793 research outputs found

    Assessment of risks related to agricultural use of sewage sludge, pig and cattle slurry

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    In April 2017, the Organic Business Development Team released a report with 25 recommendations for the Minister of Environment and Food (Det økologiske erhvervsteam 2017). Among these was a recommendation that organic farmers should have opportunities for utilizing nutrients from treated domestic wastewater for nutrient recycling. A prerequisite for future use of nutrients from treated wastewater is, that quality requirements are met and that application can be explained to (and accepted by) consumers. In partial fulfilment of this, the business team identified a need for a scientific overview of the risks of using nutrients from treated municipal wastewater in relation to other authorized fertilizer sources – e.g. conventional animal manures. Thus, it was assumed that a comparative approach to assess potential risk of using sewage sludge and conventional manures, could usefully inform decision makers in the future regulation of organic farming systems. Dependent on the result of the scientific investigation, the Organic Business Development Team foresaw that Denmark could chose to work to expand Annex 1 of the EU Ecology Regulation, to allow the organic farmers to use nutrients from municipal wastewater or other acceptable derived sludge products. Mobilization of support for this should be done by the Ministry of Environment and Food in collaboration with the Organic Farming Industry. Thus, based on available literature, this report aims at creating an overview of the environmental and human risks associated with application of pig and cattle slurry as well as sewage sludge to agricultural soils. The risk evaluation was performed for the following compound groups: Metals, Chlorophenyls, Dioxins, Furans, Halogenated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (HAH), Linear alkylbenzenesulfonates (LAS), Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), Poly- and perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS), Phenols, Phosphate-triesters VII, Phthalates, Polychlorinated naphtalenes (PCN), Polychlorinated alkanes (PCA), Triclosan, Triclocarban, Medicines, Estrogens, Antibiotic resistance genes. Additionally the fertilizer potential of the two nutrient sources was characterized and compared

    Acrophobia and visual height intolerance: advances in epidemiology and mechanisms

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    Historical descriptions of fear at heights date back to Chinese and Roman antiquity. Current definitions distinguish between three different states of responses to height exposure: a physiological height imbalance that results from an impaired visual control of balance, a more or less distressing visual height intolerance, and acrophobia at the severest end of the spectrum. Epidemiological studies revealed a lifetime prevalence of visual height intolerance including acrophobia in 28% of adults (32% in women; 25% in men) and 34% among prepubertal children aged 8-10~years without gender preponderance. Visual height intolerance first occurring in adulthood usually persists throughout life, whereas an early manifestation in childhood usually shows a benign course with spontaneous relief within years. A high comorbidity was found with psychiatric disorders (e.g. anxiety and depressive syndromes) and other vertigo syndromes (e.g. vestibular migraine, Menière's disease), but not with bilateral vestibulopathy. Neurophysiological analyses of stance, gait, and eye movements revealed an anxious control of postural stability, which entails a co-contraction of anti-gravity muscles that causes a general stiffening of the whole body including the oculomotor apparatus. Visual exploration is preferably reduced to fixation of the horizon. Gait alterations are characterized by a cautious slow walking mode with reduced stride length and increased double support phases. Anxiety is the critical factor in visual height intolerance and acrophobia leading to a motor behavior that resembles an atavistic primitive reflex of feigning death. The magnitude of anxiety and neurophysiological parameters of musculoskeletal stiffening increase with increasing height. They saturate, however, at about 20~m of absolute height above ground for postural symptoms and about 40~m for anxiety (70~m in acrophobic participants). With respect to management, a differentiation should be made between behavioral recommendations for prevention and therapy of the condition. Recommendations for coping strategies target behavioral advices on visual exploration, control of posture and locomotion as well as the role of cognition. Treatment of severely afflicted persons with distressing avoidance behavior mainly relies on behavioral therapy

    Benchmarking the Parallel 1D Heat Equation Solver in Chapel, Charm++, C++, HPX, Go, Julia, Python, Rust, Swift, and Java

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    Many scientific high performance codes that simulate e.g. black holes, coastal waves, climate and weather, etc. rely on block-structured meshes and use finite differencing methods to iteratively solve the appropriate systems of differential equations. In this paper we investigate implementations of an extremely simple simulation of this type using various programming systems and languages. We focus on a shared memory, parallelized algorithm that simulates a 1D heat diffusion using asynchronous queues for the ghost zone exchange. We discuss the advantages of the various platforms and explore the performance of this model code on different computing architectures: Intel, AMD, and ARM64FX. As a result, Python was the slowest of the set we compared. Java, Go, Swift, and Julia were the intermediate performers. The higher performing platforms were C++, Rust, Chapel, Charm++, and HPX

    Seropositivity and flight-associated risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among asylum seekers arriving in Berlin, Germany – a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Refugees and asylum seekers might be at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to precarious living conditions during flight. Methods: Between March 24th and June 15th 2021, we conducted a cross-sectional study among adult asylum seekers arriving in Berlin. Each participant was tested for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection with a nasopharyngeal swab using reverse transcriptase PCR (rt-PCR), and for anti-SARS-CoV-2-S1 IgG antibodies using ELISA. Seropositivity, antibody avidity, and data on flight history were used to categorize individuals into two groups according to the estimated time of infection before or during flight. Sociodemographic characteristics, COVID-19 related symptoms, hygiene behaviors, and living conditions during transit were assessed using two self-report questionnaires. Results: Among 1041 participants (34·5% female, mean age 32·6 years), most frequently reported countries of origin were Moldova (20·5%), Georgia (18·9%), Syria (13·0%), Afghanistan (11·3%), and Vietnam (9·1%). Seropositivity rate was 25·1% and incidence rate of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection was 2·8%. A higher likelihood for seropositivity was observed in women (OR [95%CI]=1·64 [1·05-2·57]) but reduced by frequent hygiene behaviors (OR [95%CI]=0·75 [0·59-0·96]) or traveling by plane (OR [95%CI]=0·58 [0·35-0·96]). Other associated factors were lower educational level, accommodation in refugee shelters, traveling with children or by foot, and COVID-19 information seeking. Conclusion: Flight-associated risk factors such as accommodation in a refugee shelter and poor hygiene behaviors are associated with an elevated risk of infection, which should be addressed by public health interventions. Clinical trial registration: [https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN17401860], identifier [17401860]

    Lock-in detection for pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance

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    We show that in pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance (pEDMR) signal modulation in combination with a lock-in detection scheme can reduce the low-frequency noise level by one order of magnitude and in addition removes the microwave-induced non-resonant background. This is exemplarily demonstrated for spin-echo measurements in phosphorus-doped Silicon. The modulation of the signal is achieved by cycling the phase of the projection pulse used in pEDMR for the read-out of the spin state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The Gait Disorder in Downbeat Nystagmus Syndrome

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    Background: Downbeat nystagmus (DBN) is a common form of acquired fixation nystagmus with key symptoms of oscillopsia and gait disturbance. Gait disturbance could be a result of impaired visual feedback due to the involuntary ocular oscillations. Alternatively, a malfunction of cerebellar locomotor control might be involved, since DBN is considered a vestibulocerebellar disorder. Methods: Investigation of walking in 50 DBN patients (age 72 +/- 11 years, 23 females) and 50 healthy controls (HS) (age 70 +/- 11 years, 23 females) using a pressure sensitive carpet (GAITRite). The patient cohort comprised subjects with only ocular motor signs (DBN) and subjects with an additional limb ataxia (DBNCA). Gait investigation comprised different walking speeds and walking with eyes closed. Results: In DBN, gait velocity was reduced (p<0.001) with a reduced stride length (p<0.001),increased base of support (p<0.050),and increased double support (p<0.001). Walking with eyes closed led to significant gait changes in both HS and DBN. These changes were more pronounced in DBN patients (p<0.001). Speed-dependency of gait variability revealed significant differences between the subgroups of DBN and DBNCA (p<0.050). Conclusions: (I) Impaired visual control caused by involuntary ocular oscillations cannot sufficiently explain the gait disorder. (II) The gait of patients with DBN is impaired in a speed dependent manner. (III) Analysis of gait variability allows distinguishing DBN from DBNCA: Patients with pure DBN show a speed dependency of gait variability similar to that of patients with afferent vestibular deficits. In DBNCA, gait variability resembles the pattern found in cerebellar ataxia

    Nonlinear variability of body sway in patients with phobic postural vertigo

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    Background: Subjective postural imbalance is a key symptom in the somatoform phobic postural vertigo (PPV). It has been assumed that more attentional control of body posture and / or co-contraction of leg muscles during standing is used to minimize the physiological body sway in PPV. Here we analyze nonlinear variability of body sway in patients with PPV in order to disclose changes in postural control strategy associated with PPV. Methods: Twenty patients with PPV and 20 age-matched healthy subjects (HS) were recorded on a stabilometer platform with eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC), and while standing on a foam rubber with eyes closed (ECF). Spatio-temporal changes of the center of pressure (CoP) displacement were analyzed to assess the structure of postural variability by computing the scaling exponent a and the sample entropy (SEn) of the time series. Results: With EO on firm ground a and SEn of CoP displacement were significantly lower in patients (p < 0.001). For more difficult conditions (EC, ECF) postural variability in PPV assimilated to that of HS. Conclusion: Postural control in PPV patients differs from HS under normal stance condition. It is characterized by a reduced scaling behavior and higher regularity. These changes in the structure of postural variability might suggest an inappropriate attentional involvement with stabilizing strategies, which are used by HS only for more demanding balance tasks

    Identification of parameters in amplitude equations describing coupled wakes

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    We study the flow behind an array of equally spaced parallel cylinders. A system of Stuart-Landau equations with complex parameters is used to model the oscillating wakes. Our purpose is to identify the 6 scalar parameters which most accurately reproduce the experimental data of Chauve and Le Gal [{Physica D {\bf 58}}, pp 407--413, (1992)]. To do so, we perform a computational search for the minimum of a distance \calj. We define \calj as the sum-square difference of the data and amplitudes reconstructed using coupled equations. The search algorithm is made more efficient through the use of a partially analytical expression for the gradient J\nabla \cal J. Indeed J\nabla \cal J can be obtained by the integration of a dynamical system propagating backwards in time (a backpropagation equation for the Lagrange multipliers). Using the parameters computed via the backpropagation method, the coupled Stuart-Landau equations accurately predicted the experimental data from Chauve and Le Gal over a correlation time of the system. Our method turns out to be quite robust as evidenced by using noisy synthetic data obtained from integrations of the coupled Stuart-Landau equations. However, a difficulty remains with experimental data: in that case the several sets of identified parameters are shown to yield equivalent predictions. This is due to a strong discretization or ``round-off" error arising from the digitalization of the video images in the experiment. This ambiguity in parameter identification has been reproduced with synthetic data subjected to the same kind of discretization.Comment: 25 pages uuencoded compressed PostScript file (58K) with 13 figures (155K in separated file) Submitted to Physica

    Quantification of gait changes in subjects with visual height intolerance when exposed to heights

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    Introduction: Visual height intolerance (vHI) manifests as instability at heights with apprehension of losing balance or falling. We investigated contributions of visual feedback and attention on gait performance of subjects with vHI. Materials and Methods: Sixteen subjects with vHI walked over a gait mat (GAITRite (R)) on a 15-m-high balcony and at ground-level. Subjects walked at different speeds (slow, preferred, fast), during changes of the visual input (gaze straight/up/down;eyes open/closed), and while doing a cognitive task. An rmANOVA with the factors "height situation" and "gait condition" was performed. Subjects were also asked to estimate the height of the balcony over ground level. The individual estimates were used for correlations with the gait parameters. Results: Study participants walked slower at heights, with reduced cadence and stride length. The double support phases were increased (all p < 0.01),which correlated with the estimated height of the balcony (R-2 = 0.453, p < 0.05). These changes were still present when walking with upward gaze or closure of the eyes. Under the conditions walking and looking down to the floor of the balcony, during dual-task and fast walking, there were no differences between the gait performance on the balcony and at ground-level. Discussion: The found gait changes are features of a cautious gait control. Internal, cognitive models with anxiety play an important role for vHI; gait was similarly affected when the visual perception of the depth was prevented. Improvement by dual task at heights may be associated by a reduction of the anxiety level. Conclusion: It is conceivable that mental distraction by dual task or increasing the walking speed might be useful recommendations to reduce the imbalance during locomotion in subjects susceptible to vHI