24 research outputs found

    Lebensstile und Delinquenz von Jugendlichen : eine empirische Untersuchung in der Stadt Zürich

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    Drei Forschungsziele bilden die Grundlage der vorliegenden empirischen Untersuchung: Erstes Ziel ist die Erfassung von Jugenddelinquenz und deren Verbreitung in der Stadt Zürich, zweitens sollen Lebensstile und ihr Zusammenhang mit delinquentem Verhalten von Jugendlichen ermittelt werden. Drittes Ziel ist die Ermittlung eines empirischen Beleges für die bessere Leistung des Lebensstilkonzeptes gegenüber herkömmlichen Schicht- und Klassenmodellen zur Vorhersage von jugendlicher Delinquenz. Datenbasis bildet eine repräsentative Befragung von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Alter von 15 Jahren in der Stadt Zürich. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen deutlichen Zusammenhang von Lebensstilen, definiert über Indikatoren der sozialen Lage, des Verhaltens sowie der Einstellungen, und delinquentem Verhalten von Jugendlichen. Verhaltensmuster, welche durch relativ hohen Suchtmittelkonsum und durch Freizeitaktivitäten der Geselligkeit und Unterhaltung gekennzeichnet sind, stellen die stärksten Prädiktoren für Eigentums- und Gewaltdelinquenz dar. Demgegenüber sind Muster der Einstellungen leicht weniger ausschlaggebend für die Voraussage von Jugenddelinquenz. Durch Lebensstile können somit Lebensweisen beschrieben werden, welche mit einem hohen bzw. niedrigen Mass an delinquenten Handlungen einhergehen. Ein weiterer Erkenntnisgewinn für die Deutung von Jugenddelinquenz wird durch den Einbezug von Lebensstilmerkmalen als horizontale Differenzierungskriterien in Ergänzung zu den herkömmlichen, vertikalen Schichtungsvariablen erzielt. Insofern trägt die vorliegende Studie dazu bei, Jugenddelinquenz durch Lebensstile verständlicher zu machen. The present empirical research is based on three research objectives. A first objective is the examination of adolescent delinquency and its prevalence in the city of Zurich; secondly, life-styles and their correlation with delinquent behaviour of adolescents are to be explored. A third objective is the collection of empirical evidence to show that the concept of life-styles predicts adolescent delinquency better than traditional models of class and social stratification. The database is composed of a representative survey of 15-year-old students from the city of Zurich. The results show a clear correlation between delinquent behaviour of adolescents and life-styles, which are defined by indicators of social position, behaviour and attitude. Patterns of behaviour which are characterized by relatively high drug consumption and by leisure activities centred on sociability and entertainment represent the strongest predictors of delinquency involving property offences and violence. However, attitudinal patterns are rather less determining for the prediction of adolescent delinquency. The concept of life-styles thus allows the description of ways of living associated with high or low degrees of delinquent actions. The inclusion of life-style attributes as horizontal criteria of differentiation in addition to traditional vertical variables of social stratification increases the analytic interpretation of adolescent delinquency. In this sense, the present study contributes to a better understanding of adolescent delinquency by using the concept of life-styles

    CD34+ selected versus unselected autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with advanced-stage mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Novel strategies aiming to increase survival rates in patients with advanced-stage mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and relapsing diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) are a clinical need. High-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) with autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) has improved progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in MCL and relapsed DLBCL. However, the role of CD34+ cell selection before ASCT in MCL and DLBCL is unclear. We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 62 consecutive patients with advanced-stage MCL or relapsed DLBCL undergoing ASCT with (n=31) or without (n=31) prior CD34+ selection. All patients had stage III or IV disease, with 47% having DLBCL and 53% MCL. The median duration for neutrophil and platelet recovery was 12 and 16 days in CD34+ selected patients, and 11 (P<.001) and 14 days (P=.012) in the group without selection, respectively. No differences in toxicities were observed. The 5-year PFS for CD34+ selected versus not selected patients was 67% and 39% (P=.016), and the 5-year OS was 86% and 54% (P=.007). Our data suggest that using CD34+ selected autografts for ASCT in advanced stage MCL and DLBCL is associated with longer PFS and OS without increased toxicity

    Gesundheit und Geschlecht

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    Frauen und Männer haben eine unterschiedlich hohe Lebenserwartung bei Geburt. Frauen leben im Durchschnitt vier Jahre länger, ihre gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität ist jedoch weniger gut. Zahlreiche Ergebnisse der Schweizerischen Gesundheitsbefragung (SGB) deuten auf Unterschiede in der Gesundheit von Frauen und Männern hin. Aus verschiedenen Studien geht hervor, dass die Gesundheit und das Gesundheitsverhalten weitgehend durch gesellschaftliche Normen wie Geschlechterrollen und -beziehungen geprägt und beeinflusst werden. Eine geschlechtsspezifische Analyse der Gesundheit fördert das Verständnis der gesundheitlichen Unterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern und ermöglicht es, auf dieser Basis spezifische Präventions- und Gesundheitsförderungsstrategien zu entwickeln, die der Gesellschaft als Ganzes zugutekommen

    Hyperfractionated Versus Conventional Radiotherapy Followed by Chemotherapy in Standard-Risk Medulloblastoma: Results From the Randomized Multicenter HIT-SIOP PNET 4 Trial

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    Purpose To compare event-free survival (EFS), overall survival (OS), pattern of relapse, and hearing loss in children with standard-risk medulloblastoma treated by postoperative hyperfractionated or conventionally fractionated radiotherapy followed by maintenance chemotherapy. Patients and Methods In all, 340 children age 4 to 21 years from 122 European centers were postoperatively staged and randomly assigned to treatment with hyperfractionated radiotherapy (HFRT) or standard (conventional) fractionated radiotherapy (STRT) followed by a common chemotherapy regimen consisting of eight cycles of cisplatin, lomustine, and vincristine. Results After a median follow-up of 4.8 years (range, 0.1 to 8.3 years), survival rates were not significantly different between the two treatment arms: 5-year EFS was 77% +/- 4% in the STRT group and 78% +/- 4% in the HFRT group; corresponding 5-year OS was 87% +/- 3% and 85% +/- 3%, respectively. A postoperative residual tumor of more than 1.5 cm(2) was the strongest negative prognostic factor. EFS of children with all reference assessments and no large residual tumor was 82% +/- 2% at 5 years. Patients with a delay of more than 7 weeks to the start of RT had a worse prognosis. Severe hearing loss was not significantly different for the two treatment arms at follow-up. Conclusion In this large randomized European study, which enrolled patients with standard-risk medulloblastoma from more than 100 centers, excellent survival rates were achieved in patients without a large postoperative residual tumor and without RT treatment delays. EFS and OS for HFRT was not superior to STRT, which therefore remains standard of care in this disease. J Clin Oncol 30:3187-3193. (C) 2012 by American Society of Clinical Oncolog

    Biological material collection to advance translational research and treatment of children with CNS tumours: position paper from the SIOPE Brain Tumour Group.

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    Paediatric CNS tumours are the most common cause of childhood cancer-related morbidity and mortality, and improvements in their diagnosis and treatment are needed. New genetic and epigenetic information about paediatric CNS tumours is transforming the field dramatically. For most paediatric CNS tumour entities, subgroups with distinct biological characteristics have been identified, and these characteristics are increasingly used to facilitate accurate diagnoses and therapeutic recommendations. Future treatments will be further tailored to specific molecular subtypes of disease, specific tumour predisposition syndromes, and other biological criteria. Successful biomaterial collection is a key requirement for the application of contemporary methodologies for the validation of candidate prognostic factors, the discovery of new biomarkers, the establishment of appropriate preclinical research models for targeted agents, a quicker clinical implementation of precision medicine, and for other therapeutic uses (eg, for immunotherapies). However, deficits in organisational structures and interdisciplinary cooperation are impeding the collection of high-quality biomaterial from CNS tumours in most centres. Practical, legal, and ethical guidelines for consent, storage, material transfer, biobanking, data sharing, and funding should be established by research consortia and local institutions to allow optimal collection of primary and subsequent tumour tissue, body fluids, and normal tissue. Procedures for the collection and storage of biomaterials and related data should be implemented according to the individual and organisational structures of the local institutions