22 research outputs found

    Palaeozoic oolitic ironstone of the French Armorican Massif: a chemical and structural trap for orogenic base metal-As-Sb-Au mineralization during Hercynian strike-slip deformation.

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    In the Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux quarry (Armorican Hercynian belt, western France), an epigenetic hydrothermal alteration affects an oolitic ironstone layer intercalated within the Lower Ordovician Grès armoricain Formation. The hydrothermal overprint produced pervasive and massive sulphidation with stratoid pyritized lenticular bodies within the oolitic ironstone layer. These sulphide lenses are spatially associated with strike-slip faults and extend laterally from them. Following the massive sulphidation stage (Fe-As, stage 1), subsequent fracturing allowed the deposition of base metals (stage 2) and Pb-Sb-Au (stage 3) parageneses in veins. The dominant brittle structures are vertical extension veins, conjugate shear veins and strike-slip faults of various orders. All these structures are filled with the same paragenetic sequence. Deformation analysis allows the identification of structures that developed incrementally via right lateral simple shear compatible with bulk strain affecting the Central Armorican Domain. Each increment corresponds to a fracture set filled with specific parageneses. Successive hydrothermal pulses reflect clockwise rotation of the horizontal shortening direction. Geothermometry on chlorite and arsenopyrite shows an input of hot hydrothermal fluids (maximum of 390-350°C) during the main sulphide stage 1. The subsequent stages present a marked temperature drop (300-275°C). Lead isotopes suggest that the lead source is similar for all hydrothermal stages and corresponds to the underlying Neo-proterozoic basement. Lead isotope data, relative ages of deformation and comparison with neighbouring deposits suggest large-scale fluid pulses occurred during the whole Hercynian orogeny rather than pulses restricted to the late Hercynian period. The vicinity of the Hercynian internal domain appears as a key-control for deformation and fluid flow in the oolitic ironstones which acted as a chemical and structural trap for the hydrothermal fluids. The epigenetic mineralization of Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux appears to be very similar to epigenetic sulphidation described in BIF-hosted gold deposits

    Emeralds in the Eastern cordillera of Colombia : two tectonic settings for one mineralization

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    Colombian emeralds are formed through a hydrothermal-sedimentary process. On the western side of the Eastern Cordillera, the deposits are linked by tear faults and associated thrusts developed during a compressive tectonic phase that occurred at the time of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, prior to the major uplift of the Cordillera during the Andean phase (middle Miocene). On the eastern side of the Cordillera, emerald mineralization occurred earlier, at the time of the Cretaceous-Teritary boundary, during a thin-skinned extensional tectonic event linked to evaporite dissolution. This event predates the Andean phase, during which this part of the chain was folded and thrust over the Llanos foreland. (Résumé d'auteur

    Géodynamique andine : résumés étendus = Andean geodynamics : extended abstracts = Geodinamica andina : resumenes expandidos

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    A l'est de la Cordillère, les gisements se sont formés en contexte extensif, à la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire, bien avant les compressions andines néogènes à l'origine de la chaîne plissée et chevauchante vers l'est. A l'ouest de la Cordillère, les gisements et la chaîne plissée chevauchante vers l'ouest se font formés simultanément, en régime compressif, à l'Eocène supérieur ou au début de l'Oligocène, indépendament des phases andines néogènes. (Résumé d'auteur

    Emeralds in the Eastern cordillera of Colombia : two tectonic settings for one mineralization

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    Colombian emeralds are formed through a hydrothermal-sedimentary process. On the western side of the Eastern Cordillera, the deposits are linked by tear faults and associated thrusts developed during a compressive tectonic phase that occurred at the time of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, prior to the major uplift of the Cordillera during the Andean phase (middle Miocene). On the eastern side of the Cordillera, emerald mineralization occurred earlier, at the time of the Cretaceous-Teritary boundary, during a thin-skinned extensional tectonic event linked to evaporite dissolution. This event predates the Andean phase, during which this part of the chain was folded and thrust over the Llanos foreland. (Résumé d'auteur

    Element distribution in the root zone of ultramafic-hosted black smoker-like systems: Constraints from an Alpine analog

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    Fluid-rock interactions at Mid-Oceanic Ridges lead to metal deposition in the so-called seafloor massive sulfides at ultramafic-hosted systems. Due to restricted access to the seafloor and scarcity of 3D exposures, these systems are poorly understood at-depth. A way to access the vertical dimension is to focus on fossil analogs preserved on-land such as the one preserved in serpentinites from the Platta nappe (SE Switzerland). For this example, we document the element distribution in the mineralized rocks at three distinct levels in the rock column using both whole rock chemical analyses and LA-ICPMS analysis of sulfide (chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite) and magnetite. We bring, for the first time, chemical signatures of the mineralization in the root zone of ultramafic-hosted black smokers. At any given depth, the Co/Ni ratio is maximum in the most mineralized samples indicating that this ratio is linked to the intensity of hydrothermal alteration. Additionally, the Co/Ni ratio decreases in mineralized rocks towards the paleosurface, whereas the Se content increases. An episode of carbonation recorded in the highest structural level of the system was responsible for a slight remobilization of the former Cu stock. We propose a model in which the uprising mineralizing fluid mixed with seawater within the host serpentinites, before venting at the paleoseafloor

    Géodynamique andine : résumé étendus = Andean geodynamics : extended abstracts

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    Les gisements d'émeraude de Muzo et Coscuez localisés sur la bordure ouest de la Cordillère orientale de Colombie, présentent une importante tectonique en chevauchement. Plusieurs phases compressives de vergences différentes développent ces chevauchements. Les datations radiométriques sur les phases fluides associés à ces évènements compressifs fournissent un âge limite Eocène-Oligocène. (Résumé d'auteur

    Estimating the local paleo-fluid flow velocity: New textural method and application to metasomatism

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    Crystal growth driven by a flowing solution is modeled for a flow with low Reynolds number using a computational dynamic software. Considering equivalent crystallographic faces, the chemical flux is calculated along upstream and downstream faces. Upstream flux is higher compared to downstream and leads to a symmetry breakdown of the crystal shape and develops mirror symmetry parallel to the flow velocity. Moreover the ratio of these two fluxes (upstream/downstream) gives a quantitative relation between the relative crystal growth rate and the flow velocity. Thus, using an inverse method, the flow direction and velocity can be deduced by the study of the variation of the growth band thicknesses of equivalent crystallographic faces. This new method was applied to the formation of metasomatic tourmalinite associated with a leucogranite sill. The approach is complemented by a study of the chemistry of the tourmaline. In the studied case, the application of the new method gives the high fluid velocities in pores (10- 3-10- 4 m/s) during metasomatism. Equivalent Darcy velocities are estimated and discussed accounting for the major role played by the regional deformation. Finally, a two-stage tectono-hydrodynamic model is proposed for the metasomatism. The first stage is genetically linked to the sill injection, and the second is characterized by a wider event with hydrothermal flow passing along the leucogranite sills. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Géodynamique andine : résumés étendus = Andean geodynamics : extended abstracts = Geodinamica andina : resumenes expandidos

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    Des études de terrain appuyées par l'interprétation de profiles sismiques nous ont permis de réaliser une coupe du bord Est de la Cordillère Orientale de Colombie intégrant le massif de Quetame et la zone subandine des foothills du Guavio. Cette étude met en évidence l'importance du régime transpressif lors des phases orogéniques Andines responsables du soulèvement de la Cordillère Orientale. (Résumé d'auteur

    Mise en évidence d'une tectonique compressive Eocène-Oligocène dans l'ouest de la cordillère orientale de Colombie, d'après la structure en duplex des gisements d'émeraude de Muzo et de Coscuez

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    Les structures des gisements d'émeraude de l'Ouest de la Cordillère Orientale de Colombie (chevauchements, plis de rampe, duplex, failles de déchirement) résultent de trois épisodes de déformation formant une phase de tectonique compressive, synchrone de l'hydrothermalisme à l'origine de la minéralisation et, comme lui, datant de la limite Eocène-Oligocène. (Résumé d'auteur