98 research outputs found

    PlotXpress, a webtool for normalization and visualization of reporter expression data [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]

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    In molecular cell biology, reporter assays are frequently used to investigate gene expression levels. Reporter assays employ a gene that encodes a light-emitting protein, of which the luminescence is quantified as a proxy of gene expression. Commercial parties provide reporter assay kits that include protocols and specialized detection machinery. However, downstream analysis of the output data and their presentation are not standardized. We have developed plotXpress to fill this gap, providing a free, open-source platform for the semi-automated analysis and standardized visualisation of experimental gene reporter data. Users can upload raw luminescence data acquired from a reporter gene assay with an internal control. In plotXpress, the data is corrected for sample variation with the internal control and the average for each condition is calculated. When a reference condition is selected the fold change is calculated for all other conditions, based on the selected reference. The results are shown as dot plots with a statistical summary, which can be adjusted to create publication-grade plots without requiring coding skills. Altogether, plotXpress is an open-source, low-threshold, web-based tool, that promotes a standardized and reproducible analysis while providing an appealing visualization of reporter data. The webtool can be accessed at: https://huygens.science.uva.nl/PlotXpress

    Diagnosis and Surveillance of Aortic Root Dilation

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    Aortic root dilation (AoD) imparts increased risk of aortic complications such as dissection, rupture, and valvular regurgitation. Multiple etiologies of AoD exist, such as Marfan syndrome, bicuspid aortic valve, Ehler-Danlos syndrome, infections, and idiopathic conditions. Due to the variety of clinical conditions that can result in AoD, and the risks associated with worsening AoD, a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of AoD, noninvasive imaging modalities, and pharmacologic therapies is critical. This chapter will review the various etiologies of AoD, pathophysiological basis of each disease entity, overview of the diagnosis of AoD, noninvasive imaging modalities employed for detection and surveillance, pharmacological therapies used in the prevention and management, and the factors that guide intervention such as surgical repair

    Uma nova espécie de Diaptomidae (Crustacea, Copepoda) "Diaptomus" negrensis das águas pretas perto de Manaus

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    A description of a new species of Diaptomidae "Diaptomus" negrensis is given with a diagnosis. The variation of this species is very little. It has been found in various lakes at the left margin of the Rio Negro (Amazonas) near the city of Manaus. A map shows the distribution. A possible relationship with "Diaptomus" alter Herbst, 1960 is discussed but a certain relationship can\'t be given.Descrição de uma nova espécie de Diaptomidae (Crustacea, Copepoda) "Diaptomus" negrensis, coletado em lagos situados à margem esquerda do rio Negro. Através de tabelas apresentadas, foi verificada uma pequena variabilidade no tamanho dos animais e no diâmetro e quantidade dos ovos. Alguns caracteres permitiram um possível parentesco com o "Diaptomus" alter Herbst, 1960

    Die Studentenbewegung in England 1968 bis 1975

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    Im Vergleich zu dem Geschehen auf dem Kontinent waren die Ereignisse in England nur von sehr kurzlebiger Natur und liefen sehr diszipliniert ab. Es wird das britische Hochschulsystem vorgestellt und die Geschehnisse an einigen Hochschulen exemplarisch beschrieben. Es folgen ihr Niederschlag in der Presse und die Untersuchungen des "Select Committe on Education and Science" dazu

    The Neotropical genus Rhacodiaptomus KIEFER (Crustacea, Copepoda), with description of two new species

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    Eine Aufstellung der gattungsspezifischen Merkmale von Rhacodiaptomus KIEFER zeigt, daß diese neotropische Gattung sehr gut charakterisiert werden kann. Es folgt eine Übersicht über die bisher bekannten Arten, wobei Rhacodiaptomus calatus und Rhacodiaptomus retioflexus als neu beschrieben werden. Soweit das Material es zuläßt, wird die Variationsbreite der Arten aufgezeigt. Sämtliche Arten von Rhacodiaptomus sind bisher nur aus dem Amazonasgebiet bekannt. R. insolitus und R. retroflexus sind näher miteinander verwandt. Eine Verwandtschaft der Gatfung Rhacodiaptomus mit anderen südamerikanischen Gattungen kann nicht aufgezeigt werden. Für Männchen und Weibchen werden getrennte Bestimmungsschlüssel gegeben

    Distribution of some Calanoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from the Yucatán Peninsula, Belize and Guatemala

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    Southern Mexico and Central America have many water bodies of different morphology and water chemistry with an interesting zooplankton fauna, originating from North or South America. A set of 63 samples, taken in 2005 and 2008, from water bodies of the Yucatan Peninsula karst, Belize and Guatemala, were studied for the content of calanoid copepods. Old and recent literature was used to determine animals to species level. Drawings were prepared with a microscope and a camera lucida. A total of 32 samples with totally six species contained calanoid copepods: one estuarine pseudodiaptomid and five freshwater diaptomids. Pseudodiaptomus marshi was found at different salinities. It is confirmed that the commonest diaptomids in the Yucatan Peninsula are Arctodiaptomus dorsalis and Mastigodiaptomus nesus. The former was also recorded from Lake Amatitlan. Mastigodiaptomus nesus is as widespread as A. dorsalis but it is absent from the Lake Peten area in Guatemala. Mastigodiaptomus reidae was found in two shallow habitats, these specimens differ from those from the type locality by having a set of peculiar large spine-like processes on the last thoracic and the urosome segments of the females. Leptodiaptomus siciloides was found only in Lake Ayarza with high salinity. Prionodiaptomus colombiensis occurred in the highlands of Guatemala in Lago de Güija and in the Peten area in Laguna Sacpuy. We contributed with our occurrence records to a better knowledge of the geographic distribution of some calanoid copepods. Morphological findings in some species are of value for taxonomic differentiation between species.<br>El sur de México y América Central tienen varios cuerpos de agua con diferente morfología, composición química y una interesante fauna de zooplancton procedente de América del Norte o del Sur. Un grupo de 63 muestras, fueron tomadas en 2005 y 2008 para conocer la cantidad de copépodos calanoides en los cuerpos de agua del karst Península de Yucatán, Belice y Guatemala. Se utilizó literatura antigua y reciente para la identificación de los especímenes a nivel de especie y se preparon dibujos con un microscopio y una cámara lúcida. En un total de 32 muestras se obtuvieron seis especies de copépodos calanoides: un pseudodiaptomidos estuarino y cinco diaptomidos de agua dulce. Pseudodiaptomus marshi fue encontrado a diferentes salinidades. Además, se confirmó que los diaptomidos más comunes en la Península de Yucatán fueron: Arctodiaptomus dorsalis y Mastigodiaptomus nesus. El primero se registró también en el lago de Amatitlán. Mastigodiaptomus nesus está ampliamente distribuido al igual que A. dorsalis, pero se encuentra ausente en el área del Lago Petén en Guatemala. Mastigodiaptomus reidae fue localizado en dos hábitats poco profundos, éstos especímenes difieren de los tipos de la localidad, por tener un grupo de espinas de gran tamaño en la última parte de la caja toráxica y los segmentos del urosoma de las hembras. Leptodiaptomus siciloides se encontró sólo en el Lago Ayarza, el cual contiene alta salinidad. Prionodiaptomus colombiensis se localizó en las tierras altas de Guatemala en el Lago de Güija y en la zona del Petén en Laguna Sacpuy. Se contribuye con registros de presencia de especies para un mejor conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de algunos copépodos calanoides. De la misma forma, los hallazgos morfológicos en algunas especies son de gran valor taxonómico para la diferenciación de especies