46 research outputs found

    Excitatory-inhibitory balance within EEG microstates and resting-state fMRI networks: assessed via simultaneous trimodal PET-MR-EEG imaging

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    The symbiosis of neuronal activities and glucose energy metabolism is reflected in the generation of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) signals. However, their association with the balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition (E/I-B), which is closely related to the activities of glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and the receptor availability (RA) of GABAA and mGluR5, remains unexplored. This research investigates these associations during the resting state (RS) condition using simultaneously recorded PET/MR/EEG (trimodal) data. The trimodal data were acquired from three studies using different radio-tracers such as, [11C]ABP688 (ABP) (N = 9), [11C]Flumazenil (FMZ) (N = 10) and 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) (N = 10) targeted to study the mGluR5, GABAA receptors and glucose metabolism respectively. Glucose metabolism and neuroreceptor binding availability (non-displaceable binding potential (BPND)) of GABAA and mGluR5 were found to be significantly higher and closely linked within core resting-state networks (RSNs). The neuronal generators of EEG microstates and the fMRI measures were most tightly associated with the BPND of GABAA relative to mGluR5 BPND and the glucose metabolism, emphasising a predominance of inhibitory processes within in the core RSNs at rest. Changes in the neuroreceptors leading to an altered coupling with glucose metabolism may render the RSNs vulnerable to psychiatric conditions. The paradigm employed here will likely help identify the precise neurobiological mechanisms behind these alterations in fMRI functional connectivity and EEG oscillations, potentially benefitting individualised healthcare treatment measures

    mGluR5 receptor availability is associated with lower levels of negative symptoms and better cognition in male patients with chronic schizophrenia

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    Consistent findings postulate disturbed glutamatergic function (more specifically a hypofunction of the ionotropic NMDA receptors) as an important pathophysiologic mechanism in schizophrenia. However, the role of the metabotropic glutamatergic receptors type 5 (mGluR5) in this disease remains unclear. In this study, we investigated their significance (using [11 C]ABP688) for psychopathology and cognition in male patients with chronic schizophrenia and healthy controls. In the patient group, lower mGluR5 binding potential (BPND ) values in the left temporal cortex and caudate were associated with higher general symptom levels (negative and depressive symptoms), lower levels of global functioning and worse cognitive performance. At the same time, in both groups, mGluR5 BPND were significantly lower in smokers (F[27,1] = 15.500; p = .001), but without significant differences between the groups. Our findings provide support for the concept that the impaired function of mGluR5 underlies the symptoms of schizophrenia. They further supply a new perspective on the complex relationship between tobacco addiction and schizophrenia by identifying glutamatergic neurotransmission-in particularly mGluR5-as a possible connection to a shared vulnerability. Keywords: chronic schizophrenia; cognition; mGluR5 receptor; negative symptoms; positron emission tomography

    Bias evaluation and reduction in 3D OP-OSEM reconstruction in dynamic equilibrium PET studies with 11C-labeled for binding potential analysis

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    Iterative image reconstruction is widely used in positron emission tomography. However, it is known to contribute to quantitation bias and is particularly pronounced during dynamic studies with 11C-labeled radiotracers where count rates become low towards the end of the acquisition. As the strength of the quantitation bias depends on the counts in the reconstructed frame, it can differ from frame to frame of the acquisition. This is especially relevant in the case of neuro-receptor studies with simultaneous PET/MR when a bolus-infusion protocol is applied to allow the comparison of pre- and post-task effects. Here, count dependent changes in quantitation bias may interfere with task changes. We evaluated the impact of different framing schemes on quantitation bias and its propagation into binding potential (BP) using a phantom decay study with 11C and 3D OP-OSEM. Further, we propose a framing scheme that keeps the true counts per frame constant over the acquisition time as constant framing schemes and conventional increasing framing schemes are unlikely to achieve stable bias values during the acquisition time range. For a constant framing scheme with 5 minutes frames, the BP bias was 7.13±2.01% (10.8% to 3.8%) compared to 5.63±2.85% (7.8% to 4.0%) for conventional increasing framing schemes. Using the proposed constant true counts framing scheme, a stabilization of the BP bias was achieved at 2.56±3.92% (3.5% to 1.7%). The change in BP bias was further studied by evaluating the linear slope during the acquisition time interval. The lowest slope values were observed in the constant true counts framing scheme. The constant true counts framing scheme was effective for BP bias stabilization at relevant activity and time ranges. The mean BP bias under these conditions was 2.56±3.92%, which represents the lower limit for the detection of changes in BP during equilibrium and is especially important in the case of cognitive tasks where the expected changes are low

    Automated Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation for Treatment Response Assessment Using Amino Acid PET.

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    Evaluation of metabolic tumor volume (MTV) changes using amino acid PET has become an important tool for response assessment in brain tumor patients. MTV is usually determined by manual or semiautomatic delineation, which is laborious and may be prone to intra- and interobserver variability. The goal of our study was to develop a method for automated MTV segmentation and to evaluate its performance for response assessment in patients with gliomas. Methods: In total, 699 amino acid PET scans using the tracer O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-l-tyrosine (18F-FET) from 555 brain tumor patients at initial diagnosis or during follow-up were retrospectively evaluated (mainly glioma patients, 76%). 18F-FET PET MTVs were segmented semiautomatically by experienced readers. An artificial neural network (no new U-Net) was configured on 476 scans from 399 patients, and the network performance was evaluated on a test dataset including 223 scans from 156 patients. Surface and volumetric Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) were used to evaluate segmentation quality. Finally, the network was applied to a recently published 18F-FET PET study on response assessment in glioblastoma patients treated with adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapy for a fully automated response assessment in comparison to an experienced physician. Results: In the test dataset, 92% of lesions with increased uptake (n = 189) and 85% of lesions with iso- or hypometabolic uptake (n = 33) were correctly identified (F1 score, 92%). Single lesions with a contiguous uptake had the highest DSC, followed by lesions with heterogeneous, noncontiguous uptake and multifocal lesions (surface DSC: 0.96, 0.93, and 0.81 respectively; volume DSC: 0.83, 0.77, and 0.67, respectively). Change in MTV, as detected by the automated segmentation, was a significant determinant of disease-free and overall survival, in agreement with the physician's assessment. Conclusion: Our deep learning-based 18F-FET PET segmentation allows reliable, robust, and fully automated evaluation of MTV in brain tumor patients and demonstrates clinical value for automated response assessment