20 research outputs found

    Copyright and New Technologies : Technology Providers as "New" Old Actors in Copyright Law and Policy

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    This Article examines the role of technology providers as "new" o1d actors in the three recent institutional turns within copyright law and its enforcement in the digital environment. First, many international technical standards for reproduction or dissemination technologies, e.g. CDs. DVDs or Blu-ray Discs, have incorporated various proprietary technologies. including digital rights management technologies, at the expense of other creators, technology providers and consumers. Second, many commies around the world have adopted or are currently planning to adopt so-called three-strike rule regimes requiring internet service providers to disconnect frequent copyright infringers from the internet upon three allegations being made by affected copyright holders. In some countries, the courts have gone even further and have already imposed on internet service providers a variety of duties to monitor their networks under specific circumstances in order to prevent acts of copyright infringement committed by their internet users. Finally, some internet or online service providers have recently entered into agreements with major record labels or other copyright holders to allow unrestricted use of copyrighted works by their premium users. This Article enquires into the interaction between individual institutions and norms within all three institutional turns within copyright law and its enforcement in the digital environment, and their impacts on copyright law and the behavior of individual stakeholders at the present and in the future

    Depriving one of his or her life from the side of the state under the Article 2, Par. 2 of the European Agreement on Human Rights

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    Pri zabezpečovaní verejného poriadku, predchádzaní a zabraňovaní páchaniu trestných činov alebo priestupkov dochádza k rôznym situáciám, pri ktorých je potrebné použiť donucovacie prostriedky príslušníkmi bezpečnostných síl, čo může viesť k zásahu do telesnej integrity dotknutej osoby a k ujme na zdraví alebo dokonca k smrti. Vo vačšine prípadov potom vyvstáva otázka, či použitie sily bolo oprávnené a primerané okolnostiam prípadu. Takéto prípady tiež veĺmi často vyvolávajú širokú diskusiu týkajúcu sa právneho štátu a dodržiavania ĺudských práv. Cieĺom tohto článku je preto rozobrať problematiku použitia "smrtiacej sily" (ang. "lethal farce", fr. "farce meurtriere") príslušníkmi bezpečnostných síl z pohĺadu práva na život tak, ako je zaručené článkom 2 Dohovoru o ochrane ĺudských práv a základných slobôd (ďalej len "Dohovor") a ako ho vykladá vo svojej rozhodovacej činnosti Európsky súd pre ĺudské práva (ďalej len "Súd")

    Copyright and New Technologies : Technology Providers as "New" Old Actors in Copyright Law and Policy

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    国際技術標準と必須特許(2・完) : 技術の競争に関する国際ハーモナイゼーションの観点から

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    ロクラク事件とオンデマンド放送 : 新技術とオンラインサービスの規制における法、市場、裁判所の役割

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    国際技術標準と必須特許(1) : 技術の競争に関する国際ハーモナイゼーションの観点から

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    知的財産権と文化多様性 : 市場と文化との関係に関する2つの見解 (特集 文化政策における知的財産権の役割)

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