49 research outputs found

    Quantum LL_\infty Algebras and the Homological Perturbation Lemma

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    Quantum LL_\infty algebras are a generalization of LL_\infty algebras with a scalar product and with operations corresponding to higher genus graphs. We construct a minimal model of a given quantum LL_\infty algebra via the homological perturbation lemma and show that it's given by a Feynman diagram expansion, computing the effective action in the finite-dimensional Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. We also construct a homotopy between the original and this effective quantum LL_\infty algebra.Comment: 27 pages, fixed typos and the section 4.

    Twisted Quantum Lax Equations

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    We give the construction of twisted quantum Lax equations associated with quantum groups. We solve these equations using factorization properties of the corresponding quantum groups. Our construction generalizes in many respects the Adler-Kostant-Symes construction for Lie groups and the construction of M. A. Semenov Tian-Shansky for the Lie-Poisson case.Comment: 23 pages, late

    L∞-Algebras of Classical Field Theories and the Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism

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    We review in detail the Batalin–Vilkovisky formalism for Lagrangian field theories and its mathematical foundations with an emphasis on higher algebraic structures and classical field theories. In particular, we show how a field theory gives rise to an L∞‐algebra and how quasi‐isomorphisms between L∞‐algebras correspond to classical equivalences of field theories. A few experts may be familiar with parts of our discussion, however, the material is presented from the perspective of a very general notion of a gauge theory. We also make a number of new observations and present some new results. Most importantly, we discuss in great detail higher (categorified) Chern–Simons theories and give some useful shortcuts in usually rather involved computations

    Crossed Module Bundle Gerbes; Classification, String Group and Differential Geometry

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    We discuss nonabelian bundle gerbes and their differential geometry using simplicial methods. Associated to any crossed module there is a simplicial group NC, the nerve of the 1-category defined by the crossed module and its geometric realization |NC|. Equivalence classes of principal bundles with structure group |NC| are shown to be one-to-one with stable equivalence classes of what we call crossed module gerbes bundle gerbes. We can also associate to a crossed module a 2-category C'. Then there are two equivalent ways how to view classifying spaces of NC-bundles and hence of |NC|-bundles and crossed module bundle gerbes. We can either apply the W-construction to NC or take the nerve of the 2-category C'. We discuss the string group and string structures from this point of view. Also a simplicial principal bundle can be equipped with a simplicial connection and a B-field. It is shown how in the case of a simplicial principal NC-bundle these simplicial objects give the bundle gerbe connection and the bundle gerbe B-field

    Noncommutative gauge theory for Poisson manifolds

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    A noncommutative gauge theory is associated to every Abelian gauge theory on a Poisson manifold. The semi-classical and full quantum version of the map from the ordinary gauge theory to the noncommutative gauge theory (Seiberg-Witten map) is given explicitly to all orders for any Poisson manifold in the Abelian case. In the quantum case the construction is based on Kontsevich's formality theorem.Comment: 12 page

    More on quantum groups from the the quantization point of view

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    Star products on the classical double group of a simple Lie group and on corresponding symplectic grupoids are given so that the quantum double and the "quantized tangent bundle" are obtained in the deformation description. "Complex" quantum groups and bicovariant quantum Lie algebras are discused from this point of view. Further we discuss the quantization of the Poisson structure on symmetric algebra S(g)S(g) leading to the quantized enveloping algebra Uh(g)U_{h}(g) as an example of biquantization in the sense of Turaev. Description of Uh(g)U_{h}(g) in terms of the generators of the bicovariant differential calculus on F(Gq)F(G_q) is very convenient for this purpose. Finally we interpret in the deformation framework some well known properties of compact quantum groups as simple consequences of corresponding properties of classical compact Lie groups. An analogue of the classical Kirillov's universal character formula is given for the unitary irreducible representation in the compact case.Comment: 18 page

    Nonabelian noncommutative gauge theory via noncommutative extra dimensions

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    The concept of covariant coordinates on noncommutative spaces leads directly to gauge theories with generalized noncommutative gauge fields of the type that arises in string theory with background B-fields. The theory is naturally expressed in terms of cochains in an appropriate cohomology; we discuss how it fits into the framework of projective modules. The equivalence of star products that arise from the background field with and without fluctuations and Kontsevich's formality theorem allow an explicitly construction of a map that relates ordinary gauge theory and noncommutative gauge theory (Seiberg-Witten map.) As application we show the exact equality of the Dirac-Born-Infeld action with B-field in the commutative setting and its semi-noncommutative cousin in the intermediate picture. Using noncommutative extra dimensions the construction is extended to noncommutative nonabelian gauge theory for arbitrary gauge groups; an explicit map between abelian and nonabelian gauge fields is given. All constructions are also valid for non-constant B-field, Poisson structure and metric.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure; v2: references adde