44 research outputs found

    Options for management of municipal solid waste in New York City: A preliminary comparison of health risks and policy implications

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    Landfill disposal and waste-to-energy (WTE) incineration remain the two principal options for managing municipal solid waste (MSW). One critical determinant of the acceptability of these options is the different health risks associated with each. In this analysis relying on published data and exposure modeling, we have performed health risk assessments for landfill disposal versus WTE treatment options for the management of New York City’s MSW. These are based on the realistic scenario of using a waste transfer station (WTS) in Brooklyn and then transporting the untreated MSW by truck to a landfill in Pennsylvania or using a WTE facility in Brooklyn and then transporting the resultant ash by truck to a landfill in Pennsylvania. The overall results indicate that the individual cancer risks for both options would be considered generally acceptable, although the risk from landfilling is approximately 5 times greater than from WTE treatment; the individual non-cancer health risks for both options would be considered generally unacceptable, although once again the risk from landfilling is approximately 5 times greater than from WTE treatment. If one considers only the population in Brooklyn that would be directly affected by the siting of either a WTS or a WTE facility in their immediate neighborhood, individual cancer and non-cancer health risks for both options would be considered generally acceptable, but risks for the former remain considerably higher than for the latter. These results should be considered preliminary due to several limitations of this study such as: consideration of risks only from inhalation exposures; assumption that only volume and not composition of the waste stream is altered by WTE treatment; reliance on data from the literature rather than actual measurements of the sites considered, assuming comparability of the sites. However, the results of studies such as this, in conjunction with ecological, socioeconomic and equity considerations, should prove useful to environmental managers, regulators, policy makers, community representatives and other stakeholders in making sound and acceptable decisions regarding the optimal handling of MSW


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    Abstract. Genetic polymorphisms of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) and cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) have been shown to influence the degree of genetic damage in Taiwanese workers exposed to the carcinogen -vinyl chloride (VC). Certain French VC workers have been found to express biomarkers of mutant forms of cancer-related proteins (ras-p21 and p53) that have been related to their exposure. ALDH2 and CYP2E1 polymorphisms were investigated in 211 of these workers in an attempt to correlate differences in VC metabolic capacity with differences in the presence of these biomarkers. All of the workers were found to have the normal, wild-type ALDH2 gene, and none of them were found to be homozygous for the variant CYP2E1 allele. Sixteen workers were found to be heterozygous for the variant CYP2E1 allele. After adjusting for age, smoking, drinking and cumulative VC exposure, the odds ratio for the presence of either the mutant ras-p21 or the mutant p53 biomarker in these heterozygous workers was found to be statistically significantly increased in comparison to their homozygous, wild-type counterparts (OR = 5.05; 95% CI = 1.10-23.25). However, as opposed to the case in Taiwanese workers, these polymorphisms are relatively uncommon, and thus differences in ALDH2 and CYP2E1 can account for only a small proportion of the variability in mutagenic response to VC exposure in a Caucasian population

    Nonmalignant Respiratory Effects of Chronic Arsenic Exposure from Drinking Water among Never-Smokers in Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: Arsenic from drinking water has been associated with malignant and nonmalignant respiratory illnesses. The association with nonmalignant respiratory illnesses has not been well established because the assessments of respiratory symptoms may be influenced by recall bias or interviewer bias because participants had visible skin lesions. OBJECTIVES: We examined the relationship of the serum level of Clara cell protein CC 16-a novel biomarker for respiratory illnesses-with well As, total urinary As, and urinary As methylation indices. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study in nonsmoking individuals (n = 241) selected from a large cohort with a wide range of As exposure (0.1-761 mu g/L) from drinking water in Bangladesh. Total urinary As, urinary As metabolites, and serum CC16 were measured in urine and serum samples collected at baseline of the parent cohort study. RESULTS: We observed an inverse association between urinary As and serum CC 16 among persons with skin lesions (beta = -0. 13, p = 0.01). We also observed a positive association between secondary methylation index in urinary As and CC16 levels (beta = 0. 12,,P = 0.05) in the overall study population; the association was stronger among people without skin lesions (beta = 0. 18, p = 0.04), indicating that increased methylation capability may be protective against As-induced respiratory damage. In a subsample of study participants undergoing spirometric measures (n = 3 1), we observed inverse associations between urinary As and predictive FEV1 (forced expiratory volume measured in 1 sec) (r = -0.37; FEV1/forced vital capacity ratio and primary methylation index (r = -0.42, p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that serum CC 16 may be a useful biomarker of epithelial lung damage in individuals with arsenical skin lesions. Also, we observed the deleterious respiratory effects of As exposure at concentrations lower than reported in earlier studies

    Dietary Intake of Methionine, Cysteine, and Protein and Urinary Arsenic Excretion in Bangladesh

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    BackgroundIn Bangladesh, millions of people are exposed to arsenic in drinking water; arsenic is associated with increased risk of cancer. Once ingested, arsenic is metabolized via methylation and excreted in urine. Knowledge about nutritional factors affecting individual variation in methylation is limited.ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to examine associations between intakes of protein, methionine, and cysteine total urinary arsenic in a large population-based sample.MethodsThe study subjects were 10,402 disease-free residents of Araihazar, Bangladesh, who participated in the Health Effects of Arsenic Longitudinal Study (HEALS). Food intakes were assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire developed for the study population. Nutrient composition was determined by using the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Generalized estimating equations were used to examine association between total urinary arsenic across quintiles of nutrient intakes while controlling for arsenic exposure from drinking water and other predictors of urinary arsenic.ResultsGreater intakes of protein, methionine, and cysteine were associated with 10-15% greater total urinary arsenic excretion, after controlling for total energy intake, body weight, sex, age, tobacco use, and intake of some other nutrients.ConclusionsGiven previously reported risks between lower rates of arsenic excretion and increased rates of cancer, these findings support the role of nutrition in preventing arsenic-related disease