29 research outputs found

    COVID-19 case fatality ratio of Latino America countries with temperate climate partially follows european and oceania trends according to seasonal change

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    The objective of our study is, therefore, to verify whether the trend of the pandemic regarding the lethality of the virus is similar in Argentina and Chile to that which emerged in the temperate countries of Europe and Oceania. The CFRs were derived from the John Hopkins University database. To check the trend of the Case Fatality Ratio and Argentina, Chile we calculated this index on the same dates in which it was calculated for comparison in European countries and in Australia and New Zealand: i.e., May 6th and from May 6th to the September 21st. We continued comparing the other countries of the southern hemisphere, recalculating the CFR as of 11th November. For comparing a period of year homogeneous, late spring, we calculate the change if CFR from 20th March to 15th April in the North Hemisphere. Our study's results seem to confirm in Latin America a possible influence of the climate and the changing of the seasons in the lethality of the virus. For the same exceptions, it is evident that the study shows that this factor is not the only one nor probably the most important. The obvious exception concerns Argentina, which does not show any summer improvement of the CFR, unfortunately; for this, nation-specific data are not available to verify if the trend is homogeneous in the different climates that the vast territory presents. Other very important factors come into play, among which the diffusivity of the virus also seems to play a role

    Echinococcus granulosus: first report of microcysts formation from protoscoleces of cattle origin using the in vitro vesicular culture technique

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    The aim of this work was the achievement of microcysts formation from protoscoieces of E. granulosus of cattle origin using the in vitro vesicular culture technique. Vesiculated protoscoieces and protoscoieces with posterior bladders appeared during the first week of incubation. After 14 days of culture, a laminated layer appeared like a fine membrane in one of the extremes of the protoscoieces. On day 20, some microcysts with a complete laminated layer were observed. By day 48, microcysts completely developed could be observed. This is the first study where microcysts formation was obtained using protoscoieces of E. granulosus of cattle origin

    Transmitiendo conocimientos y valores: una relaciĂłn ganar-ganar.

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    La formación de los recursos humanos es una prioridad de INIA, lo que se refleja en una fuerte apuesta al desarrollo permanente de las habilidades y conocimientos de sus colaboradores, así como a la formación de estudiantes provenientes de instituciones vinculadas (escuelas técnicas, facultades nacionales y extranjeras e institutos de investigación extranjeros).El Programa Nacional de Producción de Carne y Lana tiene una larga experiencia en la recepción de estudiantes en las diferentes Estaciones Experimentales. Si bien ya hace muchos años que se reciben en INIA tesistas de grado, en la actualidad se ha registrado un incremento significativo en la recepción de postulaciones de pasantes nacionales e internacionales, tanto a nivel de tecnicaturas (UTU, Instituto de Gestión Agropecuaria - IGAP, etc.), como de tesistas de grado de diversas orientaciones vinculadas a la ciencias agrarias y posgrado (maestría, doctorado y posdoctorado), tanto de origen nacional como internacional

    : first report of microcysts formation from protoscoleces of cattle origin using the

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    The aim of this work was the achievement of microcysts formation from protoscoieces of E. granulosus of cattle origin using the in vitro vesicular culture technique. Vesiculated protoscoieces and protoscoieces with posterior bladders appeared during the first week of incubation. After 14 days of culture, a laminated layer appeared like a fine membrane in one of the extremes of the protoscoieces. On day 20, some microcysts with a complete laminated layer were observed. By day 48, microcysts completely developed could be observed. This is the first study where microcysts formation was obtained using protoscoieces of E. granulosus of cattle origin

    Strain characterization of Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces of cattle origin using the in vitro vesicular development

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    The aim of this work was to characterize the strain of protoscoleces of E. granulosus of cattle origin using the in vitro vesicular development. The in vitro development of these samples was compared to samples of sheep origin determined previously by genetic analyses as common sheep strain (G1). There were similarities between sheep and cattle samples not only in the time of microcysts formation, but also in the development process. Vesiculated protoscoleces and protoscoleces with posterior bladders appeared during the first week of incubation. After 14 days of culture, a laminated layer appeared like a fine membrane in one of the extremes of the protoscoleces. In the sheep samples, microcysts were observed between 19 and 20 days. In the cattle samples, microcysts appeared between 20 and 23 days. The coincidence between the development times and physiological characteristics found in the present study may indicate that the parasites from cattle and sheep were of the same strain

    District-based abdominal aortic aneurysm screening in population aged 65 years and older

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    AIM: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) has been carried out in an area of Genoa (Italy) for subjects aged 65 years or more to evaluate prevalence of this disease. METHODS: Between March 2007 and September 2009 8234 subjects were screened. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal aorta and the iliac arterial segments was carried out on each subject and all data related to risk factors were collected. RESULTS: Five hundreds-twelve (6.2%) subjects were found to have an AAA: 469 (10.8%) males and 43 (1.1%) females (significant difference, P < 0.01). Based on the aortic diameter, 403 (4.9%), 80 (1.0%) and 29 (0.3%) had an AAA of 3.0-3.9 cm, 4.0-4.9 cm and 65 5.0 cm diameter, respectively. With regards to risk factors, family history of cardiovascular disease only resulted more frequent in subjects with AAA than in those without AAA. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of patients with AAA (6.2%) was similar to previously published estimates. Nevertheless, AAA resulted very high in males. This observation is likely due to screening in a city with a very high percentage of elderly subjects. Family predisposition to cardiovascular disease resulted significant risk factor for AAA. Results of our epidemiological study provide evidence of the usefulness of AAA screening thanks to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of AAA

    Strain characterization of

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    The aim of this work was to characterize the strain of protoscoleces of E. granulosus of cattle origin using the in vitro vesicular development. The in vitro development of these samples was compared to samples of sheep origin determined previously by genetic analyses as common sheep strain (G1). There were similarities between sheep and cattle samples not only in the time of microcysts formation, but also in the development process. Vesiculated protoscoleces and protoscoleces with posterior bladders appeared during the first week of incubation. After 14 days of culture, a laminated layer appeared like a fine membrane in one of the extremes of the protoscoleces. In the sheep samples, microcysts were observed between 19 and 20 days. In the cattle samples, microcysts appeared between 20 and 23 days. The coincidence between the development times and physiological characteristics found in the present study may indicate that the parasites from cattle and sheep were of the same strain

    A case report on escitalopram-induced hyperglycaemia in a diabetic patient.

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    The incidence of depression in diabetic patients is quite high; moreover, it has been suggested that the presence of depression itself may increase the risk of diabetes mellitus. Hence, it follows that the simultaneous use of antidiabetic and antidepressant drugs is common. Some clinical evidence indicates that selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) could be very useful in treating overweight patients, both with and without diabetes. However, recent deregulation of glucidic metabolism was tested in diabetic subjects treated with antidepressants. Several cases of hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia associated with other SSRIs have been published, whereas only one case of escitalopram inducing hyperglycaemia has been noted. The exact mechanism of glucose control impairment in patients taking SSRIs—escitalopram in particular—still remains unclear. We describe a diabetic 83-year-old woman with good glycaemic control (as evinced by glycaemic and glycosylated haemoglobin assay—HbA1c—values) before escitalopram initiation in response to therapy with glibenclamide. Escitalopram resulted in a significantly increased glycaemia values 5 days following administration. Glycaemia values returned to normality only after suspension of escitalopram, despite antidiabetic dosage increase. We report this case to draw attention to escitalopram as a possible cause of glycaemic control loss. </jats:p

    Could hypomanic traits explain selective migration? Verifying the hypothesis by the surveys on Sardinian migrants

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    Introduction: A recent survey put forward the hypothesis that the emigration that occurred from Sardinia from the 1960's to the 1980's, selected people with a hypomanic temperament. The paper aims to verify if the people who migrated from Sardinia in that period have shown a high risk of mood disorders in the surveys carried out in their host countries, and if the results are consistent with this hypothesis. Methods: This is systematic review. Results: In the 1970's when examining the attitudes towards migration in Sardinian couples waiting to emigrate, Rudas found that the decision to emigrate was principally taken by males. Female showed lower self-esteem than male emigrants. A study on Sardinian immigrants in Argentina carried out in 2001-02, at the peak of the economic crisis, found a high risk of depressive disorders in women only. These results were opposite to the findings recorded ten years earlier in a survey on Sardinian immigrants in Paris, where the risk of Depressive Episode was higher in young men only. Discussion: Data point to a bipolar disorder risk for young (probably hypomanic) male migrants in competitive, challenging conditions; and a different kind of depressive episodes for women in trying economic conditions. The results of the survey on Sardinian migrants are partially in agreement with the hypothesis of a selective migration of people with a hypomanic temperament. Early motivations and self-esteem seem related to the ways mood disorders are expressed, and to the vulnerability to specific triggering situations in the host country