36 research outputs found


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    Syrah (Vitis vinifera L.) je kultivar toplijih područja. U vinogorju Kutjevo uzgaja se unazad nekoliko godina iako klimatski uvjeti u pravilu nisu idealni za ovaj kultivar. Cilj rada je bio prikazati kako različitim tehnološkim postupcima tijekom vinifikacije i proizvodnjom različitih stilova vina možemo postići optimalnu kakvoću vina. Istraživanje je provedeno na tri različita uzorka ovisno o trajanju i tipu maceracije. Prvi uzorak dobiven je nakon maceracije od 24 sata, pri čemu je odvojen samotok, a ostatak masulja je ostavljen na maceraciji narednih 15 dana, kod trećeg uzorka maceracija je trajala 15 dana bez odvajanja samotoka.Syrah (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivar warmer areas. In Kutjevo vineyards are grown in the last few years, although climatic conditions are usually not ideal for this cultivar. The aim was to show how different technological processes during vinification and production of various styles of wine we can achieve optimum quality wines. The study was conducted on three different samples depending on the duration and type of maceration. The first sample was obtained after maceration of 24 hours, wherein the separate dripping, and the rest of the mash is left for maceration for the next 15 days, a third sample maceration lasted 15 days without separation of the honeycomb

    Phytophtora cactorum on apples - symptomatology, biology of pathogen, epidemiology and disease management

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    Ove smo godine u istočnoj Slavoniji zabilježili visok postotak infekcija, koje su nastale zbog uzročnika vlažne truleži korijenovog vrata (Phytophtora cactorum) i to na stablima jabuka, krušaka i trešanja, a javljaju se kao direktna posljedica ekstremno vlažnih uvjeta u prošloj godini. Phytophtora pripada rodu Oomycota koji je odgovoran za većinu ozbiljnih bolesti s velikim ekonomskim posljedicama (Judelson i Blanco, 2005)Vežemo je uz razvoj znanosti o biljnim bolestima te je kao takva dio povijesti biljne patologije. Anton deBary je1876 god. osmislio naziv Phytophtora (razarač biljaka) nazivajući uzročnika plamenjače krumpira (potato late blight) Phythopthora infestans. U dvadesetom je stoljeću otkriveno 54 vrste (Erwin i Ribeiro, 1996), a nove 51-54 vrste su identificirane od 2000. godine na ovamo (Brasier, 2008). Rasprostranjena je širom svijeta i ima široki raspon biljaka domaćina – voćne, šumske i ukrasne vrste. Phytophtora može prouzrokovati vrlo ozbiljna oštećenja u voćnjacima i rasadnicima jabuka, krušaka, trešanja i ostalog voća. P. cactorum uzrokuje trulež na podlozi (crownrot) i trulež na deblu (collarrot). Bolest je prisutna u gotovo svim uzgojnim područjima, ali ipak je puno ozbiljnija u voćnjacima koji se nalaze na slabije bujnim podlogama (Harris, 1991). Prvi se simptomi truleži korijenovog vrata i debla pojavljuju u rano proljeće. Zaraženo stablo kasni s otvaranjem pupova, lišće i plodovi su mali, lišće je klorotično i rijetko te brončano u kišnim godinama. Kasniji se simptomi mogu naći u kolovozu/rujnu. Lišće na zaraženim stablima pokazuje crvenkasto obojenje i pada. Ovi su simptomi direktno povezani s infekcijom u razini tla i mogu postati važan alat u identifikaciji bolesti, kao što su i jasan pokazatelj pojave bolesti na podzemnim dijelovima stabla.This year, in Eastern Slavonia, we\u27ve noticed a high percentage phytophthora cactorum infection on apples, pears and cherries trees, which are direct result extremely wet conditions in the last year. Phytophthora is a genus of Oomycota, responsible for some of the most serious diseases with great economic impact (Judelson and Blanco, 2005). It has been associated with the development of science of plant diseases and thus forms a part of history of Plant Pathology. Anton deBary coined the name, Phytophthora (plant destroyer) in 1876 by naming the causal agent of potato late blight as Phytophthora infestans. While 54 species were found in the 20th century (Erwin and Ribeiro, 1996) another 51-54 new species have been identified (Brasier, 2008) since the year 2000. They are spread worldwide and have broad range of host plants – fruit trees, citrus, forest and park species. Phytophthora can cause serious damages in orchards and nurseries of apples, pears, cherries, etc. P. cactorum is known to cause crown or collar rot of apple. At present, the disease is prevalent throughout the world in almost all apple growing regions and is more serious in orchards on dwarfing root stocks (Harris, 1991). Phytophthora root and crown rot symptoms first appear in early spring. Infected trees show bud break delay, leaves and fruits are small, foliage is sparse and chlorotic in spring and bronze in rainy season. Later symptoms are found in August-September. Leaves of the infected trees show reddish discoloration and drop down. These symptoms have a direct correlation with the underground infection and can become an important tool in disease identification as it is a clear indication of malady in the underground parts of the tree

    Phytophtora cactorum on apples - symptomatology, biology of pathogen, epidemiology and disease management

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    Ove smo godine u istočnoj Slavoniji zabilježili visok postotak infekcija, koje su nastale zbog uzročnika vlažne truleži korijenovog vrata (Phytophtora cactorum) i to na stablima jabuka, krušaka i trešanja, a javljaju se kao direktna posljedica ekstremno vlažnih uvjeta u prošloj godini. Phytophtora pripada rodu Oomycota koji je odgovoran za većinu ozbiljnih bolesti s velikim ekonomskim posljedicama (Judelson i Blanco, 2005)Vežemo je uz razvoj znanosti o biljnim bolestima te je kao takva dio povijesti biljne patologije. Anton deBary je1876 god. osmislio naziv Phytophtora (razarač biljaka) nazivajući uzročnika plamenjače krumpira (potato late blight) Phythopthora infestans. U dvadesetom je stoljeću otkriveno 54 vrste (Erwin i Ribeiro, 1996), a nove 51-54 vrste su identificirane od 2000. godine na ovamo (Brasier, 2008). Rasprostranjena je širom svijeta i ima široki raspon biljaka domaćina – voćne, šumske i ukrasne vrste. Phytophtora može prouzrokovati vrlo ozbiljna oštećenja u voćnjacima i rasadnicima jabuka, krušaka, trešanja i ostalog voća. P. cactorum uzrokuje trulež na podlozi (crownrot) i trulež na deblu (collarrot). Bolest je prisutna u gotovo svim uzgojnim područjima, ali ipak je puno ozbiljnija u voćnjacima koji se nalaze na slabije bujnim podlogama (Harris, 1991). Prvi se simptomi truleži korijenovog vrata i debla pojavljuju u rano proljeće. Zaraženo stablo kasni s otvaranjem pupova, lišće i plodovi su mali, lišće je klorotično i rijetko te brončano u kišnim godinama. Kasniji se simptomi mogu naći u kolovozu/rujnu. Lišće na zaraženim stablima pokazuje crvenkasto obojenje i pada. Ovi su simptomi direktno povezani s infekcijom u razini tla i mogu postati važan alat u identifikaciji bolesti, kao što su i jasan pokazatelj pojave bolesti na podzemnim dijelovima stabla.This year, in Eastern Slavonia, we\u27ve noticed a high percentage phytophthora cactorum infection on apples, pears and cherries trees, which are direct result extremely wet conditions in the last year. Phytophthora is a genus of Oomycota, responsible for some of the most serious diseases with great economic impact (Judelson and Blanco, 2005). It has been associated with the development of science of plant diseases and thus forms a part of history of Plant Pathology. Anton deBary coined the name, Phytophthora (plant destroyer) in 1876 by naming the causal agent of potato late blight as Phytophthora infestans. While 54 species were found in the 20th century (Erwin and Ribeiro, 1996) another 51-54 new species have been identified (Brasier, 2008) since the year 2000. They are spread worldwide and have broad range of host plants – fruit trees, citrus, forest and park species. Phytophthora can cause serious damages in orchards and nurseries of apples, pears, cherries, etc. P. cactorum is known to cause crown or collar rot of apple. At present, the disease is prevalent throughout the world in almost all apple growing regions and is more serious in orchards on dwarfing root stocks (Harris, 1991). Phytophthora root and crown rot symptoms first appear in early spring. Infected trees show bud break delay, leaves and fruits are small, foliage is sparse and chlorotic in spring and bronze in rainy season. Later symptoms are found in August-September. Leaves of the infected trees show reddish discoloration and drop down. These symptoms have a direct correlation with the underground infection and can become an important tool in disease identification as it is a clear indication of malady in the underground parts of the tree


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    Botrytis gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is an important pathogen of grapevines all over the world. In order to determine the intensity of B. cinerea attack on mature grapes and efficiency of botryticides (cv. Traminac - iprodion, pyrimethanil, fludioxinil + cyprodinil; cv. Graševina - fenhexamid, fludioxinil+cyprodinil, tebuconazol+diclofluanid) a two-year experiment (2001-2002) was set up on locations Mladice (Traminac) and Škomić (Graševina). By evaluation of the intensity of B. cinerea infection on the Graševina and Traminac grapes the strongest infection determined on the control, and the weakest on the variant with botryticides Switch. Comparison of infection intensity on the Traminac grapes with the Graševina grapes led to no differences concerning the sensitivity of varieties. The disease intensity primarily depended on climate conditions. Both experimental years were charactized by the quantity of precipitation in the vine-yards which were in favour of the high humidity allowing high disease intensity.Siva plijesan, koju uzrokuje Botrytis cinerea, značajna je bolest vinove loze diljem svijeta. S ciljem utvrđivanja intenziteta napada B. cinera na zrelim grozdovima i učinkovitosti botriticida (Traminac - iprodion, pirimetanil, fludioksinil+ciprodinil; Graševina - fenheksamid, fludioksinil+ ciprodinil, tebukonazol+ diklofluanid), postavljen je dvogodišnji pokus (2001.-2002.) na lokacijama Mladice (Traminac) i Škomić (Graševina). Procjenom intenziteta napada Botrytis cinerea na Graševini i Tramincu utvrđene su najjače zaraze na kontroli, a najslabije u varijanti pokusa s botriticidom Switch. Usporedbom jačine zaraze grozdova sorte Traminac, u odnosu na Graševinu, nisu nađene razlike koje se mogu pripisati različitoj osjetljivosti sorata. U konkretnim uvjetima lokaliteta Mladice i Škomić, jačina zaraze zavisila je, u prvom redu, o klimatskim čimbenicima. U obje pokusne godine količina i raspored oborina podržavale su visoku vlažnost u vinogradima, omogućivši brojne infekcije i intenzivan razvoj bolesti

    Influence of Fungicides Application and Seed Processing on Sunflower Seed Quality

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    The aim of the research was to determine influence of methods of seed processing and application of fungicides on mass of 1000 seeds, intergrowth energy and seed germination of sunflower hybrids ‘Favorit’ and ‘Apolon’ in 2005 and 2006. Selected untreated seeds of both sunflower hybrids (control) had a minimal mass of 1000 seeds (55-59 g), intergrowth energy (18-37 %) and seed germination (39-52 %). In both years of research maximal seed quality, mass of 1000 seeds (67-69 g), intergrowth energy (84-85 %) and seed germination (87-89 %) were after application of the method of seed processing T-4 and aft er the fungicides application TF-4. The results showed that unfavorable weather conditions over the production year result with low quality seeds. However, by applying the target methods of seed processing and optimal combination of fungicide doses we can produce the sunflower seeds with regular legislation quality for the market

    Effect of nitrogen fertilization rate and type of nitrogen fertilizer on agronomic and morphological traits of flue-cured tobacco

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    Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi učinak gnojidbe dušikom (N) od 30 odnosno od 45 kg/ha, kao i trima komercijalnim dušičnim gnojivima, CaNO3 (15% N), KAN (27% N) i YaraMilaTM Cropcare (8:11:23), na agronomska svojstva: prinos, cijenu i vrijednost suhoga lista, kao i na šest morfoloških svojstava duhana tipa virdžinija. U poljski pokus, proveden u četiri okoline, bila su uključena tri hrvatska kultivara duhana. Gnojidba dušikom imala je signifikantan učinak samo na komponente prinosa: duljinu, širinu i površinu 9. lista, čije su vrijednosti kod gnojidbe s 45 kg N/ha bile za 2,2; 3,5 odnosno 5,8% veće u odnosu na gnojidbu s 30 kg N/ha. Tip korištenoga dušičnog gnojiva nije imao signifikantan učinak niti na jedno ispitivano svojstvo. Uzorak korelacija između morfoloških i gospodarskih svojstava bio je pod utjecajem okoline, kao i razine gnojidbe. Iako nije utvrđen učinak gnojidbe na gospodarska svojstva, signifikantno povećanje komponenata prinosa kod gnojidbe s 45 kg N/ha, u usporedbi s 30 kg N/ha, upućuje na višu razinu gnojidbe kao jamstvo osiguranja visokih i stabilnih prinosa te kvalitete osušenoga lista.The aim of this study was to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization rate of 30 and 45 N kg/ha, as well as three commercial N fertilizers, CaNO3 (15% N), KAN (27% N) and YaraMilaTM Cropcare (8:11:23) on the agronomic traits: yield, price, and value, as well as six morphological traits of flue-cured tobacco. The field experiments, which included three Croatian tobacco cultivars, were conducted in four environments. Nitrogen fertilization had a significant effect only on yield components: length, width and area of the 9th leaf, whose values for fertilization with 45 kg N/ha were 2.2%, 3.5%, and 5.8% higher, respectively, compared to fertilization with 30 kg N/ha. The type of N fertilizer did not have a significant effect on any of the traits. The pattern of correlations between morphological and economic traits was influenced by the environment, as well as by the level of fertilization. Although no effect of fertilization level on economic traits was found, the significant increase in yield components at 45 kg N/ha compared to 30 kg N/ha suggests a higher level of fertilization as a guarantee of ensuring high and stable yields and quality of the cured leaf

    Influence of mycorrhiza on yield and chemical composition of Pinot Noir must (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj mikorizne simbioze na prirod i kakvoću mošta kultivara Pinot crni (Vitis vinifera L) na podlozi Kober 5BB u vinogorju Kutjevo. Prije cvatnje u 2013. godini u neposrednu zonu korijena aplicirano je 20 mL mikoriznog cjepiva Mykoflor s oko 2000 propagacijskih jedinica, a pokus je proveden tijekom 2014. i 2015. godine. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u četiri repeticije s dva tretmana: kontrolnim – bez mikorize i s tretmanom s mikorizom. Parametri priroda određeni su u trenutku berbe, a analiza mošta obavljena je na uređaju Wine Scan. U prvoj godini istraživanja utvrđen je značajno manji prirod po trsu i po hektaru kao i manja prosječna masa grozdova kod tretmana s mikorizom. Nije utvrđena statistički opravdani utjecaj mikoriznih gljiva na parametre kakvoće mošta kultivara Pinot crni. Prikazane vrijednosti ukupne kiselosti, koncentracije vinske i jabučne kiseline, α-amino oblika dušika, amonijskog oblika dušika i fosfora u moštu manje su u 2015. u odnosu na 2014. godinu kod oba tretmana.The aim of the study was to determine the influence of mycorrhizal symbiosis on the yield and quality of the must of the variety Pinot Noir (Vitis vinifera L) on the vine rootstock Kober 5BB in the Kutjevo vineyards. Prior to flowering in 2013, 20 mL of the Mycoflor mycorrhiza with about 2,000 propagation units was applied to the immediate root zone, and the experiment was conducted during 2014 and 2015. In the Kutjevo vineyards, according to climatic indicators, 2014 was less favorable for grape production compared to 2015. The experiment was set up according to a randomized block design in four repetitions and consisted of two treatments: control - without mycorrhiza and treatment with mycorrhiza. Yield parameters were determined at harvest time, and must analysis was performed subsequently on a Wine Scan device. In the first year of the research, a significantly lower yield per vine and per hectare was found, as well as a lower average mass of clusters in the treatment with mycorrhiza. No statistically justified application of mycorrhizal fungi to the must quality parameters of Pinot Noir cultivars was found. The values of total acidity, tartaric and malic acid concentration, α-amino form of nitrogen, ammonium form of nitrogen and phosphorus in the must are lower in 2015 compared to 2014 in both treatments