85 research outputs found

    Procena adaptabilnosti komercijalnih NS hibrida suncokreta primenom GGE biplot analize

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    DvogodiÅ”nji viÅ”elokacijski ogled, koji je izveden na 26 lokaliteta ravnomerno rapoređenih u glavnim regionima gajenja suncokreta u Srbiji, je poslužio da se prouči adaptabilnost 25 komercijalnih NS hibrida sucokreta, na osnovu prinosa zrna i prinosa ulja. Interakcija genotip x sredina u velikoj meri ograničava efikasnost selekcije i davanje preporuka sorata, ukoliko se one vrÅ”e samo na osnovu prosečnog prinosa. GGE biplot, grafički prikazuje genotipski glavni efekat i interakciju genotip x sredina viÅ”elokacijskih ogleda, omogućujući grafičko vrednovanje genotipova i sredina. ANOVA je ukazala na procentualno najveći uticaj faktora lokaliteta na visinu prosečnih prinosa zrna i prinosa ulja u obe godine, Å”to je opravdalo koriŔćenje SREG modela u analizi podataka. GGE biplot analiza je primenjena za svaku osobinu i godinu posebno, za celokupan set sredina, iznadprosečno-prinosne sredine (ā€žboljeā€œ sredine) i ispodprosečnoprinosne sredine (ā€žloÅ”ijeā€œ sredine). Urađena je i kombinovana analiza za 15 hibrida i 9 lokaliteta zajedničkih za obe godine israživanja. Poligonski biplot je otkrio specifične ā€žÅ”ta-pobeđuje-gdeā€œ obrasce, na osnovu kojih su utvrđene: različite megasredine gajenja suncokreta u Srbiji, opÅ”te i specifično adaptirani hibridi za svaku osobinu, prosečni performans i stabilnost hibrida, reprezentativni i diskriminatorni test lokaliteti za genotipove. Rimski Å ančevi i Kikinda čine posebnu megasredinu za prinos ulja na osnovu analize po godinama. Kombinovana analiza za prinos zrna u dvogodiÅ”njem periodu je ukazala da lokaliteti koji čine megasredinu su Aleksa Å antić i Bačka Topola. Kombinovana analiza za prinos ulja je ukazala da lokaliteti koji čine megasredinu su Kragujevac i Kula Vitovnica, i da je hibrid Baća specifično adaptiran na lokalitet Kikinda. Rezultati istraživanja će pomoći u donoÅ”enju kvalitetnih odluka pri davanju preporuke za gajenje hibrida u određenim sredinama, t.j. njihovu rejonizaciju

    Kombinacione sposobnosti inbred linija kukuruza za prinos zrna i komponente prinosa

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    Diallel mating design experiment with reciprocal crosses was used to determine combining abilities of five maize inbred lines and their hybrid combinations for grain yield, ear length, ear diameter, number of kernel rows per ear, number of kernels per row in 2005. and 2006. year. GCA and SCA significant values were observed for all traits under study in both years. GCA/SCA relation showed that dominant gene effect had prevalent influence in the inheritance of grain yield, ear length and ear diameter. Additive gene effect had larger importance in the inheritance of number of kernel rows per ear. NS-1445 inbred line showed best GCA effect for grain yield, ear length and number of kernels per row, but worst GCA effect for number of kernel rows per ear. Best GCA effect for ear diameter achieved inbred line F-7R. Line BL-47 showed best GCA effect for number of kernel rows per ear in both years, but also the worst GCA effect for grain yield and number of kernels per row. Hybrid combination NS-1445 x BL-47 showed largest SCA effect for grain yield in both years and also showed, like hybrid combination F-7R x NS-1445, significant SCA effects for all other traits, except ear diameter. This cross also proved that hybrid combinations that include one parent with good GCA effect and the other parent with bad GCA effect can have very successful performance. It will be useful during selection material testing, to keep also genotypes which show bad GCA effect, but have phenotypic favorable trait values. Reciprocity effect was significant for SCA effects of all traits but ear diameter. It is the conformation of involvement of plasmagenes in maize quantitative traits inheritance. The largest reciprocity effect for grain yield achieved F-7R x BL-47 in both years. Significantly higher grain yield in this hybrid combination was achieved when line F-7R was used as a female parent and significantly higher number of kernel rows per ear was achieved when line BL-47 was used as a female parent.Metodom dialelnog recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja utvrđene su kombinacione sposobnosti pet inbred linija kukuruza i njihovih hibridnih kombinacija za prinos zrna, dužinu klipa, prečnik klipa, broj redova zrna i broj zrna u redu u 2005. i 2006. godini. Ustanovljene su značajne vrednosti OKS i PKS za sve ispitivane osobine u obe proučavane godine. Odnos između OKS i PKS, pokazuje da dominantno delovanje gena ima preovlađujuću ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna, dužine klipa i prečnika klipa, dok aditivno delovanje gena ima veći značaj u nasleđivanju broja redova zrna. Najbolju OKS za prinos zrna, dužinu klipa i broj zrna u redu pokazala je linija NS-1445, koja je ujedno imala i najslabiju OKS za broj redova zrna. Najbolju OKS za prečnik klipa pokazala je linija F-7R. Najbolju OKS za broj redova zrna pokazala je linija BL-47 u obe proučavane godine, a ujedno je imala i najslabiju OKS za prinos zrna i za broj zrna u redu. Najveću vrednost PKS za prinos zrna pokazao je hibrid NS-1445 x BL-47 u obe proučavane godine, koji je osim toga, kao i hibrid F-7R x NS-1445, pokazao značajne vrednosti PKS i za sve ostale osobine, osim prečnika klipa. To je dokaz da pojedine hibridne kombinacije koje uključuju jednog roditelja sa dobrim OKS i drugog roditelja sa loÅ”im OKS, mogu imati izuzetno dobre performanse. Zbog toga bi prilikom testiranja selekcionog materijala, korisno bilo zadržati i one genotipove koji pokazuju loÅ”e OKS, a ujedno imaju fenotipski poželjne osobine. Ustanovljeno je da recipročno ukrÅ”tanje utiče na efekat PKS za sve ispitivane osobine, osim prečnika klipa. To ukazuje, da osim nuklearnih gena i plazma geni imaju važnu ulogu u nasleđivanju kvantitativnih osobina kukuruza. Najveću razliku u vrednosti PKS za prinos zrna između direktnog i recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja ostvario je hibrid F-7R x BL-47 u obe proučavane godine. Pri tome su značajno veći prinosi zrna ostvareni koriŔćenjem linije F-7R kao ženskog roditelja. Suprotno prinosu, ovaj hibrid je imao značajno veći broj redova zrna sa linijom BL-47 na poziciji ženskog roditelja

    Mega-sredine suncokreta u Srbiji prema GGE biplot analizi

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    Sunflower mega-environment analysis was conducted for the grain yield data of 20 hybrids and 19 test locations during 2006, and 20 hybrids and 16 test locations during 2007. Combined data included 15 hybrids and 9 test locations common for both years and it was analyzed as balanced experiment. The analysis of variance components showed that hybrid by location interaction explained 2.74, 5.8, and 3.72 times more variation than hybrid, for grain yield, for 2006, 2007, combined data, respectively, and indicated potential mega-environment existence. Our results showed the existence of two mega-environments in Serbia sunflower growing region: (1) Kula Vitovnica, Aleksa Å antić, Sombor and (2) Rimski Å ančevi, Kikinda. It has been concluded that if we want promising sunflower hybrids to be optimally used, they should be cropped differently for the two determined mega-environments.Analiza mega-sredina suncokreta sprovedena je prema podacima prinosa zrna 20 hibrida i 19 test lokaliteta tokom 2006. i 20 hibrida i 16 test lokaliteta tokom 2007. Kombinovani podaci obuhvatili su 15 hibrida i 9 test lokaliteta, zajedničkih za obe godine istraživanja, pri čemu je analizirano kao izbalansirani eksperiment. Analiza komponenti varijanse pokazala je da interakcija hibrid puta lokalitet objaÅ”njava 2,74, 5,8 i 3,72 puta viÅ”e varijacija nego hibrid na prinos zrna za 2006. i 2007. u kombinovanim podacima, tim redom, i ukazuje na potencijalno postojanje mega-sredina. NaÅ”i rezultati su pokazali postojanje dve mega-sredine u reonima gajenja suncokreta u Srbiji: (1) Kula Vitovnica, Aleksa Å antić, Sombor i (2) Rimski Å ančevi, Kikinda. Zaključeno je da ako želimo da perspektivni hibridi suncokreta budu optimalno iskoriŔćeni, moraju biti drugačije obrađeni za dve utvrđene mega-sredine

    Effects of climatic factors on grain vitreousness stability and heritability in durum wheat

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    Modern durum wheat breeding programs are becoming more oriented toward creation of not only high-yield cultivars but also high quality, with good stability for the trait of interest. Vitreousness of grain is associated with semolina granulation, color, and protein content; it is regarded as one of the most important characteristics in the grading industry, affecting the commercial value of the commodity. A set of 15 winter and facultative durum wheat genotypes was tested for grain vitreousness across 6 environments for 2 consecutive years. Three-way analysis of variance showed that genotype, location, and year contributed 4.1%, 20.6%, and 42.2% to the total sum of squares, respectively. Interaction terms, including genotype, contributed 6.1% to the total sum of squares, and location x year contributed 27.0%. Stability of grain vitreousness for the examined breeding lines and cultivars of durum wheat was shown by the site's regression. Broad-sense heritability of grain vitreousness was estimated to be 71%. Climatic variables were used for factorial regression modeling, and most of the interaction term for grain vitreousness was explained by mean temperatures in June (54.4%) and April (14.2%), and precipitation (14.4%) and sunshine hours (14.3%) in March. During the grain filling and grain ripening stages, the most influential climatic variables in explaining interaction were maximum temperature (43.4%), precipitation (30.9%), and sunshine hours (5.6%)

    Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers

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    Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this important forage legume. The objective of this study was microsatellite characterization of the accessions from the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Molecular evaluation of 46 red clover genotypes was performed by applying the set of 14 primer pairs of microsatellite markers. These primer pairs amplified a total of 187 alleles, with an average of 13.36 alleles per locus and average polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.306. The minimum values of Dice genetic distances based on polymorphism of microsatellite markers were found among genotypes NCPGRU2 and NCPGRU5 (0.311) and the highest values of genetic distances were determined for a couple of genotypes Violeta and BGR2 (0.933). The average genetic distance between all pairs of genotypes amounted 0.587. The results of the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were consistent with the results obtained on the basis of cluster analysis, except that the PCoA allocated another four genotypes. There was no relationship between groups of genotypes formed by the use of cluster analyses and PCoA with their geographical origin. Analysis of molecular variance of 46 red clover genotypes by the status and ploidy level was significant, but it also suggested a weak genetic differentiation of groups formed on the basis of those characteristics. Observed groups of genotypes, according to the cluster analyses and PCoA of microsatellite data, could be used in future breeding programs for the selection of germplasm


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    Održanje i kontrola genetske čistoće, odnosno genetskog identiteta, jedan je od krajnjih ciljeva sjemenarstva nakon priznavanja neke sorte pÅ”enice. Primjena pozitivne i negativne selekcije, na razini fenotipa pri sortnoj reprodukciji pÅ”enice, omogućila je sortnu čistoću od 99 i 100% u usjevima svih sjemenskih kategorija. U cilju ispitivanja genetske identičnosti, u ovom su radu analizirane rezervne bjelačevine pÅ”enice ā€“ glijadini, koji su metodom poliakrilne gel elektroforeze razdvojeni na veliki broj frakcija koje pokazuju visoku heterogenost. Od analiziranih sorti pÅ”enice jedino je sorta PKB Rodika imala genetsku čistoću od 100% za sve kategorije sjemena. Sorta PKB Kristina je imala genetsku čistoću od 99% za kategoriju predosnovno sjeme, a sorta BG Merkur 99% genetske čistoće za kategoriju ā€“ sjeme prve generacije C1. Elektroforeza bjelančevina pokazala je da postoji divergentnost između ispitivanih sorti pÅ”enice po sastavu komponenti glijadinske frakcije, dok unutar sorti postoji ujednačenost.Maintenance and control of genetic purity and genetic identity is one of the ultimate goals in seed production after the recognition of some varieties of wheat. The application of positive and negative selection at the phenotypic level in varietal reproduction of wheat, enabled 99 and 100% of varietal purity in crops of all seed categories. In order to study the genetic identity, in this paper the reserve proteins of wheat ā€“ gliadins were analyzed. They were separated by polyacrylic gel electrophoresis into numerous components that showed great heterogeneity. Of all the analyzed wheat varieties, only PKB Rodika variety had the genetic purity of 100% in all categories of seed. PKB Kristina had the genetic purity of 99% in the pre-basic seed category and the variety BG Merkur had genetic purity of 99% in the seed of first generation ā€“ C1. Protein electrophoresis showed there was the divergence among the varieties of wheat in its composition of gliadin fractions, while there was uniformity among defferent varietal reproductions within each variety

    Nutritional properties of Macedonian landraces of small grain cereals as a source of new genetic variability

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    Taking into account the better agro-ecological adaptations developed over time to climate changed conditions, cereal local populations (landraces) represent a valuable plant genetic resources with their perspective reflected in the creation of better quality commercial cereal genotypes. The objectives of this research were to explore: i) the genetic variability of nutritional properties of Macedonian landraces of small grain cereals-wheat, barley, oat, and rye; ii) associations among nutritional properties; iii) strength and weakness of landraces based on nutritional properties profiles. Collecting missions were carried out in 2013 year in different locations of rural areas at the territory of Republic of Macedonia. Ten sub-samples of 100 g seeds were extracted from each of regenerated landrace in order to obtain a well-balanced analytical sample. All samples were analysed for moisture content - MOI (%), protein content - PC (%), fat content - FC (%), crude fibre content CF (%), wet gluten content - WG (%), and dry gluten content - DG (%). In regard to assessed nutritional properties the most perspective landraces proved to be: Okalesta bela (CF of (x) over bar = 2.62%) of bread wheat; Zimski (WG of (x) over bar= 9.24%), Dabilski nizok (DG of (x) over bar = 4.2%) and Ednoreden (CF of (x) over bar = 5.18%) of barley; Sopski (PC of (x) over bar= 14.62%), Gabarski (FC of (x) over bar = 6.46%) and Sekulicki (CF of (x) over bar = 9.89%) of oat; Calakliski (PC of (x) over bar = 14.43%, CF of (x) over bar = 8.16%), Koselski (FC of (x) over bar= 4.19%), and Gabarski (DG of (x) over bar = 3.14%) of rye. The positive associations among nutritional properties of Macedonian landraces of small grain cereals were: all examined nutritional properties except PC and CF in bread wheat landraces; PC, WG, DG, MOI as one cluster, and FC and CF as another cluster in barley landraces; all examined nutritional properties except MOI and CF in oat landraces; PC, CF, FC as one cluster and DG and MOI as another cluster in rye landraces. The Macedonian landraces of small grain cereals proved to be new sources of genetic variability of nutritional properties which can be used in breeding, because they outperformed commercial check cultivar landraces with statistical significance (P lt 0.05) for: MOI (4 landraces) and CF (4 landraces) for bread wheat; WG (Zimski), DG (3 landraces), CF (7 landraces) for barley; CF (5 landraces) for oat; DG (1 landrace), MOI (4 landraces), FC (4 landraces in rye)

    Variability of red clover genotypes on the basis of morphological markers

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume of temperate regions dominantly used as a source of animal food. The present research aimed at assessment of genetic diversity based on morphological markers, through the analyses of five morphological markers in a collection of 46 red clover genotypes. These morphological markers were screened according to the UPOV descriptor (2001) in the trial laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The traits analyzed and investigated were: time of flowering, growth habit, density of hairs, leaf color and intensity of white marks. The average value of Shannon's diversity index for five morphological markers amounted 0.711. Homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) of the same five descriptors accounted for 71.2% of the total variation of the standardized data, with the first and second axis explaining 38.4% and 32.8% of the morphological variability, respectively. Based on this analyses all red clover genotypes were grouped into seven homogeneous groups in two-dimensional space, thus providing visualization of genotypes diversity based on their morphological traits. UPGMA cluster analysis of the same morphological markers allowed the description of four groups with genetic distances represented by the simple matching coefficient of similarity ranging from 0.00 to 1.00. Observed results achieved by these two analyses were compared and although both of analyses were successful in grouping and discrimination of red clover genotypes with some similarities and differences, priority in future breeding programs was given to the HOMALS

    Grain yield, agronomic traits, and protein content of two- and six-row barley genotypes under terminal drought conditions

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    Small grain cereals in lower latitude areas usually mature under terminal drought conditions that affect their agronomic performance. An experiment was conducted to compare agronomic traits, grain yield, and protein content under control and terminal drought conditions of 15 two-row and 10 six-row barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes. The experiment was set up at two locations for two growing seasons (2011, 2012) and two treatments. One treatment was terminal drought (D) simulated by the mechanical removal of all leaf blades 7 d after the heading of each genotype, and a control (C) treatment in which plants were left intact. On average, defoliation caused a greater reduction in grain yield and protein content of the six-row genotypes (37.6% and 12.3%, respectively) than the two-row genotypes (28.8% and 7.1%, respectively). On the other hand, test weight of six-row genotypes showed better tolerance to terminal drought. According to the multivariate function analysis, the genotypes of both types of barley with a high test weight, a longer uppermost internode, and a longer grain filling period had high protein content under terminal drought stress. In contrast to six-row genotypes, it is possible to breed two-row genotypes that not only have high grain yield but also high protein content under both optimal and drought stress conditions
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