Marek’s disease in fowl


Marekova bolest (MB) najraširenija je limfoproliferativna bolest kokoši uzrokovana alfa-herpesvirusom (rod Mardivirus). Glavna je karakteristika bolesti infiltracija živaca i drugih organa pleomorfnim limfnim stanicama. Kliničke i makroskopske promjene pojavljuju se najčešće u životinja starih 12 – 24 tjedna, a klinički se dijele u četiri sindroma (neurolimfomatoza, akutni MB, okularna limfomatoza i kutani oblik MB-a). U ovom je radu prikazana makroskopska i histopatološka slika akutnog MB-a kod kokoši čija je razudba obavljena na Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.Marek’s disease (MD) is the most common worldwide lymphoproliferative disease of chickens caused by the alpha herpes virus (genus Mardivirus). The disease is characterized by infiltration of the nerves and other organs with pleomorphic lymphocytes. Clinical and gross findings most frequently occur between 12 and 24 weeks of age and are classified into four syndromes (neurolymphomatosis, acute MD, ocular lymphomatosis, cutaneous MD). In this article the macroscopical and histopathological signs of acute MD in fowl necropsied at the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, are presented

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