15 research outputs found

    Incorporating Genomics and Bioinformatics across the Life Sciences Curriculum

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    Undergraduate life sciences education needs an overhaul, as clearly described in the National Research Council of the National Academies’ publication BIO 2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists. Among BIO 2010’s top recommendations is the need to involve students in working with real data and tools that reflect the nature of life sciences research in the 21st century [1]. Education research studies support the importance of utilizing primary literature, designing and implementing experiments, and analyzing results in the context of a bona fide scientific question [1–12] in cultivating the analytical skills necessary to become a scientist. Incorporating these basic scientific methodologies in undergraduate education leads to increased undergraduate and post-graduate retention in the sciences [13–16]. Toward this end, many undergraduate teaching organizations offer training and suggestions for faculty to update and improve their teaching approaches to help students learn as scientists, through design and discovery (e.g., Council of Undergraduate Research [www.cur.org] and Project Kaleidoscope [ www.pkal.org])

    Serotonergic Contribution to Boys' Behavioral Regulation

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    Animal and human adult studies reveal a contribution of serotonin to behavior regulation. Whether these findings apply to children is unclear. The present study investigated serotonergic functioning in boys with a history of behavior regulation difficulties through a double-blind, acute tryptophan supplementation procedure.Participants were 23 boys (age 10 years) with a history of elevated physical aggression, recruited from a community sample. Eleven were given a chocolate milkshake supplemented with 500 mg tryptophan, and 12 received a chocolate milkshake without tryptophan. Boys engaged in a competitive reaction time game against a fictitious opponent, which assessed response to provocation, impulsivity, perspective taking, and sharing. Impulsivity was further assessed through a Go/No-Go paradigm. A computerized emotion recognition task and a staged instrumental help incident were also administered.Boys, regardless of group, responded similarly to high provocation by the fictitious opponent. However, boys in the tryptophan group adjusted their level of responding optimally as a function of the level of provocation, whereas boys in the control group significantly decreased their level of responding towards the end of the competition. Boys in the tryptophan group tended to show greater perspective taking, tended to better distinguish facial expressions of fear and happiness, and tended to provide greater instrumental help to the experimenter.The present study provides initial evidence for the feasibility of acute tryptophan supplementation in children and some effect of tryptophan supplementation on children's behaviors. Further studies are warranted to explore the potential impact of increased serotonergic functioning on boys' dominant and affiliative behaviors

    Violent Onset Offenders: Do Initial Experiences Shape Criminal Career Dimensions?

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    Research on criminal careers has increased in scope and sophistication over the past 15 years. One interesting aspect of criminal career research concerns the role of offending onset and whether it influences other criminal career dimensions. Although most prior research in this area has been concerned with the timing of offending onset, few studies have addressed whether the nature of initial offending shapes future criminal activity. The current study examines this issue for violence using data drawn from a sample of youthful offenders in Queensland, Australia. The key question addressed is whether offenders who onset with violence have distinct criminal career dimensions from offenders whose initial offending involves nonviolence. Specifically, the study examines whether violent onset offenders have more frequent, chronic, serious, and persistent criminal careers. Moreover, we explore whether this relationship is influenced by the timing of onset (early vs. late). Implications are discussed in light of current theories and research on criminal careers.Arts, Education & Law Group, School of Criminology and Criminal JusticeNo Full Tex