12 research outputs found

    Overview of the publically available tumor data sets, used in this study.

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    *<p> <i>one sample was excluded from this study due to a hypermutated profile caused by chemotherapeutic treatment.</i></p><p> <i>CN: copy number; GE: gene expression.</i></p

    PPV plot of the fitSNP strategy for the combined tumor entities.

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    <p>A PPV plot for the fitSNP strategy, performed on the mutation data of all combined tumor entities, in function of different prioritization value cut-offs.</p

    The number of mutated genes in relation to a certain number of top-ranked genes.

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    <p>Mutation plots showing the amount of genes that need to be sequenced (y-axis) in order to find a certain number of mutated genes (depicted on the x-axis), for the six different tumor types. A: colon cancer; B: pancreas cancer; C: breast cancer; D: ovarian cancer: E: glioblastoma; F: medulloblastoma.</p

    Additional file 3: Figure S3. of High-throughput PCR assay design for targeted resequencing using primerXL

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    Design performance when using amplicon sizes optimized for FFPE samples. Barplots showing target coverage percentages for 31 genes – totaling 242,939 nucleotides – using 80–200, 200–300 and 80–300 basepair design size ranges. (PDF 330 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of High-throughput PCR assay design for targeted resequencing using primerXL

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    Impact of assay features on sequencing coverage in project 1. Scatter plots of the assay sequencing coverage in function of A) the Gibbs free energy, B) the amplicon length and C) the amplicon GC content. Cumulative percentage plots of the assay sequencing coverage in function of D) the secondary structure content in primer annealing sites and E) the assay specificity level. Pearson correlation values and p values were calculated using the R functions cor() and ks.test() (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) respectively. (PDF 795 kb

    Survival of NB patients by <i>CASP8</i> D302H status.

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    <p>Raw <i>P</i>-value is calculated by Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) test.</p><p><i>q</i>-value is the adjusted <i>p</i>-value after Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction.</p><p>Censored: The patient was alive or did not have an event until the last date of follow-up.</p><p>MNA: <i>MYCN</i>-amplified.</p><p>MNN: <i>MYCN</i> not amplified.</p><p>Survival of NB patients by <i>CASP8</i> D302H status.</p

    Distribution of caspase-8 expression by <i>CASP8</i> D302H.

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    <p>Raw <i>P</i>-value is calculated by Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test.</p><p><i>q</i>-value is the adjusted <i>p</i>-value after Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction.</p><p>Distribution of caspase-8 expression by <i>CASP8</i> D302H.</p

    Overall and event-free survival of NB patients by <i>CASP8</i> SNP D302H.

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    <p>Comparison of Kaplan-Meier survival curves between different genotypes of <i>CASP8</i> SNP D302H. Overall survival of <i>MYCN</i>-amplified NB patients (<b>A</b>), event-free survival of <i>MYCN</i>-amplified NB patients (<b>B</b>). Raw <i>P</i>-values were calculated by the log rank test. <i>q</i>-values are adjusted <i>p</i>-values after Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction.</p