2,085 research outputs found

    Equilibrium and Disorder-induced behavior in Quantum Light-Matter Systems

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    We analyze equilibrium properties of coupled-doped cavities described by the Jaynes-Cummings- Hubbard Hamiltonian. In particular, we characterize the entanglement of the system in relation to the insulating-superfluid phase transition. We point out the existence of a crossover inside the superfluid phase of the system when the excitations change from polaritonic to purely photonic. Using an ensemble statistical approach for small systems and stochastic-mean-field theory for large systems we analyze static disorder of the characteristic parameters of the system and explore the ground state induced statistics. We report on a variety of glassy phases deriving from the hybrid statistics of the system. On-site strong disorder induces insulating behavior through two different mechanisms. For disorder in the light-matter detuning, low energy cavities dominate the statistics allowing the excitations to localize and bunch in such cavities. In the case of disorder in the light- matter coupling, sites with strong coupling between light and matter become very significant, which enhances the Mott-like insulating behavior. Inter-site (hopping) disorder induces fluidity and the dominant sites are strongly coupled to each other.Comment: about 10 pages, 12 figure

    Rapid mixing implies exponential decay of correlations

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    We provide an analysis of the correlation properties of spin and fermionic systems on a lattice evolving according to open system dynamics generated by a local primitive Liouvillian. We show that if the Liouvillian has a spectral gap which is independent of the system size, then the correlations between local observables decay exponentially as a function of the distance between their supports. We prove, furthermore, that if the Log-Sobolev constant is independent of the system size, then the system satisfies clustering of correlations in the mutual information - a much more stringent form of correlation decay. As a consequence, in the latter case we get an area law (with logarithmic corrections) for the mutual information. As a further corollary, we obtain a stability theorem for local distant perturbations. We also demonstrate that gapped free-fermionic systems exhibit clustering of correlations in the covariance and in the mutual information. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of these results for the classical simulation of open quantum systems with matrix-product operators and the robust dissipative preparation of topologically ordered states of lattice spin systems.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, replaced by final versio

    Singular value decomposition and matrix reorderings in quantum information theory

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    We review Schmidt and Kraus decompositions in the form of singular value decomposition using operations of reshaping, vectorization and reshuffling. We use the introduced notation to analyse the correspondence between quantum states and operations with the help of Jamiolkowski isomorphism. The presented matrix reorderings allow us to obtain simple formulae for the composition of quantum channels and partial operations used in quantum information theory. To provide examples of the discussed operations we utilize a package for the Mathematica computing system implementing basic functions used in the calculations related to quantum information theory.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, see http://zksi.iitis.pl/wiki/projects:mathematica-qi for related softwar

    Relação caule/folha e composição bromatológica da pustumeira submetida a diferentes espaçamentos e adubação.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar relação caule/folha e a composição bromatológica dos diferentes componentes da pustumeira, submetida a diferentes espaçamentos e a adubação com esterco de curral. Mudas foram plantadas no Campo Experimental da Caatinga da Embrapa Semi-Árido no início da estação chuvosa, em sistema "in situ" de captação de água da chuva Guimarães Duque. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2, sendo dois espaçamentos (1, 0 m x 1,0 m e 1,0 m x 0,5 m) com presença ou ausência de esterco de curral, e quatro repetições. Na estação seca, após seis meses de plantio, foi realizado um corte a 30 cm do solo. As amostras foram coletadas e separadas em planta inteira, folha e caule, pré-secas em estufa, para determinação de matéria seca, proteína bruta e matéria mineral. Os teores de matéria seca para folha, haste e planta inteira foram 32, 47 e 45%, respectivamente. A proteína bruta apresentada concentrou-se na folha. Os valores observados foram de 17,0%, 9,4% e 13,1%, para folha, haste e planta inteira espectivamente. Não houve influência do espaçamento e da adubação com esterco na relação caule/folha e composição bromatológica dos componentes da planta, exceto para o teor de matéria mineral das folhas que na presença de esterco, variou de 15.04 % para 17.50%, nos espaçamentos 1,0 m e 0,5 m rspectivamente

    Efeito de aditivos no teor de matéria seca, fração nitrogenada e pH da silagem de co-produto do sisal.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar as características fermentativ as do co-produto do desfibramento do sisal in natura e adicionado de farelo de soja, uréia, farelo de trigo, farelo de dendê, pó de batedeira, farelo de licuri e torta de algodão

    Avaliação de impacto ambiental: o caso do Projeto "Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro - Tom Jobim": uma aplicação do método Ambitec - Agro.

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    Utiliza-se neste trabalho a metodologia "Sistema de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental da Inovação Tecnológica Agropecuária" (Sistema Ambitec), segmento agropecuária (Ambitec Agro). Por se tratar de uma metodologia dirigida exclusivamente para avaliação de impactos ecológicos, os estudos devem ser complementados por avaliações específicas para as outras dimensões relevantes da avaliação de impactos. As estimativas obtidas validam a metodologia notadamente em suas características de praticidade, simplicidade, baixo custo e sua natureza integrativa de resultados. Os coeficientes e índices de impacto ambiental estimados permitem sugerir medidas de melhoria tecnológica mitigando resultados negativos e potencializando resultados positivos.bitstream/CNPS-2010/14924/1/bpd93-2006-impacto-aeroporto.pd

    Use of D-Cloprostenol at different intervals of administration for estrous synchronization in cyclic Saanen goats.

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    Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), August, 2014, Natal, RN, Brazil. Abstracts

    Diagonal-unitary 2-designs and their implementations by quantum circuits

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    We study efficient generations of random diagonal-unitary matrices, an ensemble of unitary matrices diagonal in a given basis with randomly distributed phases for their eigenvalues. Despite the simple algebraic structure, they cannot be achieved by quantum circuits composed of a few-qubit diagonal gates. We introduce diagonal-unitary tt-designs and present two quantum circuits that implement diagonal-unitary 22-designs with the computational basis in NN-qubit systems. One is composed of single-qubit diagonal gates and controlled-phase gates with randomized phases, which achieves an exact diagonal-unitary 22-design after applying the gates on all pairs of qubits. The number of required gates is N(N1)/2N(N-1)/2. If the controlled-Z gates are used instead of the controlled-phase gates, the circuit cannot achieve an exact 22-design, but achieves an ϵ\epsilon-approximate 22-design by applying gates on randomly selected pairs of qubits. Due to the random choice of pairs, the circuit obtains extra randomness and the required number of gates is at most O(N2(N+log1/ϵ))O(N^2(N+\log1/\epsilon)). We also provide an application of the circuits, a protocol of generating an exact 22-design of random states by combining the circuits with a simple classical procedure requiring O(N)O(N) random classical bits.Comment: Revised, 22 pages + Appendix, 3 figures; major revision from v2; presentation is improved in v4; v5 is a published versio

    Assessment of luteal function in Toggenburg goats by computer-assisted image analysis.

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    Edição dos proceedings da Annual Conference or the International Embryo Transfer Society, San Diego, California, 2009