7,805 research outputs found

    Regge trajectories and quarkonium spectrum from a first principle Salpeter equation

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    We compute the heavy-heavy, light-light and light-heavy quarkonium spectrum starting from a first principle Salpeter equation obtained in a preceding paper. We neglect spin-orbit structures and exclude from our treatment the light pseudoscalar states which in principle would require the use of the full Bethe-Salpeter equation due to the chiral symmetry breaking problem. For the rest we find an overall good agreement with the experimental data. In particular for the light-light case we find straight Regge trajectories with the right slope and intercepts. The strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s, the string tension σ\sigma occurring in the potential and the heavy quark masses are taken from the heavy quarkonium semirelativistic fit with only a small rearrangement. The light quark masses are set equal to baricentral value of the current quark masses as reported by the particle data group. For what concerns the light-light and the light-heavy systems the calculation is essentially parameter free.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, revtex.st

    The Dirac operator spectrum: a perturbative approach

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    By computing the Dirac operator spectrum by means of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory, we aim at throwing some light on the widely accepted picture for the mechanism which is behind the Bank-Casher relation. The latter relates the chiral condensate to an accumulation of eigenvalues in the low end of the spectrum. This can be in turn ascribed to the usual mechanism of repulsion among eigenvalues which is typical of quantum interactions. First results appear to confirm that NSPT can indeed enable us to inspect a huge reshuffling of eigenvalues due to quantum repulsion.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; talk presented at the 27th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2009), Beijing, China, 26-31 Jul 200

    High-loop perturbative renormalization constants for Lattice QCD (III): three-loop quark currents for Iwasaki gauge action and n_f=4 Wilson fermions

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    This is the third of a series of papers on three-loop computation of renormalization constants for Lattice QCD. Our main point of interest are results for the regularization defined by Iwasaki gauge action and n_f=4 Wilson fermions. Our results for quark bilinears renormalized according to the RI'-MOM scheme can be compared to non-perturbative results. The latter are available for Twisted Mass QCD: being defined in the chiral limit, renormalization constants must be the same. We also address more general problems. In particular, we discuss a few methodological issues connected to summing the perturbative series such as the effectiveness of Boosted Perturbation Theory and the disentanglement of irrelevant and finite volume contributions. Discussing these issues we consider ont only the new results of this paper, but also those for the regularization defined by tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action and n_f=2 Wilson fermions, which we presented in a recent paper of ours. We finally comment to which extent the techniques we put at work in the NSPT context can provide a fresher look into the lattice version of the RI'-MOM scheme.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, pdflatex The Section on different ways of summing the series has been updated: a few extra informations have been provided and a clearer notation has been introduce

    Nanostructuring of glass micro-nanowires

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    In the past decade, glass fiber tapers with micron or sub-micron diameter have attracted much attention and found a wide range of applications in optics [1] including mode filtering, supercontinuum generation, high-Q resonators and resonant sensing, optical trapping and optical propulsion. Nanofabrication can add new application opportunities, like Fabry-Perot resonators, Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) probe and surface plasmon resonators

    Effective field theories for baryons with two- and three-heavy quarks

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    Baryons made of two or three heavy quarks can be described in the modern language of non-relativistic effective field theories. These, besides allowing a rigorous treatment of the systems, provide new insight in the nature of the three-body interaction in QCD.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; published versio

    High loop renormalization constants for Wilson fermions/Symanzik improved gauge action

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    We present the current status of our computation of quark bilinear renormalization constants for Wilson fermions and Symanzik improved gauge action. Computations are performed in Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory. Volumes range from 10^4 to 32^4. Renormalization conditions are those of the RI'-MOM scheme, imposed at different values of the physical scale. Having measurements available at several momenta, irrelevant effects are taken into account by means of hypercubic symmetric Taylor expansions. Finite volumes effects are assessed repeating the computations at different lattice sizes. In this way we can extrapolate our results to the continuum limit, in infinite volume.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, talk presented at the 27th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2009), Beijing, China, 26-31 Jul 200

    Heavy Quarkonium in a weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma below the melting temperature

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    We calculate the heavy quarkonium energy levels and decay widths in a quark-gluon plasma, whose temperature T and screening mass m_D satisfy the hierarchy m alpha_s >> T >> m alpha_s^2 >> m_D (m being the heavy-quark mass), at order m alpha_s^5. We first sequentially integrate out the scales m, m alpha_s and T, and, next, we carry out the calculations in the resulting effective theory using techniques of integration by regions. A collinear region is identified, which contributes at this order. We also discuss the implications of our results concerning heavy quarkonium suppression in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure