imaginable adjective rating which means that users can accept the application. Compatibility testing shows that the application can run properly when accommodating almost all usage scenarios on Android versions 6.0 to 9.

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Manajemen Penyiraman Rumput Taman Playground Berbasis Internet of Things

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    BUMDESMA Kecamatan Ngantang adalah Badan Usaha Milik Desa Bersama yang ada di Kecamatan Ngantang. Instansi ini adalah instansi baru yang memiliki usaha berupa playground. Dari awal pembukaan playground hingga terakhir yaitu bulan Juli 2019 pemasukan playground mengalami penurunan dikarenakan rusaknya rumput taman selama musim kemarau. Permasalahan yang dialami BUMDESMA adalah pemeliharaan rumput gajah mini untuk taman memerlukan metode penyiraman khusus namun BUMDESMA belum mampu menggunakan jasa penyiraman untuk menyiram taman playground. Dari permasalahan tersebut maka dikembangkan sistem penyiraman taman berbasis Internet of Things (IOT) untuk menekan biaya pengeluaran BUMDESMA. Sistem manajemen penyiraman taman menggunakan aplikasi yang ditanamkan pada perangkat Android untuk mengontrol sistem yang dibuat dan perangkat embedded untuk melakukan mekanisme penyiraman. Hasil pengujian blackbox menunjukan bahwa hasil uji 100% valid. Pengujian usability menunjukan nilai lebih dari kriteria minimum penelitian dengan nilai 72 yang berarti bahwa aplikasi dapat diterima oleh pengguna. Dari hasil pengujian efisiensi biaya menunjukan bahwa penggunaan sistem penyiraman dalam jangka panjang dapat mengurangi biaya pengeluaranan BUMDESMA dibanding penggunaan jasa penyiraman profesional. AbstractBUMDESMA Kecamatan Ngantang is a Joint Village-Owned Enterprises located in Ngantang District, Malang, East Java. This is a new agency that has a playground as one of the core businesses. Along from the beginning of the playground operates until the end of July 2019, playground revenue has gradually decreased. This issue arises due to the bad condition of the grass on the playground causing local people are not willing to visit that place. The playground's grass requires special watering treatment but BUMDESMA is the lack of income so they cannot afford to pay the professional grass maintenance services to actively watering the playground grass. From these problems, We proposed an IOT based garden watering system to reduce BUMDESMA expenditure costs. The garden watering management system uses a mobile application as a user interface to control the system and embedded devices for the watering mechanism. Blackbox testing of the proposed system shows that all the functional requirements are 100% valid. Usability testing shows a value of 72 which is more than the minimum threshold of usability criterion means that the application is acceptable to users. The results of cost-efficiency testing show that the proposed water systems can reduce the cost when compared to using professional watering services

    Analisis Tingkat Penerimaan Sistem E-Learning menggunakan Blog Gratis sebagai Alternatif Media Pembelajaran pada Guru

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    Blog is a medium used to post news, information, video-based websites. The types of blogs that exist today are paid or free of charges such as Blogspot, WordPress, and others. Currently, blog users are numerous. This is because the function of the blog not only for posting news or information but the reader can provide advice related to the content or ask the blogger. In the world of education, blogs can be used as a medium of learning that can help post the subject matter, daily repetition announcements, or discussion related subject matter. But the use of the blog as a learning medium is less visible. This research has some intentions are: discovering the percentage of teachers which is used a free blog as an alternative learning media, discovering what factors are influenced in accepting the technology of free blog, and implementing the UTAUT method to evaluate in accepting technology in free blog as an alternative learning media. The method of UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) is used to test the acceptance of technology by the user against the use of blog as a medium of learning in school. The Vocational Teachers of Malang are being used in this research as a population. From this population, we should use the sampling method. And the sampling method is used random sampling which is 61 samples from all of the teacher in Vocational School in Malang. The result from this research are: (1) Blogspot is the most used by teacher in vocational school as learning media is about 63%, then wordpress is about 18.5%, Edmodo is about 17.4% and other is about 1.1%; (2) and at about 94.02% in effort expectancy, 89.50% in performance expectancy, 88.04% in social influence, 86.04% in supporting facilities, 85.71% in use behavior, and 84.39% in behavioral intention.Blog merupakan sebuah media yang digunakan untuk mem-posting berita, informasi, video berbasis website. Jenis blog yang ada saat ini yaitu yang berbayar atau yang bebas biaya seperti Blogspot, wordpress dan lain-lain. Saat ini, pengguna blog berjumlah banyak. Hal ini dikarenakan fungsi dari blog tidak hanya untuk posting berita atau informasi tetapi pembaca bisa memberikan saran terkait konten ataupun bertanya kepada blogger tersebut. Dalam dunia pendidikan, blog bisa digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu posting materi pelajaran, pengumuman ulangan harian, ataupun diskusi terkait materi pelajaran. Namun penggunaan dari blog sebagai media pembelajaran kurang terlihat. Tujuan penelitian ini diantaranya untuk mengetahui persentase guru dalam menggunakan blog gratis sebagai media pembelajaran alternatif pada SMK, dan mengimplementasikan UTAUT sebagai model dasar dalam penilaian penerimaan teknologi blog sebagai media pembelajaran alternatif pada SMK.  Metode UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) ini digunakan untuk menguji penerimaan teknologi oleh user terhadap penggunaan blog sebagai media pembelajaran di sekolah. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua guru SMK yang ada di Kota Malang. Dengan teknik random sampling pada 61 guru SMK. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang menggunakan indikator dari metode UTAUT. Hasil yang didapatkan berupa blog gratis yang paling banyak digunakan oleh guru SMK sebagai media pembelajaran alternative adalah (1) blogspot sebesar 63%, wordpress sebesar 18.5%, Edmodo sebesar 17.4% dan lainnya sebesar 1.1%; (2) hasil dari implementasi kuesioner yang menggunakan metode UTAUT menghasilkan effort expectancy sebesar 94.02%, performance expectancy sebesar 89.50%, social influence sebesar 88.04%, supporting facilities sebesar 86.04%, use behavior sebesar 85.71% dan behavioral intention sebesar 84.39%. AbstractBlog is a medium used to post news, information, video-based websites. The types of blogs that exist today are paid or free of charges such as Blogspot, WordPress, and others. Currently, blog users are numerous. This is because the function of the blog not only for posting news or information but the reader can provide advice related to the content or ask the blogger. In the world of education, blogs can be used as a medium of learning that can help post the subject matter, daily repetition announcements, or discussion related subject matter. But the use of the blog as a learning medium is less visible. This research has some intentions are: discovering the percentage of teachers which is used a free blog as an alternative learning media, implementing the UTAUT method to evaluate in accepting technology in free blog as an alternative learning media. The method of UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) is used to test the acceptance of technology by the user against the use of blog as a medium of learning in school. The Vocational Teachers of Malang are being used in this research as a population. From this population, we should use the sampling method. And the sampling method is used random sampling which is 61 samples from all of the teacher in Vocational School in Malang. The result from this research are: (1) Blogspot is the most used by teacher in vocational school as learning media is about 63%, then wordpress is about 18.5%, Edmodo is about 17.4% and other is about 1.1%; (2) and at about 94.02% in effort expectancy, 89.50% in performance expectancy, 88.04% in social influence, 86.04% in supporting facilities, 85.71% in use behavior, and 84.39% in behavioral intention

    An alternative m-learning scoring approach to automatically evaluate Iqro’s pronunciation based on pitch, volume, and rhythm features

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    The Iqro’ has been proven as an effective method to improve literacy for reading Hijaiyah letters which are the fundamental skill for reading the Qur’an. The Iqro method relies on a mentor to evaluate the accuracy of the student’s pronunciation of the Hijaiyah letters. With the advancement of mobile technology, many mobile apps are available to assist the learning process. However, the existing solution that is available on the market only provides a one-way learning experience where users only focus on enhancing vocabulary, writing, and reading ability with a simple true-false assessment. Although enhancing the vocabulary and reading ability is important, training the correct Makhraj (Arabic pronunciation) is also essential in fundamental Hijaiyah learning. This paper presents the feasibility investigation of the usage of the pitch, volume, and rhythm as the more comprehensive audio assessment parameters in the voice recognition module to evaluate the student's ability to pronounce the Hijaiyah letter in an m-learning implementation. Instead of just presenting the true-false output, the proposed method will calculate the Makhraj correctness in the range 0 to 100. Experimental results with 10 respondents show that the sample correlation coefficient using Pearson between a manual assessment by Ustaz and the application result for Iqro’ level 1 is 0.51 which means this approach is acceptable for future implementation

    Evaluasi Usability Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS) dan Discovery Prototyping pada Aplikasi PLN Mobile (Studi Kasus PT. PLN)

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    Banyaknya keluhan pengguna PLN Mobile menjadi alasan utama perlu diadakan pengujian dibagian usability terhadap aplikasi ini. Tinggi atau rendahnya tingkat usability dari aplikasi ini akan diuji dengan pengujian usability. Usability testing digunakan untuk menguji tingkat usability pada sistem. Peneliti ini menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS) untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tentang kepuasan pengguna. SUS dipilih karena pada metode ini pengujian dilakukan dengan melibatkan pengguna akhir, dimana pengujian dengan metode ini lebih menekankan pada sudut pandang pengguna akhir sehingga hasil pengujian akan lebih sesuai dengan apa yang dihadapi oleh pengguna. Hasil pengujian usability pada PLN Mobile adalah 22,77% dimana pengguna masih tidak puas dengan PLN Mobile sehingga penilaian yang diberikan kurang bagus. Perbaikan dengan metode discovery prototyping akan mengumpulkan saran perbaikan dari pengguna dengan wawancara langsung yang akan dibuat menjadi acuan perbaikan prototype yang kemudian akan diuji kembali. Saran perbaikan yang didapat dari responden seperti menambah setelan yang dapat mengubah bahasa dan biodata pribadi pengguna yang tersimpan di aplikasi, memperbaiki tata letak fitur, menempatkan pilihan yang paling penting dan mengelompokkan menu-menu dalam icon yang mudah dipahami dihalaman utama. Hasil pengujian usability pada prototype adalah 85,26%. Perbandingan hasil pengujian mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 62,49%