53 research outputs found

    Marek’s disease in fowl

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    Marekova bolest (MB) najraširenija je limfoproliferativna bolest kokoši uzrokovana alfa-herpesvirusom (rod Mardivirus). Glavna je karakteristika bolesti infiltracija živaca i drugih organa pleomorfnim limfnim stanicama. Kliničke i makroskopske promjene pojavljuju se najčešće u životinja starih 12 – 24 tjedna, a klinički se dijele u četiri sindroma (neurolimfomatoza, akutni MB, okularna limfomatoza i kutani oblik MB-a). U ovom je radu prikazana makroskopska i histopatološka slika akutnog MB-a kod kokoši čija je razudba obavljena na Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.Marek’s disease (MD) is the most common worldwide lymphoproliferative disease of chickens caused by the alpha herpes virus (genus Mardivirus). The disease is characterized by infiltration of the nerves and other organs with pleomorphic lymphocytes. Clinical and gross findings most frequently occur between 12 and 24 weeks of age and are classified into four syndromes (neurolymphomatosis, acute MD, ocular lymphomatosis, cutaneous MD). In this article the macroscopical and histopathological signs of acute MD in fowl necropsied at the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, are presented

    Histopatološke promjene u sirištima jelena lopatara na Brijunima - kratko priopćenje.

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    This study was performed to establish histopathological changes in the abomasa of fallow deer (Dama dama) from the Brijuni islands, in order to investigate the possible presence of Helicobacter species in this species, since literature data on abomasal histopathology are scarce, and data on the presence of Helicobacter species in red deer are absent. The study was performed on 23 abomasal samples taken from young adults (c. 1 year of age) shot in legal hunts. In all the samples inflammatory changes were visible. The histopathological findings from the samples examined were similar, indicating the epizootical nature of the disease, and they were similar to findings described in dogs with a gastric infection from Helicobacter-like organisms. However, in the abomasa of fallow deer Helicobacter organisms were not detected after the appropriate stains were applied, therefore the aetiological factor responsible for such histopathological changes has yet to be identified.Istraživanje je provedeno da bi se ustanovile patohistološke promjene u sirištima jelena lopatara (Dama dama) s brijunskog otočja i eventualna prisutnost Helicobacter vrsta u ove vrste, budući da je malo literaturnih podataka koji se tiču patohistoloških promjena u sirištu. Pregledom literature nismo pronašli niti jednu referencu o prisutnosti Helicobacter vrsta u jelena lopatara. Istraživanje je provedeno na 23 uzorka sirišta mladih odraslih jedinki (starosti oko godinu dana), žrtvovanih u redovitom odstrelu. U svim uzorcima ustanovljene su upalne promjene u sirištu. Patohistološki nalazi svih pregledanih uzoraka bili su slični, što ukazuje na epizootsku prirodu bolesti, te sličnost nalazima u želucima pasa inficiranih helikobakteru sličnim organizmima. Međutim, u sirištima jelena lopatara nakon obrade odgovarajućim tehnikama bojenja nismo ustanovili Helicobacter vrste, te zaključujemo da je etiološki čimbenik odgovoran za promjene nepoznat

    Tvor (Mustela putorius furo) kao nova vrsta u patomorfološkoj dijagnostici - sedam godina iskustva u Hrvatskoj

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    Since ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) were first introduced into Croatia as pets around 15 years ago, their popularity and number has risen continuously. This increase has been met by a concomitant need for additional veterinary diagnostic attention. We conducted a retrospective study of 14 cytological, 49 histopathological diagnoses and 5 morphological diagnoses made from samples obtained from 68 individuals of the Croatian ferret population over a 7 year period. Submitted samples originated from 60.7% male and 39.3% female animals, with an median age of 5.1 years, and an age range from 1 year to 9 years. All cases diagnosed at the Department of Veterinary Pathology Zagreb were classified as either neoplasms (n = 37), inflammatory lesions (n = 15), degenerative disorders (n = 5) or miscellaneous lesions (n = 11). The most sensitive ferret organ systems to injurious stimuli were the haemolymphatic system, the skin and the endocrine system. Neoplasia presented as the major type of injury to organs, with multicentric lymphoma being the leading diagnosis (diagnosed in 12 cases). Ferrets are still a relatively rare companion animal in Croatia, but the lesions described in our survey correspond to lesions in ferret populations in other countriesOtkada je prije petnaestak godina tvor (Mustela putorius furo) prvi puta uveden kao kućni ljubimac na područje Republike Hrvatske, njegova popularnost i brojnost u neprestanom su porastu. Povećanje interesa za ovoga egzotičnog kućnog ljubimca popraćena je porastom interesa za njemu prilagođenom veterinarskom medicinskom skrbi. Kako bi se veterinarima praktičarima pružio uvid u najčešća patološka stanja do sada zabilježena u malobrojnoj populaciji u Republici Hrvatskoj, provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje na 14 citoloških, 49 histopatoloških i 5 obdukcijskih arhivskih uzoraka podrijetlom od 68 jedinki tvorova pregledanih tijekom sedmogodišnjeg razdoblja u Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Uzorci su u 60,7% slučajeva potjecali od mužjaka te u 39,3% od ženki. Srednja dob pregledane populacije iznosila je 5,1 godinu, s rasponom od 1 do 9 godina. Sve utvrđene dijagnoze svrstane su u kategorije: neoplazije (n = 37), upale (n = 15), degenerativni poremećaji (n = 5) te ostali poremećaji (n = 11). Organski sustavi u kojima su najčešće utvrđene lezije jesu hemolimfatični sustav, koža i endokrini sustav. U skupini neoplazmi, limfom se pokazao kao vodeća dijagnoza (12 slučajeva). Iako su tvorovi još uvijek rijetkost među ljubimcima u Hrvatskoj, učestalost lezija sumiranih u ovom istraživanju odgovara po učestalosti najčešće opisanim patološkim stanjima u populacijama tvorova drugdje u svijet

    Patohistološke promjene u želucu pasa prirodno inficiranih vrstama roda Helicobacter.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence of gastric Helicobacter-like organisms (GHLO) and consequent histopathological changes in dogs, and to evaluate different histological staining methods which are used for detection of GHLO. Stomach samples of twenty apparently healthy laboratory beagle dogs were used. In all the samples examined histopathological changes consistent with chronic gastritis were present and a large number of GHLO was noted on the surface of gastric mucosa and in the glandular luminae. For the detection of GHLO in dogs several histological methods were used. GHLO in dogs were visible in the Hemalaun-Eosin, Toulidin blau, Giemsa and Warthin-Starry methods, but the method of choice is Giemsa, since it is quick, reliable and inexpensive.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost želučanih mikroorganizama sličnih helikobakterima (Gastric Helicobacter-like organisms - GHLO) i posljedičnih patohistoloških promjena u pasa te procijeniti različite patohistološke metode bojenja koje se koriste u otkrivanju GHLO. Korišteni su uzorci želuca dvadeset kliničkih zdravih laboratorijskih pasa pasmine beagle. U svim pregledanim uzorcima ustanovljene su patohistološke promjene koje odgovaraju kroničnom gastritisu i velik broj GHLO na površini želučane sluznice i u laminama želučanih žlijezdi. U svrhu detekcije GHLO u pasa korišteno je nekoliko histoloških metoda bojenja. GHLO u pasa vidljivi su na preparatima obojenim hemalaun-eozinom, toluidinskim plavilom, Giemsinim postupkom i Warthin-Starry metodom. Metoda izbora je bojenje po Giemsi, jer je brzo, pouzdano i jeftino

    Patohistološke promjene u želucu pasa prirodno inficiranih vrstama roda Helicobacter.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence of gastric Helicobacter-like organisms (GHLO) and consequent histopathological changes in dogs, and to evaluate different histological staining methods which are used for detection of GHLO. Stomach samples of twenty apparently healthy laboratory beagle dogs were used. In all the samples examined histopathological changes consistent with chronic gastritis were present and a large number of GHLO was noted on the surface of gastric mucosa and in the glandular luminae. For the detection of GHLO in dogs several histological methods were used. GHLO in dogs were visible in the Hemalaun-Eosin, Toulidin blau, Giemsa and Warthin-Starry methods, but the method of choice is Giemsa, since it is quick, reliable and inexpensive.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost želučanih mikroorganizama sličnih helikobakterima (Gastric Helicobacter-like organisms - GHLO) i posljedičnih patohistoloških promjena u pasa te procijeniti različite patohistološke metode bojenja koje se koriste u otkrivanju GHLO. Korišteni su uzorci želuca dvadeset kliničkih zdravih laboratorijskih pasa pasmine beagle. U svim pregledanim uzorcima ustanovljene su patohistološke promjene koje odgovaraju kroničnom gastritisu i velik broj GHLO na površini želučane sluznice i u laminama želučanih žlijezdi. U svrhu detekcije GHLO u pasa korišteno je nekoliko histoloških metoda bojenja. GHLO u pasa vidljivi su na preparatima obojenim hemalaun-eozinom, toluidinskim plavilom, Giemsinim postupkom i Warthin-Starry metodom. Metoda izbora je bojenje po Giemsi, jer je brzo, pouzdano i jeftino

    Tumori cirkumanalnih žlijezdi pasa i epitelno mezenhimska tranzicija: imunohistokemijsko istraživanje

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    Circumanal gland (CG) tumors are common neoplasms of older dogs. Of these, only circumanal gland carcinomas show clear metastatic potential, and even so metastases seem to be uncommon. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process that facilitates the initial steps of metastasis, and to date it has not been systematically investigated in CG tumors. Insight into the occurrence of this process would be a valuable asset in understanding the biology of these tumors. To test the occurrence of EMT we used three immunohistochemical markers that alter their expression in this process, namely – E-cadherin, N-cadherin, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Additionally, we used the Ki-67 marker of proliferation. The samples used consisted of 15 adenomas, 11 epitheliomas, 21 well-differentiated carcinomas, seven poorly differentiated carcinomas, and ten samples of normal CG. The results of N-cadherin were negative for all samples. E-cadherin was highly expressed in all groups, but was slightly lower in semi-malignant and malignant tumors; MMP-9 marking was generally very low, but significantly higher in semi-malignant or malignant tumors when compared to benign or non-neoplastic CG. The index of proliferation (Ki-67) was significantly higher for semi-malignant or malignant CG tumors when compared to benign CG tumors or normal CG. These results show that with an increase in the histologic malignancy of these tumors there is a slight drop in E-cadherin, a slight rise in MMP-9, and a significant increase in Ki-67. Therefore, these results suggest the possibility that EMT occurs within the malignant or even semi-malignant forms of CG tumors, but probably as a rare and late event. Further studies are needed to prove or disprove these statements.Tumori cirkumanalnih žlijezdi su česte neoplazije u starijih pasa. Od ovih, karcinomi cirkumanalnih žlijezdi pokazuju metastatski potencijal koji nije previsok s obzirom da metastaze nisu česte. Epitelno-mezenhimska tranzicija (EMT) je proces koji omogućava početne korake u procesu metastaziranja, a budući da do sada nije bio sistematično istraživan u ovih tumora, znanje o prisutnosti ovog procesa zacijelo bi pomoglo u razumijevanju njihove biologije. Kako bi testirali prisutnost EMT-a, koristili smo tri različita imunohistokemijska biljega čija se ekspresija mijenja u sklopu ovog procesa – to su E-kadherin, N-kadherin i matriksalna metaloproteinsaza-9 (MMP-9). Osim toga, koristili smo i Ki-67 biljeg proliferacije. Uzorci korišteni u radu sastojali su se od 15 adenoma, 11 epitelioma, 21 dobro diferenciranog karcinoma, 7 slabo diferenciranih karcinoma te 10 uzoraka normalnih cirkumanalnih žlijezdi. Markiranje N-kadherinom je bilo negativno u svih uzoraka. E-kadherin je bio visoko eksprimiran u svih istraživanih grupa, sa nešto slabijom ekspresijom u semimalignih i malignih tumora. Markiranje sa MMP-9 je općenito bilo vrlo nisko, no značajno više u semimalignih i malignih tumora kad se usporede sa benignim tumorima ili normalnim cirkumanalnim žlijezdama. Ki-67 proliferacijski indeks je bio znakovito viši za semimaligne i maligne tumore cirkumanalnih žlijezdi kada se usporede sa benignim tumorima cirkumanalnih žlijezdi ili normalnim cirkumanalnim žlijezdama. Rezultati ukazuju da sa porastom histološke malignosti ovih tumora dolazi do blagog pada ekspresije E-kadherina, blagog porasta MMP-9 markera te znakovitog porasta u markiranju sa Ki-67. Navedeno upućuju na mogućnost da unutar malignih ili čak semimalignih tumora ovih žlijezdi dolazi do procesa EMT-a. Ipak, ovaj proces je vjerojatno relativno rijedak te nastupa kasno u fazi razvoja tumora. Stoga su potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se pretpostavke prihvatile ili odbacile

    Klinički i patološki nalazi kod pojave Tyzzerove bolesti u kunića u Hrvatskoj

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    Clinical and pathological findings found during an outbreak of Tyzzer’s disease in a rabbit colony in Croatia are described in this paper. The disease occurred in young rabbits, approximately 50 days old. Over a period of six months, 148 weaned rabbits from a total group of 1753 weaned animals died with symptoms of severe gastrointestinal disease. The main clinical signs observed were diarrhea, abdominal distension, anorexia, weight loss and apathy. Five weaned rabbits were examined at the Department of Pathology of Veterinary Faculty. In all necropsied animals severe entero-hepatic lesions were seen characterized by disseminated hepatic focal necroses and transmural necrotic typhlitis. Only one animal had necrotic myocarditis. For histopathology the tissue blocks were sectioned in 5μm thick sections and stained using HE, PAS, GMS and the Giemsa method. Immunohistochemistry using anti-Clostridium piliforme RT and MSK strains reacted positively within the hepatocytes and intestine. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay (liver and caecum) amplified the 196-bp DNA fragment specifi c to 16S ribosomal RNA of C. piliforme. This is the first confirmed and described case of Tyzzer’s disease in rabbits in Croatia.U radu su opisani klinički i patološki nalazi Tyzzerove bolesti u jednom uzgoju kunića u Hrvatskoj. Bolest se pojavila u mladih kunića prosječne dobi od 50 dana. U razdoblju od 6 mjeseci uginulo je 148 odbijenih kunića od ukupno 1753 životinje sa znakovima jake gastrointestinalne bolesti. Glavni su klinički znaci bili proljev, proširenje trbuha, anoreksija, gubitak težine i apatija. U Zavodu za opću patologiju i patološku morfologiju Veterinarskoga fakulteta bilo je pregledano pet životinja. Na razudbi su u svih životinja utvrđene jake enterohepatične lezije karakterizirane diseminiranim fokalnim nekrozama po jetrima i nekrotičnom upalom cijele stijenke slijepoga crijeva. U jedne životinje je utvrđen i nekrotični miokarditis. Za patohistološku pretragu uklopljena tkiva rezana su u rezove debljine 5 μm i bojena HE, PAS, GMS i Giemsa metodom. Imunohistokemijska reakcija pri upotrebi anti-RT i anti-MSK sojeva antiseruma protiv Clostridium piliforme bila je pozitivna unutar hepatocita i crijeva (Dr. S. Kawamura, Laboratory of Biomedical Science, Dept. of Veterinary Medical Science, University of Tokyo). PCR je pokazao amplifikaciju 196-bp DNA fragmenta specifičnoga za 16S ribosomsku RNA bakterije C. piliforme. Ovo je prvi potvrđeni i opisani slučaj Tyzzerove bolesti u kunića u Hrvatskoj

    ekspresija e-kadherina i Ki-67 u tumorima apokrinih i lojnih žlijezda kože pasa

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    A histopathological analysis of 13 apocrine gland tumors and 22 sebaceous gland tumors in dogs was performed, which were submitted to the Department of Veterinary Pathology from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012. An association between the immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and Ki-67, the type, and the biological behavior of the tumors was investigated. The mean age of dogs with apocrine gland tumors was 10.15 years, and 10.91 years for sebaceous gland tumors. According to the histopathological analysis, 53.8% carcinomas and 46.2% adenomas of the apocrine glands were found. In the sebaceous gland tumors, epitheliomas were dominant (50.0%), followed by adenomas (36.4%) and carcinomas (13.6%). Survival time in dogs with sebaceous gland tumors was shortest in patients with diagnosed epitheliomas, intermediate in adenomas, and longest in carcinomas. The incidence of metastases was low in the groups with sebaceous adenomas and epitheliomas, and recurrence was most common in carcinomas. The average survival time was about the same for apocrine gland adenomas and carcinomas, with a higher incidence of metastases and recurrence for carcinomas. Immunohistochemical analysis of E-cadherin and Ki-67 expression confirmed the efficiency of this method for the accurate histological classification of apocrine and especially sebaceous gland tumors. The analyzes performed showed that the location and intensity of E-cadherin expression can be helpful in predicting the biological behavior of sebaceous gland tumors. In contrast to sebaceous gland tumors, the analysis of apocrine gland tumors showed that there was no correlation between E-cadherin expression and the biological behavior of apocrine gland tumors.U radu je istraživana učestalost pojedinih histoloških tipova 13 tumora apokrinih i 22 tumora lojnih žlijezda u pasa čiji su uzorci dostavljeni na histopatološku dijagnostiku na Zavod za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2010. do 31. prosinca 2012. godine. Utvrđivano je postoji li povezanost između imunohistokemijske ekspresije E-kadherina i tipa tumora te postoji li povezanost ekspresije E-kadherina i Ki-67 vezano uz biološko ponašanje tumora. Prosječna dob oboljelih životinja iznosila je 10,15 godina za tumore apokrinih žlijezda, a za tumore lojnih žlijezda 10,91 godina. Histopatološkom klasifikacijom tumora ustanovljeno je 53,8 % karcinoma i 46,2 % adenoma apokrinih žlijezda, a za tumore lojnih žlijezda 50,0 % epitelioma, 36,4 % adenoma te 13,6 % karcinoma. Vrijeme preživljavanja pasa s tumorima lojnih žlijezda bilo je najkraće kod epitelioma, srednje vrijeme preživljavanjea bilo je kod adenoma, a najdulje kod karcinoma. Metastaziranje je potvrđeno kod malog broja adenoma i epitelioma, a učestalost recidiva bila je najveća kod karcinoma lojnih žlijezda. Kod tumora apokrinih žlijezda utvrđeno je približno podjednako vrijeme preživljavanja za adenome i karcinome te češće metastaziranje i recidiviranje karcinoma u odnosu na adenome. Imunohistokemijskom analizom dokazano je da analiza ekspresije E-kadherina i Ki-67 može koristiti u određivanju točnije dijagnoze tipa tumora apokrinih, a osobito tumora lojnih žlijezda pasa. Također, utvrđeno je da kod tumora lojnih žlijezda lokalizacija i intenzitet ekspresije E-kadherina mogu pomoći pri određivanju prognoze, odnosno biološkom ponašanju tumora. Ekspresija E-kadherina u tumorima apokrinih žlijezda pasa u provedenom istraživanju nije pokazala rezultate koji bi upućivali na povezanost rezultata imunohistokemijske pretrage i biološkog ponašanja tumora

    The Impact of L-NAME and L-arginine Chronic Toxicity Induced Lesions on Ascites – Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome Development in Broiler Chickens

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    The impact of L-arginine (LA), a precursor for synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), and N-w -nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, LN), a non-selective inhibitor of the enzyme producing nitric oxide (nitric oxide synthase; NOS) chronic toxicity induced lesions on Ascites – Pulmonary hypertension syndrome (PHS) development was investigated in 140 one-day- -old male broiler chickens (ROSS) during the first 5 weeks of life. Every second day the animals were treated intraperitoneally (ip) with L-NAME (10 mg/kg of body weight; BW), L-arginine (100 mg/kg BW), L-arginine and L-NAME in combination (100 mg/kg BW and 10 mg/kg BW, respectively), and with physiological saline (0.90% w/v of NaCl; 0.5 mL/kg BW). Seven birds from each group were euthanized every week. The histopathological examination of the heart, the liver, the lungs, the blood vessels and the lymphoid organs, was performed. Also the organ index values were determined. At the end of the experiment the pre-ascitic condition or ascites – PHS was confirmed in five dead animals in the L-NAME-treated group. In the same group the edema was the most prominent histopathological change confirmed in the heart and in the lungs of the sacrificed chickens. In L-arginine-treated group the congestion and the haemorrhages were the striking changes in the same organs with the highest degree in the last two weeks of trial. While the focal disruption of myocardiofibriole and hepatocytes were predominant lesions in L-NAME-treated chickens (5thand 4th weeks, respectively), in L-NAME/L-arginine-treated group only the mild focal myocardial degeneration was seen. According to the most of the results of present investigation, it was concluded that the consecutive treatment with L-NAME provoked ascites – PHS, while L-arginine has protective effect in this animal model of disease

    Patološko-histološke promjene u kokoši nesilica izazvane gizerozinom.

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    Histopathological changes in organs of laying hens challenged with different doses of gizzerosine (2.5; 5; 7.5 and 10 mg/kg b.w. daily during a three-week period) are described. The experiment was performed on 115 hens divided into five groups (K0/n=10/-no treatment, K1/n=21/-treatment with saline, G1/n=21/-2.5 mg/kg b.w. of gizzerosine, G2/n=21/-5 mg/kg b.w., G3/n=21/-7.5 mg/kg b.w.). Gross changes were mainly noticed on gizzards with mild congestion and reversible degenerative changes of the liver and kidneys. Among the histopathological changes (heart, liver, kidney, spleen, lungs, pancreas, brain, duodenum, and proventiculus) in the challenged groups the most prominent were blood vessel lesions (thickening and hyalinisation of the blood vessel walls, perivascular oedema and mononuclear parietal infiltration) especially in the lungs, brain and spleen. Parenchymatous, as well as hydropic and vacuolar degeneration due to hypoxia, were found in all examined tissues. The most prominent changes were in duodenum, where severe inflammation with necrosis was noted, while milder forms were characterized by the vacuolization of duodenal lamina propria. Pancreatic necroses were probably the consequence of direct toxicity of gizzerosine.U radu su opisane patološkohistološke promjene na organima kokoši nesilica koje su dobivale različite doze gizerozina (2,5; 5; 7,5 i 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase dnevno u tijeku tri tjedna). U pokus je bilo uključeno 115 kokoši nesilica podijeljenih u pet skupina. K0/n = 10 - skupina nije dobivala ni fiziološku otopinu niti gizerozin. K1/n = 21 - skupina dobivala je fiziološku otopinu. Skupine G1, G2, G3 i G4 su također imale po 21 životinju i dobivale su različite doze gizerozina otopljenog u fiziološkoj otopini kako slijedi: 2.5; 5; 7.5 i 10 mg/kg tje-lesne mase. Makroskopske promjene su uglavnom zabilježene na mišićnom želucu, a utvrđena je i punokrvnost te slabije degenerativne promjene na jetri i bubrezima. Među patološkohistološkim promjenama (srce, jetra, bubreg, slezena, pluća, gušterača, mozak, duodenum i žljezdani želudac) u gizerozinskim skupinama životinja najizraženije su bile promjene na krvnim žilama (zadebljanje i hijalinizacija stijenki krvnih žila, perivaskularni edem te infiltracija stijenke žile mononuklearima) osobito u plućima, slezeni i mozgu. U svim pretraženim tkivima nađena je parenhimska i hidropičnovakuolarna distrofija kao rezultat hipoksije. Najizraženije promjene su bile u duodenumu i očitovale su se jakom upalom, koja je uključivala i nekrotični oblik. Nekroze gušterače su vjerojatno posljedica izravnog toksičnog djelovanja gizerozina