3,640 research outputs found

    De la leccion de la Sagrada Escritura en lenguas vulgares

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    Sign.: []4, 3 calderones-6 calderones 2, A-Z4, Aa-Hh4, Ii1, A-Z4, Aa-Ee4, Ff2Port. con grab. calc. (alegorica)Antep.Grab. calc. en port.: "V. Lopez lo dibujĂł. M. Brandi lo grabĂł

    Craig M. Klugman and Pamela M. Dalinis, Ethical Issues in Rural Health Care

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    Review of Ethical Issues in Rural Health Care, by Craig M. Klugman and Pamela M. Dalinis (eds.

    Brandi - tie menestykseen?

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli perehtyä ja tutkia brändien maailmaa. Brändi on se lisäarvo, jonka tuote tai palvelu saa ihmisten mielissä. Eri lähteisiin tutustuessani huomasin, miten brändi voidaan rakentaa hyvinkin eri tavoilla eikä kaikkia brändejä voi rakentaa samalla kaavalla. Tuotteen ominaisuudet ja yrityksen identiteetti vaikuttavat brändien rakentamiseen. Yhteistä kaikille oli kuitenkin brändin tärkeys yritykselle itselleen, kuluttajille ja ennen kaikkea yrityksen sidosryhmille. Halusin työssäni myös tutkia brändin etiikkaa, koska siitä on tullut yksi tärkeimmistä asioista markkinoinnissa. Yritysten on huomioitava kuluttajien arvot ja ennen kaikkea ympäristön rajallisuus. Brändistä on tullut trendisana viime vuosina. Mitä brändi oikeastaan on ja mitä se edellyttää yritykseltä? Miksi yrityksen kannattaa panostaa brändin rakentamiseen aikaa ja rahaa? Näitä kysymyksiä halusin selventää ja löysinkin vastauksen. Brändin käsite on niin laaja ja halusinkin opinnäytetyössäni liikkua aika kapealla sektorilla. Muuten olisi vaarana ollut aiheen leviäminen kuten monelle yritykselle on käynyt brändiä laajentaessaan. Brändin rakentajan kun pitäisi ymmärtää asioita psykologiasta markkinointiin asti. Viime päivien uutisissa on paljon puhuttu brändeistä. Suomi-brändiä pitäisi rakentaa ja politiikoista tehdään brändejä. Mikä tämän kaiken tarkoitus sitten on? Ihmisillä on oltava idoleita ja nykyajan tietoyhteiskunnassa tiedon saaminen sekä levittäminen on helppoa. Ihmisten vapaa-aika lisääntyy ja on aikaa seurata julkkisten edesottamuksia. Tutkimustyöni on kannattanut ja olen oppinut ymmärtämään markkinamiehiä paremmin. Olin negatiivinen ja epäileväinen koko ”brändi-maniaa” kohtaan. Asioita selvittämällä opein ymmärtämään, että brändit muodostavat oman maailmansa, jota me kuluttajat haluamme olla luomassa. Omilla valinnoillamme tuemme brändejä ja hyväksymme niiden olemassaolon sekä tarvitsemme niitä. Tämä on tosiasia, halusimmepa sitten asian myöntää tai emme. Teemme valintoja päivittäin ja valintojen takana on kokemuksemme, mieltymyksemme ja odotuksemme.The subject of this bachelor's thesis was to study and get acquainted with the world of brands. Brand is the factor that adds value to a product or service in people's minds. As I went through different sources, I found out that a brand can be created in many different ways, but the same idea cannot be used with all brands. Product properties and company image have a strong effect on the construction of the brand. However, the importance of the brand to the company, the consumers and most of all to the company's interest groups was commonly acknowledged. In my research, I also wanted to study the ethics of brands, because it has become one of the most important things in marketing. The companies must take into account the consumers' values and, above all, the limitations of the environment. Brand has become a trendy word during the last few years. Actually, what is a brand and what is expected of a company that is in the process of creating one? Why is it worthwhile for a company to invest time and money in forming a brand? I wanted to find answers to these questions, and I did. The concept of a brand is very wide, but in my thesis I wanted to study just a narrow sector of the subject, otherwise there would have been a risk of expanding the study too much. Many companies have become familiar with the scattering effect, when they have started to expand their brand. The brand designers should be experts in everything from psychology to marketing. Brands have been the topic of the day in the news for a few days now. Brand of Finland should be created and politicians are made into brands. What is the meaning of it all? People need idols and role models and in today's information society acquiring information and spreading it is easy. Leisure time increases and allows people to spend more time following the interesting lives of the celebrities. My study has been worthwhile and I have learned to understand marketing people better. I was negative and sceptical towards manic obsessions of brands. By finding out more details, I have realized that brands form a world of their own and we, the consumers, are willing to help in developing it. We support different brands and accept their existence by making choices. We need them. This is a fact whether or not we are ready to admit it. We make choices every day and the choices are determined by our experiences, preferences and expectations

    Building a 3.5 m prototype interferometer for the Q & A vacuum birefringence experiment and high precision ellipsometry

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    We have built and tested a 3.5 m high-finesse Fabry-Perot prototype inteferometer with a precision ellipsometer for the QED test and axion search (Q & A) experiment. We use X-pendulum-double-pendulum suspension designs and automatic control schemes developed by the gravitational-wave detection community. Verdet constant and Cotton-Mouton constant of the air are measured as a test. Double modulation with polarization modulation 100 Hz and magnetic-field modulation 0.05 Hz gives 10^{-7} rad phase noise for a 44-minute integration.Comment: This draft has been presented in the 5th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave

    Introduction of a Nursing Evidenced-Based Practice Model to Improve Heart Failure at a Rural Community Hospital

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: This project took place at a community-based rural hospital in eastern Kentucky. During completion of a needs assessment, adoption of an evidence-based nursing practice model and improvement of clinical outcomes of the community’s heart failure patient population were revealed as opportunities. PURPOSE: The purpose of this project was to introduce the organization’s key stakeholders to the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model (JHNEBP), encourage implementation of an evidence-based practice (EBP) committee, and to use heart failure as an exemplar to facilitate discussions and stakeholder education. METHODS: The goal of this project was to develop a supportive EBP culture through adoption of the JHNEBP model. Methods included developing and launching a virtual nursing EBP education module, developing an EBP committee, and utilizing the JHNEBP model and steps to implement heart failure EBP’s at the project site. The University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Nursing EBP Survey, 2005 edition, was administered pre and post EBP module education to assess nurses’ perceptions of EBP. RESULTS: Although post-intervention group scores (M=98.4, SD=14.1) improved from pre-intervention group scores (M=94.2, SD=13.5), Mann-Whitney U revealed no statistical significance in pre and post score comparisons for survey subscales (organizational culture (p=.156), unit culture (p=.165), nurses knowledge and skills (p=.301), time (p=.131), attitude (p=.595)] or total score (p=.184). CONCLUSION: Driving EBP culture changes may take up to three to five years (Dang & Dearholt, 2017). This project was limited in both time and sample size (n=53), although statistical significance could not be determined in the pre-intervention and post-intervention groups, continuation on the path of creating a supportive EBP culture is key in driving EBP care. Keywords: evidence-based best practice model, Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based best practice model, heart failure, rural healthcar

    Vodou Value in Haitian Life

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    Ever since the night of August 14, 1791 at Bwa Kayman, where Boukman Dutty declared war on the French during a Vodou ritual, Vodou has shown its dominance in the Haitian culture (Dominique 103). Along with being a religion practiced across the class boundaries of over six million Haitians, Vodou is a philosophy as well; a way of life for the majority of Haiti. Vodou “brings coherence where there might otherwise be chaos” (Michel 282-283). Used as a common ground for the intermixed Africans in the New World, Vodou has played a key role in the daily life of the Haitian population since its origination. Held anywhere from Haiti to Brooklyn, Vodou’s popularity still remains today. Evident in its history, characteristics, emphasis on service, worship of the lwas, communal expectations, and oral performance: Vodou is a vital aspect of Haitian life, past and present; Vodou is simply not just a religion. [excerpt

    How to be an Actualist and Blame People

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    The actualism/possibilism debate in ethics concerns the relationship between an agent’s free actions and her moral obligations. The actualist affirms, while the possibilist denies, that facts about what agents would freely do in certain circumstances partly determines that agent’s moral obligations. This paper assesses the plausibility of actualism and possibilism in light of desiderata about accounts of blameworthiness. This paper first argues that actualism cannot straightforwardly accommodate certain very plausible desiderata before offering a few independent solutions on behalf of the actualist. This paper then argues that, contrary to initial appearances, possibilism is subject to its own comparably troubling blameworthiness problem

    First description of the female of the theridiid spider Robertus golovatchi (Araneae: Theridiidae)

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    The female of Robertus golovatchi Eskov, 1987 is described for the first time from Abkhazia and the male is also figured. The female is compared to another species known from the Caucasus R. mediterraneus Eskov, 1987
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